argus-clients: funny command line parsing

Wolfgang Barth wob at
Thu Sep 20 14:13:25 EDT 2007


I've updated my argus-clients to 3.0.0-rc.55. Now my ragraph scripts won't
work anymore. I think the problem is in the command line argument parsing
of all argus client:

1) ra -r argus.log - ip
=> works

2) ra -r argus.log -t 2007/09/20 - ip
error: invalid time range startime_t 1190239200 lasttime_t -1
ra[17563]: 2007-09-20 19:59:47 time syntax error 2007/09/20-ip

It doesn't matter which filter you use, in this case -t eats the following
'-'. But:

3)  ra -t 2007/09/20 -r /var/log/argus/argus.log - ip
=> works

If -t 2007/09/20 is followed by another ra-option, -t works as expected.

4) ra -r argus.log -t 2007/09/20.10-11 - ip
=> works

If -t get a from-to specification, the problem disappears. You should
terminate parsing an argument for -t if there is a space, not depended of a
following ra-option.

I don't know why argus uses a self defined, manual coded command line
parsing and not a standard long getopt routine (with -- as terminator to
interpreting command line options).

I prefere a common standard syntax like 

   ra -s stime,saddr,daddr -r argus.log -- <filter>

or better:

   ra --fields=stime,saddr,daddr --input=argus.log --filter='<filter spec>'

instead of 

  ra -s stime saddr daddr -r argus.log - <filter>

The argus way is much more difficult to parse and harder to debug.

<wob (at) swobspace de> *

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