radium closes connection after rebooting argus sensors

Wolfgang Barth wob at swobspace.de
Tue May 22 08:53:23 EDT 2007

Hey Carter,

> I have a new argus-clients up on the server that fixes your problem.
> Basically, it was a feature, rather than a bug, but now its a feature
> that doesn't stop retrying, regardless of the failure type.  Give it
> a try, and if its not what you're looking for, yell!!!!!

I've tested a bit around, it works very well. Thank you.

I didn't understand why this should be a feature. In a large network
environment there is always the posibility to loose temporary the network
connection, i.e. booting a router after security update (firewall in my
case). I think you have implemented the two important cases: aborting in
the case of a broken connection (option -p), or always trying to connect
(default). But there is no difference between restarting argus  on a sensor
or rebooting an intermediate switch or router.

Okay, theoretical discussion. It now works for me and argus is a very
helpful software suite for watching networks. Thank you very much for this
great tool(s).

<wob (at) swobspace de> * http://www.swobspace.de

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