src_bytes and dst_bytes files

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at
Wed Jun 20 08:44:41 EDT 2007

Are people using racluster to replace the original flow files to combine
"forgotten" tcp connections (and save space). Or do most people use it in
a reporting only fashion?

If you are replacing your original files what is the criteria you are using?


> If argus times out a long lived TCP connection, because it was idle, it
> will "forget" that it saw the SYN/SYNACK volley, and when the next packet
> comes by, the src and dst assignments may get reversed.  The '?' can be
> used to help to remind you that this condition may exist.  Racluster()
> will match, correct and merge these types of record correctly, by default.
> With argus including this info in all the TCP records, you can use the
> filter "syn and synack" to assure that the records you are processing are
> healthy flows, and that the src and dst objects represent the server and
> client relationships.  Now with these relationships known, you can analyze
> for whether the service is a producer or consumer (did the initiator push
> data or did it get data?) etc ......
> Now, there is a lot of TCP traffic out there that is used for scanning, so
> seeing a few packets with a '?' in the dir field may represent discovery
> packets.  Also Windows has a habit of sending very late closing packets,
> like resets and fins, hours after the TCP has been closed.  So the '?' is
> not an uncommon indicator, and seeing it is very useful!!

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