netflow on clients.63?

Carter Bullard carter at
Tue Dec 18 10:16:12 EST 2007

Hey Peter,
Oh now I see.  I'll try to get something out today for this.
As we get to where we want radium() to support netflow and argus
record sources  simultaneously, I may modify the command-line.
Right now the -C sez all sources will be cisco.  I'll try to weave that
in as well (may make for an easier fix for this problem).


On Dec 15, 2007, at 3:36 PM, Peter Van Epp wrote:

> 	Part of the problem seems to be that the supplied IP address doesn't
> get used to set up the socket:
> (gdb) s
> ArgusGetServerSocket (input=0xf7f48008, timeout=5) at ./ 
> argus_client.c:2146
> 2146       struct addrinfo *hp = input->host;
> (gdb) l
> ...
> 2258             int type = SOCK_DGRAM;
> 2259             if ((s = socket (AF_INET, type, 0)) >= 0) {
> 2260                struct sockaddr_in server;
> 2261                bzero(&server, sizeof(server));
> 2262
> 2263                if (input->addr.s_addr != 0)
> 2264                   server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(input- 
> >addr.s_addr);
> 2265                else
> 2266                   server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
> 2267
> 	we select INADDR_ANY because input->addr.s_addr is indeed 0 (because
> the host IP is in input->host and not input->addr.s_addr):
> (gdb) print *input
> $7 = {qhdr = {nxt = 0x0, prv = 0x0, queue = 0x0, lasttime = {
>      tv_sec = 1197749045, tv_usec = 669322}, logtime = {tv_sec = 0,
>      tv_usec = 0}}, queue = 0x0, index = -1, mode = 16, fd = -1, in  
> = 0,
>  out = 0, offset = 0, major_version = 3, minor_version = 0, status =  
> 16,
>  host = 0x101f5138, addr = {s_addr = 0}, ostart = -1, ostop = -1,
>  portnum = 1025, hostname = 0x0, filename = 0x0, file = 0x0, pipe =  
> 0x0,
>  ArgusLocalNet = 0, ArgusNetMask = 0, ArgusID = 0, ArgusIDType = 0,
>  ArgusStartTime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, ArgusLastTime = {tv_sec  
> = 0,
>    tv_usec = 0}, ArgusTimeDrift = 0, ArgusMarInterval = 0, statbuf = {
>    st_dev = 0, st_ino = 0, st_mode = 0, st_nlink = 0, st_uid = 0,  
> st_gid = 0,
>    st_rdev = 0, __pad2 = 0, st_size = 0, st_blksize = 0, st_blocks =  
> 0,
>    st_atim = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 0}, st_mtim = {tv_sec = 0,  
> tv_nsec = 0},
>    st_ctim = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 0}, __unused4 = 0, __unused5 = 0},
>  ArgusBufferLen = 0, ArgusReadBuffer = 0x0, ArgusConvBuffer = 0x0,
>  ArgusReadPtr = 0x0, ArgusConvPtr = 0x0, ArgusReadBlockPtr = 0x0,
>  ArgusReadSocketCnt = 0, ArgusReadSocketSize = 0,  
> ArgusReadSocketState = 0,
>  ArgusReadCiscoVersion = 0, ArgusReadSocketNum = 0, ArgusReadSize = 0,
>  ArgusCiscoNetFlowParse = 0, ArgusInitCon = {hdr = {type = 180 '4',
>      cause = 16 '\020', len = 32}, ar_un = {mar = {status = 0,
>        argusid = 3849399755, localnet = 0, netmask = 0,
>        nextMrSequenceNum = 0, startime = {tv_sec = 1197749045,  
> tv_usec = 0},
>        now = {tv_sec = 1197749045, tv_usec = 0}, major_version = 3  
> '\003',
>        minor_version = 0 '\0', interfaceType = 0 '\0',
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>        interfaceStatus = 0 '\0', reportInterval = 0, argusMrInterval  
> = 0,
>        pktsRcvd = 0, bytesRcvd = 0, drift = 0, records = 0, flows = 0,
>        dropped = 0, queue = 0, output = 0, clients = 0, bufs = 0,  
> bytes = 0,
>        suserlen = 0, duserlen = 0, pad = {0, 0, 0}, thisid = 0,
>        record_len = 4294967295}, far = {flow = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0',
>            subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual  
> = 0 '\0',
>                len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, flow_un = {ipv6 = {
>              ip_src = {3849399755, 0, 0, 0}, ip_dst = {1197749045, 0,
>                1197749045, 0}, ip_p = 3, blank = 0, flow = 0, sport  
> = 0,
>              dport = 0}, ip = {ip_src = 3849399755, ip_dst = 0,
>              ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', sport = 0, dport = 0, pad  
> = 0},
>            mac = {ehdr = {ether_dhost = "eq-K\000",
>                ether_shost = "\000\000\000\000\000", ether_type = 0},
>              dsap = 0 '\0', ssap = 0 '\0'}, icmpv6 = {ip_src =  
> {3849399755,
>                0, 0, 0}, ip_dst = {1197749045, 0, 1197749045, 0},  
> ip_p = 3,
>              blank = 0, flow = 0, type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', id =  
> 0},
>            icmp = {ip_src = 3849399755, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0',
>              tp_p = 0 '\0', type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', id = 0,  
> ip_id = 0},
>            igmpv6 = {ip_src = {3849399755, 0, 0, 0}, ip_dst =  
> {1197749045, 0,
>                1197749045, 0}, ip_p = 3, blank = 0, flow = 0, type =  
> 0 '\0',
>              code = 0 '\0', pad = 0}, igmp = {ip_src = 3849399755,
>              ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', type = 0 '\0',
>              code = 0 '\0', pad = 0, ip_id = 0}, espv6 = {ip_src = {
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>                3849399755, 0, 0, 0}, ip_dst = {1197749045, 0,  
> 1197749045, 0},
>              ip_p = 3, blank = 0, flow = 0, spi = 0}, esp = {
>              ip_src = 3849399755, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p =  
> 0 '\0',
>              pad = 0, spi = 0}, arp = {hrd = 58737, pro = 11723,
>              hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', op = 0, arp_spa = 0,  
> arp_tpa = 0,
>              haddr = {{ethernet = "Gd35\000",
>                  ib =  
> "Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000\000\003", '\0' <repeats 14  
> times>, ieee1394 = "Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000",
>                  framerelay = "Gd35", tokenring = "Gd35\000", arcnet  
> = "G",
>                  fiberchannel = "Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35",
>                  atm =  
> "Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000\000\003\000\000"}}}, rarp =  
> {hrd = 58737, pro = 11723, hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', op = 0,
>              arp_tpa = 0, shaddr = {{ethernet = "\000\000\000\000Gd",
>                  ib =  
> "\000 
> \000 
> \000 
> \000Gd35 
> \000 
> \000 
> \000 
> \000Gd35\000\000\000\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
>                  ieee1394 =  
> "\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35",
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000Gd", arcnet = "",
>                  fiberchannel = "\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000",
>                  atm =  
> "\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000"}}, dhaddr =  
> {{ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000", ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                  ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                  fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                  atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, iarp = {pro =  
> 58737,
>              hln = 45 '-', pln = 203 'K', arp_spa = 0, arp_tpa = 0,  
> haddr = {{
>                  ethernet = "\000\000\000\000Gd",
>                  ib =  
> "\000 
> \000 
> \000 
> \000Gd35 
> \000 
> \000 
> \000 
> \000Gd35\000\000\000\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
>                  ieee1394 =  
> "\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35",
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000Gd", arcnet = "",
>                  fiberchannel = "\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000",
>                  atm =  
> "\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000\000Gd35\000\000\000"}}}, larp =  
> {arp_spa = 3849399755, arp_tpa = 0,
>              etheraddr = "\000\000\000\000\000", pad = 0}, lrarp = {
>              arp_tpa = 3849399755, srceaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>              tareaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000"}, fragv6 = {ip_src = {
>                3849399755, 0, 0, 0}, ip_dst = {1197749045, 0,  
> 1197749045, 0},
>              ip_p = 3, resv = 0, flow = 0, ip_id = 0}, frag = {
>              ip_src = 3849399755, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p =  
> 0 '\0',
>              pad = {0, 0}, ip_id = 0}}}}}}, ArgusManStart = {hdr = {
>      type = 0 '\0', cause = 0 '\0', len = 0}, ar_un = {mar = {status  
> = 0,
>        argusid = 0, localnet = 0, netmask = 0, nextMrSequenceNum = 0,
>        startime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, now = {tv_sec = 0,  
> tv_usec = 0},
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>        major_version = 0 '\0', minor_version = 0 '\0',
>        interfaceType = 0 '\0', interfaceStatus = 0 '\0',  
> reportInterval = 0,
>        argusMrInterval = 0, pktsRcvd = 0, bytesRcvd = 0, drift = 0,
>        records = 0, flows = 0, dropped = 0, queue = 0, output = 0,
>        clients = 0, bufs = 0, bytes = 0, suserlen = 0, duserlen = 0,  
> pad = {
>          0, 0, 0}, thisid = 0, record_len = 0}, far = {flow = {hdr = {
>            type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data =  
> 0}, vl8 = {
>                qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}},  
> flow_un = {
>            ipv6 = {ip_src = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0},  
> ip_p = 0,
>              blank = 0, flow = 0, sport = 0, dport = 0}, ip =  
> {ip_src = 0,
>              ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', sport = 0,  
> dport = 0,
>              pad = 0}, mac = {ehdr = {ether_dhost =  
> "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                ether_shost = "\000\000\000\000\000", ether_type = 0},
>              dsap = 0 '\0', ssap = 0 '\0'}, icmpv6 = {ip_src = {0,  
> 0, 0, 0},
>              ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, blank = 0, flow = 0,
>              type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', id = 0}, icmp = {ip_src =  
> 0,
>              ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', type = 0 '\0',
>              code = 0 '\0', id = 0, ip_id = 0}, igmpv6 = {ip_src =  
> {0, 0, 0,
>                0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, blank = 0, flow  
> = 0,
>              type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', pad = 0}, igmp = {ip_src  
> = 0,
>              ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', type = 0 '\0',
>              code = 0 '\0', pad = 0, ip_id = 0}, espv6 = {ip_src =  
> {0, 0, 0,
>                0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, blank = 0, flow  
> = 0,
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>              spi = 0}, esp = {ip_src = 0, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0',
>              tp_p = 0 '\0', pad = 0, spi = 0}, arp = {hrd = 0, pro =  
> 0,
>              hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', op = 0, arp_spa = 0,  
> arp_tpa = 0,
>              haddr = {{ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                  ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                  ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                  fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                  atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, rarp = {hrd = 0,  
> pro = 0,
>              hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', op = 0, arp_tpa = 0, shaddr  
> = {{
>                  ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                  ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                  ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                  fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                  atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}, dhaddr = {{
>                  ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                  ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                  ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>                  fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                  atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, iarp = {pro = 0,
>              hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', arp_spa = 0, arp_tpa = 0,  
> haddr = {{
>                  ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                  ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                  ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                  framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                  tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                  fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                  atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, larp = {arp_spa =  
> 0,
>              arp_tpa = 0, etheraddr = "\000\000\000\000\000", pad =  
> 0},
>            lrarp = {arp_tpa = 0, srceaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>              tareaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000"}, fragv6 = {ip_src =  
> {0, 0, 0,
>                0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, resv = 0, flow =  
> 0,
>              ip_id = 0}, frag = {ip_src = 0, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0  
> '\0',
>              tp_p = 0 '\0', pad = {0, 0}, ip_id = 0}}}}}},
>  ArgusOriginal = 0xf7f48570, ArgusGenerateRecordStructBuf = {qhdr = {
>      nxt = 0x0, prv = 0x0, queue = 0x0, lasttime = {tv_sec = 0,  
> tv_usec = 0},
>      logtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, status = 0, dsrindex = 0,
>    trans = 0, timeout = 0, idle = 0, bins = 0x0, htblhdr = 0x0,
>    hinthdr = 0x0, nsq = 0x0, input = 0x0, dsrs = {0x0 <repeats 19  
> times>},
>    correlates = 0x0, hdr = {type = 0 '\0', cause = 0 '\0', len = 0},  
> canon = {
>      hdr = {type = 0 '\0', cause = 0 '\0', len = 0}, flow = {hdr = {
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>          type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},  
> vl8 = {
>              qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}},  
> flow_un = {
>          ipv6 = {ip_src = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p  
> = 0,
>            blank = 0, flow = 0, sport = 0, dport = 0}, ip = {ip_src  
> = 0,
>            ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', sport = 0,  
> dport = 0,
>            pad = 0}, mac = {ehdr = {ether_dhost =  
> "\000\000\000\000\000",
>              ether_shost = "\000\000\000\000\000", ether_type = 0},
>            dsap = 0 '\0', ssap = 0 '\0'}, icmpv6 = {ip_src = {0, 0,  
> 0, 0},
>            ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, blank = 0, flow = 0,
>            type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', id = 0}, icmp = {ip_src = 0,
>            ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', type = 0 '\0',
>            code = 0 '\0', id = 0, ip_id = 0}, igmpv6 = {ip_src = {0,  
> 0, 0,
>              0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, blank = 0, flow = 0,
>            type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', pad = 0}, igmp = {ip_src = 0,
>            ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0', tp_p = 0 '\0', type = 0 '\0',
>            code = 0 '\0', pad = 0, ip_id = 0}, espv6 = {ip_src = {0,  
> 0, 0,
>              0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, blank = 0, flow = 0,
>            spi = 0}, esp = {ip_src = 0, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0',
>            tp_p = 0 '\0', pad = 0, spi = 0}, arp = {hrd = 0, pro = 0,
>            hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', op = 0, arp_spa = 0, arp_tpa  
> = 0,
>            haddr = {{ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>                framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, rarp = {hrd = 0,  
> pro = 0,
>            hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', op = 0, arp_tpa = 0, shaddr =  
> {{
>                ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}, dhaddr = {{
>                ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
>                framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, iarp = {pro = 0,
>            hln = 0 '\0', pln = 0 '\0', arp_spa = 0, arp_tpa = 0,  
> haddr = {{
>                ethernet = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>                ib = '\0' <repeats 31 times>,
>                ieee1394 = '\0' <repeats 15 times>,
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>                framerelay = "\000\000\000",
>                tokenring = "\000\000\000\000\000", arcnet = "",
>                fiberchannel = '\0' <repeats 11 times>,
>                atm = '\0' <repeats 19 times>}}}, larp = {arp_spa = 0,
>            arp_tpa = 0, etheraddr = "\000\000\000\000\000", pad = 0},
>          lrarp = {arp_tpa = 0, srceaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>            tareaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000"}, fragv6 = {ip_src =  
> {0, 0, 0,
>              0}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, ip_p = 0, resv = 0, flow = 0,
>            ip_id = 0}, frag = {ip_src = 0, ip_dst = 0, ip_p = 0 '\0',
>            tp_p = 0 '\0', pad = {0, 0}, ip_id = 0}}}, trans = {hdr = {
>          type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},  
> vl8 = {
>              qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, srcid  
> = {{
>            value = 0, ipv4 = 0}}, seqnum = 0}, time = {hdr = {type =  
> 0 '\0',
>          subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual =  
> 0 '\0',
>              len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, src = {start =  
> {tv_sec = 0,
>            tv_usec = 0}, end = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, dst =  
> {start = {
>            tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, end = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec =  
> 0}}},
>      encaps = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl  
> = {
>              data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {
>              len = 0}}}, src = 0, dst = 0}, attr = {hdr = {type = 0  
> '\0',
>          subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual =  
> 0 '\0',
>              len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, src = {ttl = 0 '\0',
>          tos = 0 '\0', ip_id = 0, options = 0}, dst = {ttl = 0 '\0',
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>          tos = 0 '\0', ip_id = 0, options = 0}}, metric = {hdr = {
>          type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},  
> vl8 = {
>              qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, src = {
>          pkts = 0, bytes = 0, appbytes = 0}, dst = {pkts = 0, bytes  
> = 0,
>          appbytes = 0}}, net = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0  
> '\0',
>          dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0  
> '\0'},
>            vl16 = {len = 0}}}, net_union = {tcpinit = {status = 0,
>            seqbase = 0, options = 0, win = 0, flags = 0 '\0',
>            winshift = 0 '\0'}, tcpstatus = {status = 0, src = 0 '\0',
>            dst = 0 '\0', pad = "\000"}, tcp = {status = 0, state = 0,
>            options = 0, synAckuSecs = 0, ackDatauSecs = 0, src =  
> {lasttime = {
>                tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, status = 0, seqbase = 0,  
> seq = 0,
>              ack = 0, winnum = 0, bytes = 0, retrans = 0, ackbytes =  
> 0,
>              state = 0, win = 0, winbytes = 0, flags = 0 '\0',
>              winshift = 0 '\0'}, dst = {lasttime = {tv_sec = 0,  
> tv_usec = 0},
>              status = 0, seqbase = 0, seq = 0, ack = 0, winnum = 0,
>              bytes = 0, retrans = 0, ackbytes = 0, state = 0, win = 0,
>              winbytes = 0, flags = 0 '\0', winshift = 0 '\0'}}, icmp  
> = {
>            icmp_type = 0 '\0', icmp_code = 0 '\0', iseq = 0,  
> osrcaddr = 0,
>            odstaddr = 0, isrcaddr = 0, idstaddr = 0, igwaddr = 0},  
> icmpv6 = {
>            icmp_type = 0 '\0', icmp_code = 0 '\0', cksum = 0}, rtp = {
>            state = 0, src = {rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_p = 0 '\0', rh_x =  
> 0 '\0',
>              rh_cc = 0 '\0', rh_mark = 0 '\0', rh_pt = 0 '\0',  
> rh_seq = 0,
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>              rh_time = 0, rh_ssrc = 0}, dst = {rh_ver = 0 '\0',
>              rh_p = 0 '\0', rh_x = 0 '\0', rh_cc = 0 '\0', rh_mark =  
> 0 '\0',
>              rh_pt = 0 '\0', rh_seq = 0, rh_time = 0, rh_ssrc = 0},
>            sdrop = 0, ddrop = 0, ssdev = 0, dsdev = 0}, rtcp = {src  
> = {
>              rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_p = 0 '\0', rh_rc = 0 '\0', rh_pt =  
> 0 '\0',
>              rh_len = 0, rh_ssrc = 0}, dst = {rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_p  
> = 0 '\0',
>              rh_rc = 0 '\0', rh_pt = 0 '\0', rh_len = 0, rh_ssrc = 0},
>            sdrop = 0, ddrop = 0}, igmp = {igmp_type = 0 '\0',
>            igmp_code = 0 '\0', igmp_group = 0, jdelay = {tv_sec = 0,
>              tv_usec = 0}, ldelay = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, dhcp  
> = {
>            respaddr = 0}, esp = {status = 0, spi = 0, lastseq = 0,
>            lostseq = 0}, arp = {respaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000",  
> pad = 0},
>          ah = {src_spi = 0, dst_spi = 0, src_replay = 0, dst_replay  
> = 0},
>          frag = {fragnum = 0, frag_id = 0, totlen = 0, currlen = 0,
>            maxfraglen = 0, pad = 0}}}, mac = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0',
>          subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual =  
> 0 '\0',
>              len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, mac_union = {ether =  
> {ehdr = {
>              ether_dhost = "\000\000\000\000\000",
>              ether_shost = "\000\000\000\000\000", ether_type = 0},
>            dsap = 0 '\0', ssap = 0 '\0'}}}, vlan = {hdr = {type = 0  
> '\0',
>          subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual =  
> 0 '\0',
>              len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, sid = 0, did = 0},  
> mpls = {
>        hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data  
> = 0},
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>            vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}},
>        slabel = 0, dlabel = 0}, icmp = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0',
>          subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual =  
> 0 '\0',
>              len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, icmp_type = 0 '\0',
>        icmp_code = 0 '\0', iseq = 0, osrcaddr = 0, odstaddr = 0,
>        isrcaddr = 0, idstaddr = 0, igwaddr = 0}, agr = {hdr = {type  
> = 0 '\0',
>          subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual =  
> 0 '\0',
>              len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, count = 0,  
> laststartime = {
>          tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, lasttime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec =  
> 0},
>        act = {n = 0, minval = 0, meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval =  
> 0}, idle = {
>          n = 0, minval = 0, meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval = 0}},  
> cor = {
>        hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data  
> = 0},
>            vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}},  
> srcid = {{
>            value = 0, ipv4 = 0}}, deltaDur = 0, deltaStart = 0,
>        deltaLast = 0}, jitter = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0  
> '\0',
>          dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0  
> '\0'},
>            vl16 = {len = 0}}}, act = {src = {n = 0, minval = 0,  
> meanval = 0,
>            stdev = 0, maxval = 0}, dst = {n = 0, minval = 0, meanval  
> = 0,
>            stdev = 0, maxval = 0}}, idle = {src = {n = 0, minval = 0,
>            meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval = 0}, dst = {n = 0, minval  
> = 0,
>            meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval = 0}}}, psize = {hdr = {
>          type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},  
> vl8 = {
>              qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, src = {
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>          psizemin = 0, psizemax = 0}, dst = {psizemin = 0, psizemax  
> = 0}},
>      cocode = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl  
> = {
>              data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {
>              len = 0}}}, src = "\000", dst = "\000"}, data = {hdr = {
>          type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},  
> vl8 = {
>              qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, size  
> = 0,
>        count = 0, array = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}}, srate = 0,
>    drate = 0, sload = 0, dload = 0, dur = 0, avgdur = 0, sploss = 0,
>    dploss = 0, offset = 0},
>  ArgusOriginalBuffer = '\0' <repeats 262143 times>,
>  ArgusSrcUserData = '\0' <repeats 65535 times>,
>  ArgusDstUserData = '\0' <repeats 65535 times>}
> (gdb)
> Peter Van Epp / Operations and Technical Support
> Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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