IPv6 question

Richard Bejtlich taosecurity at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 23:20:49 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,

This may be operator error.  This is the first time I've tried Argus
monitoring IPv6.

I'm using argus-clients-3.0.0.rc.42 and argus-3.0.0.rc.42 on FreeBSD 6.1.

I have a segment that is IPv6-only, which has a host gaining
connectivity to the IPv6 Internet via a Teredo gateway as outlined


Argus is watching the link between the IPv6-only host and the Teredo gateway.

To generate some traffic I do the following:

1. SSH from the gateway to the host.
2. FTP from the host to ftp.freebsd.org and retrieve a file.

Argus is only seeing 1, but none of the actions associated with 2.
Both 1 and 2 are IPv6.

I tried doing these tests with a live Argus and then with Argus
reading a trace of the activity.  Here is what ra reports:

# /usr/local/argus-3.0.0.rc.42/sbin/argus -r /nsm/ipv6.test.1.lpc -w

# /usr/local/argus-clients-3.0.0.rc.42/bin/ra -n -r /nsm/ipv6.test.1.lpc.arg
   23:08:05.764764             tcp fe80::200:d1ff:fe*.62593     ->
fe80::204:5aff:fe*.22           27       23         4373         5997

If you'd like to look at the traffic, I posted it here:


Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?  I looked through the list
archives but nothing jumped out at me.

Thank you,


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