Outstanding issues

Eric Pancer eric-list-argus at catastrophe.net
Mon Sep 25 11:30:27 EDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 11:11:15 -0400, Carter Bullard wrote...

>    chroot() approaches assume that privileges are used only at
>    initialization.  What if you need to regain privileges at a later
>    time?

Hello Carter, et al,

Long time away from the list for me. We evaluated Arbor's PeakFlow, but then
turned it down as it was becoming too security-centric and not just a flow

>    Are there discussions as to how to approach this?  We can't go back,
>    and any strategy that would allows us to do so, even virtually,
>    is open for exploitation, as the markov analysis will show.
>    I can live with reality, whatever the outcome, but if someone has
>    an acceptable approach that would allow us to get back privileges
>    temporarily, when chroot is used, I'd like to know about it.

I can tell you this: OpenBSD has figured out how to do privilege-separation
and privilege-revocation, and it seems they have a good structure to use.
Niels Provos did a lot of the work back in 2002. Check out these slides:


They're just using a model in which the parent process handles all the tasks
that require elevated privileges, and hands everything off to the child
by means of a pipe.

tcpdump on OpenBSD also is using privsep, and it seems that argus could take
advantage of this too, since all argus really needs to do is open up a bpf
device. The source for this is available here under a BSD-license.


Here's some other interesting information (speaking of which, wasn't David
Brumley on this mailing list at one point?):


Anyway - I think it's a great idea if it can be done with small effort.

- Eric

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