minor include issues

MN mnewton at stanford.edu
Tue Sep 19 20:39:21 EDT 2006

Hi - minor points for rc29 clients:

1: rastrip.c does not use rastrip.h, but there is a rastrip.h.  It 
   should probably be deleted.

2: the includes near the start of rastrip.c should probably not be:

    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include <rabins.h>
    #include <argus_util.h>
    #include <argus_client.h>
    #include <argus_main.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <ctype.h>

, but rather:

    #include "unistd.h"
    #include "stdlib.h"

    #include <rabins.h>
    #include <argus_util.h>
    #include <argus_client.h>
    #include <argus_main.h>
    #include "signal.h"
    #include "ctype.h"

- mike

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