rc.12 on the server

Carter Bullard carter at qosient.com
Mon Jun 26 12:53:55 EDT 2006

Gentle people,
    argus-3.0.rc.12, both server and client, are on the server.  We've
made a lot of changes, hopefully taking care of much of the outstanding
issues on the mailing list.  The primary focus of this update is  
support, and a huge change is the elimination of obsolete fields, and
corrections.   Of particular note, "startime" and "lasttime" have been
replaced with "stime" and "ltime" in all programs.

    There is a new rarc file that incorporates all the variable name
changes, of particular note "RA_PRINT_HOSTNAMES" has been
redefined to "RA_PRINT_NAMES" and has new option values.

    Some mods to aclocal.m4 for better tcpwrapper discovery support.
    Just to name a few of the mods.

    There are patches that did not make this list, such as client
argument passing support, which I need to think about, but most
are in.

    Please take a look at these releases to see that things are still
working for you.  Again, if there are any issues, don't hesitate to
get them on the list.


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