
Peter Van Epp vanepp at
Wed Jul 19 23:28:56 EDT 2006

	OK, time to admit defeat :-). The llc protocol conversion still isn't
correct and I believe I know why, but fixing it eludes me :-). The port number
fields are also different and I don't know about them yet. On the bright side,
application bytes appears to work fine (I butchered 2.0.6 to print both for
comparison) and most other things other than direction and loss are now pretty
good (igmp looks to have issues though). I still need to figure out how to 
make the 2.0.6 ra not seg fault on rarp packets (which tends to stop accurate
comparison :-)) and figure out what to do with loss. This now has src dst 
asrc adst byte counts: (91109284,4268909325,4536920,4094057421 here) and 
supresses blanks in the user data fields (a 2.0.6 bug) to keep the noise down.

line: 1 fields in error: dir,
,3014688,1349763.500,63242928.000,2764.107,5582.740,0,0,, vd

line: 2 fields in error: dir,
,1493083,63258144.000,1350202.375,5584.489,2764.896,0,0,, vs

state TIM CON

line: 6 fields in error: state,dir,
.229.29,tcp,26635,1069,0,0,128,0,2448,0,882,0,27,0,21.148,0.000,0.029,0.000,0,0,, v       ,0:12:3f:98:40:82,0:11:88:5:5d:1d,?>,,,CON,s[4]=":/A.",,

dloss 66.6667 0
state TIM ACC

line: 13 fields in error: state,dloss,dir,
7.122.203, vd      ,0:11:43:c1:b3:3f,0:11:88:5:5d:1d,->,,,ACC,,,0,17316,18866,,,

dloss 100.0000 0

line: 14 fields in error: dloss,
203, v       ,0:11:43:c1:b3:3f,0:11:88:5:5d:1d,->,,,ECO,s[16]="...S....ABCDEFGH"


	(this one incidentally looks legit, its a VMS host doing decnet 
although as we see the protocol translation is incorrect in V3).

sport 0 *
dport 0 *
srate 213333333.33 213333328.000
state CON INT

line: 198 fields in error: srate,state,dport,proto,sport,
97.122.203, v       ,0:e0:63:8d:49:e9,ab:0:0:2:0:0,->,,,INT,s[16]="<............


	(more on this one below, but IPV6 is being misclassified in V3)

sport 0 *
dport 0 *

line: 305 fields in error: dport,proto,sport,
3, v       ,0:d:93:59:17:0,33:33:ff:59:17:0,->,,,INT,s[16]="`.... ..........",,,


	and more than 12,000 records down before our first igmp problem :-)
so we are getting much closer! Ports are probably a 2.0.6 bug, but the IPID
in V3 looks incorrect too.

sport 22
dport 0
state CON INT

line: 12585 fields in error: state,dport,sipid,sport,
3, v       ,0:60:1d:f1:42:a,1:0:5e:0:0:9,->,,,INT,s[16]="................",,,,24

	Now for the protocol translation problem (I'll attach v6.argus because
its harmless Mac router solicitations):

./ v6.argus
sport 0 *
dport 0 *

line: 1 fields in error: dport,proto,sport,
1151432430.851467,1151432483.530842,1,52.679375,52.679375,0:11:24:a6:a:8e,33:33:0:0:0:2,well,*,*,,,,,296,0,224,0,4,0,44.951,0.000,0.076,0.000,0,0,, v       ,0:11:24:a6:a:8e,33:33:0:0:0:2,->,,,INT,,,,,1,,,0x0286,,,

sport 0 *
dport 0 *

line: 2 fields in error: dport,proto,sport,
1151432430.363967,1151432480.138400,1,49.774433,49.774433,0:d:93:45:95:de,33:33:0:0:0:2,well,*,*,,,,,740,0,560,0,10,0,118.937,0.000,0.201,0.000,0,0,, v       ,0:d:93:45:95:de,33:33:0:0:0:2,->,,,INT,,,,,2,,,0x0214,,,


The problem looks to be here in argus_util.c:

*** 13296,13302 ****

                          bcopy ((char *)&mac2->phys_union.ether.ethersrc,(char *)&mac->mac_union.ether.ehdr.ether_shost, 6);
                          bcopy ((char *)&mac2->phys_union.ether.etherdst,(char *)&mac->mac_union.ether.ehdr.ether_dhost, 6);
!                         mac->mac_union.ether.ehdr.ether_type = ntohs(mac2->status & 0xFFFF);

                          dsr += mac->hdr.argus_dsrvl8.len;
                          argus->hdr.len += mac->hdr.argus_dsrvl8.len;
--- 13296,13302 ----

                          bcopy ((char *)&mac2->phys_union.ether.ethersrc,(char *)&mac->mac_union.ether.ehdr.ether_shost, 6);
                          bcopy ((char *)&mac2->phys_union.ether.etherdst,(char *)&mac->mac_union.ether.ehdr.ether_dhost, 6);
!                         mac->mac_union.ether.ehdr.ether_type = argus2->ahdr.status & 0xFFFF;

  i.e. argus2->ahdr.status & 0xFFFF contains the correct ethertype in the 
case of (for instance) IPV6 of 34525, but by the time we make ArgusPrintProto
while it is correct in one header it is still the incorrect 33024 in the 
header we are going to print from (and I don't know if the change above would
break something else):

Breakpoint 2, ArgusPrintProto (parser=0x81ce000, buf=0x80aba3c "",
    argus=0x81ce0d0) at ./argus_util.c:2488
2488       bzero (protoStrBuf, 16);
(gdb) s
2490       if (argus->hdr.type & ARGUS_MAR) {
2495          if (((flow = &argus->canon.flow) != NULL)) {
2496             switch (flow->hdr.subtype & 0x3F) {
2498                   struct ArgusNetworkStruct *net = (struct ArgusNetworkStruct *)argus->dsrs[ARGUS_NETWORK_INDEX];
2500                   if (net && (net->hdr.subtype == ARGUS_RTP_FLOW))
2503                   if (net && (net->hdr.subtype == ARGUS_RTCP_FLOW))
2506                      switch ((flow->hdr.argus_dsrvl8.qual & 0x7F)) {
2539                            eproto = flow->mac_flow.ehdr.ether_type;
2540                            protoStr = protoStrBuf;
(gdb) print eproto
$2 = 33024
(gdb) print *argus
$3 = {qhdr = {nxt = 0x0, prv = 0x0, queue = 0x0, lasttime = {tv_sec = 0,
      tv_usec = 0}, logtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, status = 0,
  dsrindex = 8287, trans = 0, timeout = 0, idle = 0, bins = 0x0,
  htblhdr = 0x0, nsq = 0x0, hdr = {type = 20 '\024', cause = 32 ' ',
    len = 34}, dsrs = {0x81ce188, 0x81ce15c, 0x81ce194, 0x81ce1cc, 0x81ce278,
    0x0, 0x81ce340, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81ce32c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
    0x0}, canon = {hdr = {type = 20 '\024', cause = 32 ' ', len = 34}, flow = {
      hdr = {type = 2 '\002', subtype = 1 '\001', dsr_un = {fl = {
            data = 1283}, vl8 = {qual = 3 '\003', len = 5 '\005'}, vl16 = {
            len = 1283}}}, flow_un = {ipv6 = {ip_src = {13107, 285213184,
            2383062564, 33024}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, flow = 0, blank = 0,
          ip_p = 0, sport = 0, dport = 0}, ip = {ip_src = 13107,
          ip_dst = 285213184, ip_p = 36 '$', tp_p = 166 '&', sport = 36362,
          dport = 33024, pad = 0}, mac = {ehdr = {
            ether_dhost = "33\000\000\000\002",
            ether_shost = "\000\021$&\n\216", ether_type = 33024},
          dsap = 0 '\0', ssap = 0 '\0'}, icmpv6 = {ip_src = {13107, 285213184,
            2383062564, 33024}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, flow = 0, blank = 0,
          ip_p = 0, type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0', id = 0}, icmp = {
          ip_src = 13107, ip_dst = 285213184, ip_p = 36 '$', tp_p = 166 '&',
          type = 10 '\n', code = 142 '\216', id = 33024, ip_id = 0}, igmpv6 = {
          ip_src = {13107, 285213184, 2383062564, 33024}, ip_dst = {0, 0, 0,
            0}, flow = 0, blank = 0, ip_p = 0, type = 0 '\0', code = 0 '\0',
          pad = 0}, igmp = {ip_src = 13107, ip_dst = 285213184, ip_p = 36 '$',
          tp_p = 166 '&', type = 10 '\n', code = 142 '\216', pad = 33024,
          ip_id = 0}, espv6 = {ip_src = {13107, 285213184, 2383062564, 33024},
          ip_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, flow = 0, blank = 0, ip_p = 0, spi = 0},
        esp = {ip_src = 13107, ip_dst = 285213184, ip_p = 36 '$',
          tp_p = 166 '&', pad = 36362, spi = 33024}, arp = {arp_spa = 13107,
          arp_tpa = 285213184, etheraddr = "$&\n\216\000\201", pad = 0},
        rarp = {arp_tpa = 13107, srceaddr = "\000\002\000\021$&",
          tareaddr = "\n\216\000\201\000"}, frag = {ip_src = 13107,
          ip_dst = 285213184, ip_p = 36 '$', tp_p = 166 '&', pad = {36362,
            33024}, ip_id = 0}}}, trans = {hdr = {type = 1 '\001',
        subtype = 2 '\002', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 769}, vl8 = {
            qual = 1 '\001', len = 3 '\003'}, vl16 = {len = 769}}}, srcid = {
        value = 3848370891}, seqnum = 1}, time = {hdr = {type = 3 '\003',
        subtype = 2 '\002', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 1304}, vl8 = {
            qual = 24 '\030', len = 5 '\005'}, vl16 = {len = 1304}}}, src = {
        start = {tv_sec = 1151432430, tv_usec = 851467}, end = {
          tv_sec = 1151432483, tv_usec = 530842}}, dst = {start = {tv_sec = 0,
          tv_usec = 0}, end = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}}, attr = {hdr = {
        type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {
            qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, src = {
        ttl = 0 '\0', tos = 0 '\0', ip_id = 0, options = 0}, dst = {
        ttl = 0 '\0', tos = 0 '\0', ip_id = 0, options = 0}}, metric = {hdr = {
        type = 16 '\020', subtype = 4 '\004', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 3332},
          vl8 = {qual = 4 '\004', len = 13 '\r'}, vl16 = {len = 3332}}},
      src = {pkts = 4, bytes = 296, appbytes = 224}, dst = {pkts = 0,
        bytes = 0, appbytes = 0}}, net = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0',
        subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0',
            len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, net_union = {tcp = {status = 0,
          state = 0, options = 0, synAckuSecs = 0, ackDatauSecs = 0, src = {
            lasttime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, status = 0, seqbase = 0,
            seq = 0, ack = 0, winnum = 0, bytes = 0, retrans = 0,
            ackbytes = 0, state = 0, win = 0, winbytes = 0, flags = 0 '\0',
            winshift = 0 '\0'}, dst = {lasttime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0},
            status = 0, seqbase = 0, seq = 0, ack = 0, winnum = 0, bytes = 0,
            retrans = 0, ackbytes = 0, state = 0, win = 0, winbytes = 0,
            flags = 0 '\0', winshift = 0 '\0'}}, icmp = {icmp_type = 0 '\0',
          icmp_code = 0 '\0', iseq = 0, osrcaddr = 0, odstaddr = 0,
          isrcaddr = 0, idstaddr = 0, igwaddr = 0}, icmpv6 = {
          icmp_type = 0 '\0', icmp_code = 0 '\0', cksum = 0}, rtp = {
          state = 0, src = {rh_cc = 0 '\0', rh_x = 0 '\0', rh_p = 0 '\0',
            rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_pt = 0 '\0', rh_mark = 0 '\0', rh_seq = 0,
            rh_time = 0, rh_ssrc = 0}, dst = {rh_cc = 0 '\0', rh_x = 0 '\0',
            rh_p = 0 '\0', rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_pt = 0 '\0', rh_mark = 0 '\0',
            rh_seq = 0, rh_time = 0, rh_ssrc = 0}, sdrop = 0, ddrop = 0,
          ssdev = 0, dsdev = 0}, rtcp = {src = {rh_rc = 0 '\0', rh_p = 0 '\0',
            rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_pt = 0 '\0', rh_len = 0, rh_ssrc = 0}, dst = {
            rh_rc = 0 '\0', rh_p = 0 '\0', rh_ver = 0 '\0', rh_pt = 0 '\0',
            rh_len = 0, rh_ssrc = 0}, src_pkt_drop = 0, dst_pkt_drop = 0},
        igmp = {igmp_type = 0 '\0', igmp_code = 0 '\0', igmp_group = 0,
          jdelay = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, ldelay = {tv_sec = 0,
            tv_usec = 0}}, dhcp = {respaddr = 0}, esp = {status = 0, spi = 0,
          lastseq = 0, lostseq = 0}, arp = {respaddr = "\000\000\000\000\000",
          pad = 0}, ah = {src_spi = 0, dst_spi = 0, src_replay = 0,
          dst_replay = 0}, frag = {fragnum = 0, frag_id = 0, totlen = 0,
          currlen = 0, maxfraglen = 0, pad = 0}}}, agr = {hdr = {
        type = 96 '`', subtype = 1 '\001', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 6145},
          vl8 = {qual = 1 '\001', len = 24 '\030'}, vl16 = {len = 6145}}},
      count = 1, laststartime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, lasttime = {
        tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, act = {n = 1, minval = 52.679374694824219,
        meanval = 52.679374694824219, stdev = 0, maxval = 52.679374694824219},
      idle = {n = 0, minval = 0, meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval = 0}},
    jitter = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {
            data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {
            len = 0}}}, act = {src = {n = 0, minval = 0, meanval = 0,
          stdev = 0, maxval = 0}, dst = {n = 0, minval = 0, meanval = 0,
          stdev = 0, maxval = 0}}, idle = {src = {n = 0, minval = 0,
          meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval = 0}, dst = {n = 0, minval = 0,
          meanval = 0, stdev = 0, maxval = 0}}}, mac = {hdr = {type = 66 'B',
        subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 1280}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0',
            len = 5 '\005'}, vl16 = {len = 1280}}}, mac_union = {ether = {
          ehdr = {ether_dhost = "33\000\000\000\002",
            ether_shost = "\000\021$&\n\216", ether_type = 34525},
          dsap = 0 '\0', ssap = 0 '\0'}}}, vlan = {hdr = {type = 64 '@',
        subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 513}, vl8 = {qual = 1 '\001',
            len = 2 '\002'}, vl16 = {len = 513}}}, sid = 646, did = 0},
    mpls = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},
          vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, slabel = 0,
      dlabel = 0}, icmp = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {
          fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {
            len = 0}}}, icmp_type = 0 '\0', icmp_code = 0 '\0', iseq = 0,
      osrcaddr = 0, odstaddr = 0, isrcaddr = 0, idstaddr = 0, igwaddr = 0},
    svc = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0', subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0},
          vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0', len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}},
      name = '\0' <repeats 15 times>}, data = {hdr = {type = 0 '\0',
        subtype = 0 '\0', dsr_un = {fl = {data = 0}, vl8 = {qual = 0 '\0',
            len = 0 '\0'}, vl16 = {len = 0}}}, size = 0, count = 0,
      array = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}}, srate = 44.9511795, drate = 0,
  sload = 0.0759310424, dload = 0, dur = 52.6793747, avgdur = 0}

Peter Van Epp / Operations and Technical Support 
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada
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