racluster memory usage

Russell Fulton r.fulton at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Aug 9 01:39:30 EDT 2006

HI Folks,
	Well, I'm converting some of my collectors over to argus 3.0 and I'm
having a few problems with replacing ragator with racluster.

I collect hourly files which are normally around 250MB and I used to run
these through ragator to collect all the records for flows together.  I
set a timeout of about 20 minutes in the flows file which kept the
memory usage bearable.

Racluster does not appear to have this option so my 250MB file ballons
to 1GB in memory and since there is just one GB of physical memory on
the box it swaps like crazy.

Any ideas about way around this?

One obvious one would be to rollover more frequently so the files are

Put another 512MB memory on the box?


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