directions and TransRefNum

nagendra modadugu nagendra at
Thu Jun 9 13:10:41 EDT 2005

(Sorry about multiple postings to the newsgroup--my mail
settings were a bit messed up).

I'm looking at the following argus traffic from this morning,
and can't make sense of flags and direction, hope someone
can help:

$ rasort -anzr -r ar-2005-06-09.09 -M saddr - src port 49353 and dst port 22
09 Jun 05 08:03:48  d     tcp    X.X.X.X.49353  ->    Y.Y.Y.Y.ssh   146      108       15170        18233  sSE
09 Jun 05 08:06:02        tcp    X.X.X.X.49353  ->    Y.Y.Y.Y.ssh   24       14        2104         2876   sSE
09 Jun 05 08:19:19        tcp    X.X.X.X.49353  ?>    Y.Y.Y.Y.ssh   5        4         410          1872   E
09 Jun 05 08:40:04        tcp    X.X.X.X.49353  ?>    Y.Y.Y.Y.ssh   5        3         410          1094   E
09 Jun 05 08:41:09        tcp    X.X.X.X.49353  ?>    Y.Y.Y.Y.ssh   39       25        3294         5290   E

(1) Why do the first two records both have 'sSE' flags set even
    though pertain to the same connection?  (8:03 is when this
    connection was started--there are no previous records for this
(2) For what reasons would the direction be ambiguous in remaining
(3) My understanding is that multiple records from one flow are
    linked together by 'TransRefNum' values.  How long are do argus
    keep this state around?  Perhaps a new TransRefNum was assigned
    to the record in line 3, which would explain it's ambiguous

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