[ARGUS] BSD argus/Linux ra problems?

Michael Sanderson sanders at cs.ubc.ca
Fri Nov 19 14:28:25 EST 2004

I recall reading about problems with interoperability between BSD argus and 
Linux ra (or perhaps the other way around).  I'm now in this situation and, 
having read through the archives on gmane.org, can't determine whether or not 
there is a fix.  Does 2.0.6.fixes.1 solve this problem or are there additional 
patches?  Does anyone know if I can get away with 2.0.6.fixes.1 on only one 
system or does it need to be both?

Michael Sanderson                   sanders at cs.ubc.ca
UBC Computer Science		http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/sanders/
					604 822 6194

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