[ARGUS] argus 2.0.6 on Fedora Core 2

Mike Iglesias iglesias at draco.acs.uci.edu
Sun Jul 18 22:12:25 EDT 2004

> FWIW, I was independently trying to compile on some FC2 boxes with the
> same problem in the last hour - should read the list more frequently.
> Sigh.
> Grabbing the latest libpcap sources had the same problem. It _appears_ to
> my ignorant eyes that the change is actually in the libpcap sources. If
> that helps?

That looks like it - the 0.7.2 sources install bpf.h in /usr/include/net,
and the 0.8.1 sources put pcap-bpf.h in /usr/include.

Mike Iglesias                          Email:       iglesias at draco.acs.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine       phone:       949-824-6926
Network & Academic Computing Services  FAX:         949-824-2069

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