[ARGUS] QoS Analysis with Argus

James Lever j.lever at uq.edu.au
Wed Jul 14 17:41:42 EDT 2004

Hi Carter,

Thanks for your detailed response.

ragraph's going well except the issue I posted about a while back 
regarding the ra option of gateway ip xx.xx.xx.xx which rahistogram 
doesn't seem to like.  I got around it by a nasty (saddr ip ... and not 
daddr ip ...) or (daddr ip ... and not saddr ip ...) type argument.

Trying to regenerate some graphs of retransmission, I'm seeing the 

$ /usr/local/bin/ragraph retrans saddr -title 'All Traffic - 
retrans_saddr' -n -M 1m -width 1280 -r argus.2004-02-09-04:02.bz2 -w 
/home/jamver/Argus/ragraph/2004-02-09-04:02/retrans_saddr-all-1m.gif -
usage: /usr/local/bin/ragraph metric (srcid | proto [daddr] | dport) 
[-title "title"] [ra-options]
/usr/local/bin/ragraph: unable to create `/tmp/fileDjatUT.rrd': you 
must define at least one Data Source

Also, what arguments does one need to use to graph window sizes?


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