new argus release 2.0.6 on dev/argus-2.0

Dietmar Goldbeck goldbeck at
Mon Feb 16 23:38:13 EST 2004

On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:02:41PM -0500, Carter Bullard wrote:
> Gentle People,
> So the final release candidate is on the dev server, finally.
> Please, if you have time, take this for a spin,

Could you please check the URL or the upload. I get 
ERROR 404: Not Found.



 Alles Gute / best wishes  
     Dietmar Goldbeck         E-Mail: dietmar.goldbeck at
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi): Mr Gandhi, what do you think of Western
Civilization?  Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

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