beta.13 (and beta.12) insect

Eric eric-list-argus at
Mon Aug 25 12:18:25 EDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 17:12:34 +0100, Neil Long proclaimed...

> Just a thought - are you having major icmp floods with these MS-RPC worms?
> Until we filtered them my argus collector was dropping vast amounts of 
> packets as reported
> by tcpdump and friends

Yep, we are. We had to change our argus.conf filter to not include

Is  there a way to filter out something like the following in the
argus.conf (this is what I'm using to detect the infected hosts
using tcpdump)

'icmp[icmptype]==icmp-echo && icmp[8:4]==0xAAAAAAAA &&

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