Flowfiles newbie. Hints?

John Hermes jhermes at infoglobe.com
Tue Nov 5 14:33:37 EST 2002

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to learn more about Argus, and I am not having 
much help with ragator flowfiles to get the data I want.

For instance, what would be the best way to aggregate a 
single argus file so that only one record per TCP dest port 
were generated? Then you could use rasort to see the most 
popular dest TCP protocols very easily.

I tried this config on 24 hours worth of log data hoping to 
get a single record agregating each tcp port.

Flow 100  tcp  *  *  *  200  86400  0
Model 200  tcp  no no yes

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

John Hermes
jhermes at infoglobe.com

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