ramon question

Mike Iglesias iglesias at draco.acs.uci.edu
Tue Apr 30 01:14:52 EDT 2002

I'm trying to use ramon to give me the top N users (by bytes in/out).
I was hoping it would output one set of numbers per IP address, but
I'm getting more than one record in the output file for each IP
address.  Is this the way it's supposed to work, or am I not
using it correctly?

I'm writing the output of argus to a file, and then reading the file
with ramon and writing another argus format file.  I'm using ra to
print out the data from the ramon output file.

Any suggestions?

Mike Iglesias                          Internet:    iglesias at draco.acs.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine       phone:       949-824-6926
Network & Academic Computing Services  FAX:         949-824-2069

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