FW: [tcpdump-workers] Questions to performance

Carter Bullard carter at qosient.com
Fri Nov 9 20:57:38 EST 2001

Sorry to cross post if any of you are on both the
tcpdump mailing list and the argus list.  I found this
interesting, as it has some issues with regard to
libpcap on various platforms.

I tend to use the libpcap-0.6.2 version everywhere
I install argus, but maybe I should reconsider?


Carter Bullard
QoSient, LLC
300 E. 56th Street, Suite 18K
New York, New York  10022

carter at qosient.com
Phone +1 212 588-9133
Fax   +1 212 588-9134

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-tcpdump-workers at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca
[mailto:owner-tcpdump-workers at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca] On Behalf Of Guy
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 8:34 PM
To: Breitschaft Guenther-CGB021
Cc: 'tcpdump-workers at tcpdump.org'
Subject: Re: [tcpdump-workers] Questions to performance

> Is there a simple answer like that the performance of the libpcap 
> driver does not support data rates of 100 BT Network?

That might be the answer, but there's no "the" libpcap driver - one of
the reasons for libpcap is to hide from applications the variety of
different raw-packet-capture mechanisms on different flavors of UNIX
(and, with WinPcap, the raw packet capture mechanism its developers
provide, running atop NDIS, for Windows).

Different OS's raw packet capture mechanisms might have different
traffic rates they can handle.

In all of those flavors of UNIX, except for Linux with a 2.4[.x] kernel,
the currently-available packet capture mechanisms involve at least one
copy of the packet data from the OS kernel to user mode; some of them
may involve more.  The 2.4[.x] kernel provides a memory-mapped packet
capture mechanism which might reduce the number of copies; the current
libpcap from tcpdump.org doesn't use that mechanism, but some other
versions of libpcap do.

On some of those flavors of UNIX, libpcap can obtain a count of packets
dropped from the packet capture mechanism because libpcap, or the
application using it, didn't consume the packets fast enough; these

	the BSDs

	Linux, with a 2.4[.x] kernel (or the right patches to a 2.2[.x]
	kernel) *and* the current CVS version of libpcap, or the 0.7
	beta version of libpcap, from tcpdump.org (and some other

	systems with DLPI and the "bufmod" STREAMS module (Solaris and
	possibly AIX)

	Digital UNIX

On those OSes, tcpdump, if you run it with the "-w" flag to write
captured packets to a file, should report, when you stop the capture by
interrupting tcpdump with control-C (or whatever your interrupt
character is), the number of packets dropped.  The number will be
reported in an "N packets dropped by kernel" message.

You can also use "pcap_stats()" in your application.

Note that "tcpdump -w" will consume both CPU time and bus bandwidth, and
disk bandwidth, and disk-arm movement, and so on writing to the capture
file; you could write to "/dev/null" by doing "-w /dev/null", which
would eliminate most of that overhead, letting you factor it out.
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