argus-clients-2.0.1.alpha.6 is now available

Carter Bullard carter at
Wed Jun 20 15:46:34 EDT 2001

Gentle people,
is now available.  This release finishes the port of ratop and
ragrep to Solaris.   If you have any problems, please send
me a note!!

Please take a look at ragraph() if you can.  With rrdtool
installed, ragraph() will generate a gif based graph
in /tmp/ragraph.gif of packet load for the data that
ragraph see's.  Just use ragraph() like you would ra().
The specific options that ragraph supports are:

  -M [minutes | hours | days | weeks | years]

to specify what you want to be the minimum granularity
of the data.  The default is seconds.  So for instance if
you want to graph an entire weeks worth of TCP packet
data originating from net 128.3 as an example, try:

   ragraph -r inputfiles* -M minute - tcp and src net 128.3

The result will be in /tmp/ragraph.gif.

This goes a bit faster than doing it by the default
interval of a second, as a weeks worth of seconds is a bunch.
Actually doing it using "-M hour" may be better.

ragraph() likes the "-t timerange" option, so that if you
want to graph all the activity between 12:00 and 1:00,
ragraph knows what to do, so:

   ragraph -r inputfiles* -t 12-13

Again the result will be in /tmp/ragraph.gif.  I'm working
on making it more flexible, but just trying this out will
be a big help!!!!

so do give it a try.  Suggestions are very much solicited!!!!

Carter Bullard
QoSient, LLC
300 E. 56th Street, Suite 18K
New York, New York  10022

carter at
Phone +1 212 588-9133
Fax   +1 212 588-9134 

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