[MyAppleMenu] Apr 6, 2014

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Apr 6 18:59:01 EDT 2014


*** Time For iOS Device Spring Cleaning: How To Replace Your Old Apps With New Ones ***
Geoffrey Geotz, GigaOM

> Nothing can compare to the fresh start that comes with erasing and restoring your iOS device back to its original configuration. But before you start reinstalling all of your old apps again, consider some alternatives first.

*** How To Prepare A Drive For Use In OS X ***
Topher Kessler, MacIssues

> In most cases, manufacturers ship drives formatted to the FAT32 filesystem, since this format is universally supported in Windows, OS X, Linux, among other popular operating systems and devices. Even though FAT32 is a convenient format, it is limited in features, including no permissions support, file sizes limited to 4GiB, and the inability to use Apple’s CoreStorage technology for features like encryption.

*** The Guilt Of The Video-game Millionaires ***
Simon Parkin, New Yorker

> One night in March, 2013, Rami Ismail and his business partner Jan Willem released a game for mobile phones called Ridiculous Fishing. Ismail, who was twenty-four at the time and who lives in the Netherlands, woke the following morning to find that the game had made him tens of thousands of dollars overnight. His first reaction was not elation but guilt. His mother, who has a job in local government, had already left for work. “Ever since I was a kid I’ve watched my mom wake up at six in the morning, work all day, come home, make my brother and me dinner—maybe shout at me for too much ‘computering,’ ” he said. “My first thought that day was that while I was asleep I’d made more money than she had all year. And I’d done it with a mobile-phone game about shooting fish with a machine gun.”

MyAppleMenu Reader

*** Millennials Just Don’t Get It! How The Muppets Created Generation X ***
Elizabeth Hyde Stevens, Salon

> The Muppets shaped "30 Rock," Jimmy Fallon, "The Office," Zadie Smith -- and gave Gen X license to change the world.

*** Peter Matthiessen’s Homegoing ***
Jeff Himmelman, New York Times

> He has spent much of his career going back in time — up to ancient villages in the remote reaches of the Himalayas, out to the vast plains of Africa in search of the roots of man — but now time has caught up to him. He’s 86, and for the last 15 months he has been countering leukemia with courses of chemotherapy. You can still see the intensity in his long, serious face and clear blue eyes, but there is an unexpected softness to him as he pads back toward the living room in an old sweater and stockinged feet. His latest novel, “In Paradise,” is being promoted by his publisher as his “final word,” but Matthiessen doesn’t want to talk about the book or his career in those terms. He has no desire for sympathy points. Though he did not want to dwell on it, he acknowledged that his medical situation was “precarious,” and a few weeks after our two days together his health would decline to the point that he had to be admitted to a hospital, with family standing by. It gave our conversations the feeling of stolen time.

*** Big Data: Are We Making A Big Mistake? ***
Tim Harford, Financial Times

> Unfortunately, these four articles of faith are at best optimistic oversimplifications. At worst, according to David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at Cambridge university, they can be “complete bollocks. Absolute nonsense.”


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