[MyAppleMenu] Mar 30, 2013

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Mar 30 18:59:01 EDT 2013

**** Password Denied: When Will Apple Get Serious About Security? ****
Tim Carmody, The Verge

**** Bump Your Stalking Skills With Custom Geofences In Apple’s Find My Friends ****
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

**** iMessage Denial Of Service ‘Prank’ Spams Users Rapidly With Messages, Crashes iOS Messages App ****
Matthew Panzarino, The Next Web

> Over the last couple of days, a group of iOS developers has been targeted with a series of rapid-fire texts sent over Apple’s iMessage system. The messages, likely transmitted via the OS X Messages app using a simple AppleScript, rapidly fill up the Messages app on iOS or the Mac with text, forcing a user to constantly clear both notifications and messages.

**** Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Begins New Campaign To Bring Editors Back ****
Joseph Keller, IMore

> Apple has updated its Final Cut Pro X, Motion, and Compressor applications, coinciding with the launch of a new campaign to bring former Final Cut Pro users back to the software. Final Cut Pro X now supports Sony’s XAVC codec up to 4K resolution, along with ProRes Logic C from ARRI ALEXA cameras. There have been a number of other tweaks and fixes. Motion and Compressor have also had numerous bugs fixed.

**** Bugs & Fixes: OS X Recent Items Glitch ****
Ted Landau, Macworld

**** 2 Letters From Steve ****
David Gelphman

> At many keynotes Steve said: “This is why we do what we do”. And that day he was willing to let my friend be touched by what we do, even though it didn’t follow the rules. At that time in my career at Apple I was wondering about the heart of the company. This little interaction lifted my spirits greatly.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** A Crack In The Darkness ****
Fiona Maazel, New York Times

> That old dictum, write what you know? I’ve always thought that was terrible advice. Most of us don’t know much. And what we do know can feel shopworn in the retelling. Shopworn or just divested of emotional content. Sometimes, the things we’re closest to — our lives, for instance — are the very things we least want to examine with rigor.

> So I prefer: Write what you can learn about. Alternately: Write what interests you. Because it interests you for a reason, and that reason probably has to do with the rough stuff of your inner life. Put differently, writing about things you don’t know seems a useful, albeit sneaky, gateway to material you cannot access otherwise.

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