[MyAppleMenu] Mar 28, 2013

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Mar 28 18:59:00 EDT 2013

**** Frustrated With iCloud, Apple’s Developer Community Speaks Up En Masse ****
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

**** Apple Appoints Wright To Lead iAd In Europe ****
Maisie McCabe, Brand Republic

**** Unparalleled Arrogance, Undisclosed Agenda ****
V.V.V., The Economist

**** A Tale Of Two iClouds ****
Matthew Panzarino, The Next Web

> So when I say that there are two iClouds, I mean that there are two iClouds. One of them is used heavily inside Cupertino for its own services and the other is offered as a developer API and used only selectively for Apple’s own apps. I’m not here to say whether that’s right or wrong or fair or not or whatever, those are just the facts.

> And, once you dig in, iCloud for developers is far less a completely holistic solution and much more of a loose bundle of networking protocols and systems that are unified in name only. It involves so many departments and teams inside Apple that it makes for a very fragile system. If a bug crops up it could involve teams working on the OS X or iOS file system, networking, frameworks or a host of others. This makes issues hard to diagnose and even harder to fix.

**** Tips For Using The Dashboard In OS X ****
Topher Kessler, CNET

**** Why Developers Shouldn’t Use iCloud Syncing, Even If It Worked ****
Brent Simmons, Inesential.com

> Here’s the thing: half the mobile revolution is about designing and building apps for smartphones and tablets.

> The other half is about writing the web services that power those apps.

> How comfortable are you with outsourcing half your app to another company? The answer should be: not at all comfortable.

**** Talking To Siri: Remote-controlling Your Mac By Voice With Siri Listener ****
Steven Sande, TUAW

**** BBC News App Hits Version 2.0 ****
Michael Grothaus, TUAW

**** Apple Posts Job Listings For Maps Ground Truth Managers ****
Joseph Keller, IMore

> Ground truth refers to collecting mapping data locally rather than by satellite imagery or other remote means. We heard about Apple retail employees being asked to help improve Maps back in October. This, however, points to teams of people dedicated to mapping improvements.

**** BMW Integrating More iOS Apps Into Driving Experience ****
Mel Martin, TUAW

**** Gmail App Updated With Better Gestures And A New Actions Bar ****
Allyson Kazmucha, IMore

> The Gmail app for iPhone and iPad has just received an update that adds quicker message handling functionality and a new action bar for moving, deleting, and archiving mail. Among these new features, there are also bug fixes and overall performance enhancements.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Writing A Book Isn't Supposed To Be Fun ****
Rick Gekoski, The Guardian

> I'm enjoying writing this column, but the grander endeavour of a whole volume does, alas, require more sweat and worry.

**** The Science Of Monsters By Matt Kaplan: Review ****
Peter Stanford, Telegraph

> What he has grasped is that, however much the rational and sane majority airily dismiss tales of fire-breathing dragons, strange creatures from outer space or beasts that inhabit the depths, there is still buried in most of us that reflex that can't help, on a dark night, walking along a lonely country lane, wondering, “What if there’s something out there?” And when we do, the collective cultural baggage of these tales of ghosts, ghouls and griffins is usually sufficient to make us put our hands over our eyes to block out what may just be lurking out there. But, then, we still peep.

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