[MyAppleMenu] Mar 3, 2013

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Mar 3 18:59:01 EST 2013

**** Lightning To Digital AV Adapter Could Be Pushing Lower Res H.264 Because It's Not Yet Capable Of Streaming Raw HDMI ****
Rene Ritchie, IMore

**** Among Servers, Apple’s Mac Mini Quietly Gains Ground ****
Mark Hachman, Slashdot

> One thing seems clear—as the industry fiddles with lower-cost hardware to handle specialized workloads, the Mini could establish its own niche in the data center.

**** Evernote Forces Password Resets After Discovering Suspicious Hacking Activity ****
Rene Ritchie, IMore

• <a href="http://evernote.com/corp/news/password_reset.php">Security Notice: Service-wide Password Reset</a> (Evernote)

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** How To Spend 47 Hours On A Train And Not Go Crazy ****
Nathaniel Rich, New York Times

> In the United States, there are more than 100,000 train watchers, according to one estimate, a number that includes a 70-year-old retiree from Germantown, Md., named Steve King, whose first job, in 1959, was to serve as an operator for B & O Railroad. Though King identifies himself as a “transportation geek,” he doesn’t look the part: he has the crew cut, hulking build and piercing gaze of a former military man, the type of fellow who doesn’t suffer fools or Amtrak disparagers gladly. But he turns avuncular and garrulous whenever his favorite subject comes up in conversation. His train obsession has expanded his world, leading him to develop complementary interests in photography, American history and a field he calls “industrial archaeology.”

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