[MyAppleMenu] Jan 6, 2013

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Jan 6 18:59:01 EST 2013

**** Apple’s Lightning Pin Adapter Misses The Mark ****
Ted Kritsonis, The Globe And Mail

> Even two months after the adapter was finally released, there’s still confusion about what works and what doesn’t.

**** Designing A Responsive, Retina-friendly Site ****
Paul Stamatiou

**** Search Engine Tailors Results For Apple & Android Tablets ****
Michael Liedtke, Associated Press

**** Ipico Review: Projecting On The Go ****
Ted Needleman, Brighthand

**** Word 2011: Fix ‘Copy’ Command With Keyboard Maestro ****
Pierre Igot, Betalogue

> I constantly find myself having to delete this extra cruft that Word automatically adds to the plain-text alternative in the clipboard before I can submit my search request in the other applications that I use.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** ‘Be Wrong As Fast As You Can’ ****
Hugo Lindgren, New York Times

> So what am I missing? What is that elusive thing that turns some people’s daydreams into their next novel for F.S.G.?

**** Fonts Of Inspiration ****
Seth Stevenson, Slate

> When did we all become amateur typography experts? Perhaps we should credit Steve Jobs, a calligraphy buff who built a bunch of cool typeface options into early Macs. By the time I got to college, any sophomore worth her salt had firm feelings about whether Palatino or Garamond looked better on her Classic II. And any professor worth her salt knew that a term paper printed in 12-point Courier was a desperate attempt to stretch eight thin pages to the required 10.

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