[MyAppleMenu] Mar 5, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Mar 5 18:59:01 EST 2012

**** The Same Challenge Facing Ebooks And Apps ****
Frédéric Filloux, The Guardian

> Over time, the new book publishing business will look more and more like the software industry.

**** Hazel 3.0 ****
Agen G. N. Schmitz, TidBITS

**** Give Alert Sounds A Little Personality ****
Sylvester Roque, ATPM

> It’s time to add a few new sounds to the Mac. Don’t panic; we’ll do it in a way that shouldn’t affect your system’s stability at all.

**** Will Apple Create The All-iPad Classroom? ****
Sharon Noguchi, San Jose Mercury News

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Anonymous, Decentralized And Uncensored File-Sharing Is Booming ****

> In other words, it’s a true Darknet and virtually impossible to monitor by outsiders.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Giving Away My Books (I Think) ****
Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed

> Divesting oneself of cherished books at age 42 seems premature, but perhaps the digital book revolution has altered the book owning lifecourse in ways we have yet to appreciate.

**** Review: 'Extra Virginity' Exposes The World Of Olive Oil ****
Russ Parsons, Los Angeles Times

> That was my introduction to the olive oil business — the temptation to describe it as "slippery" is almost irresistible and certainly justifiable. If you're curious about just how slippery, Tom Mueller's "Extra Virginity" offers a smart, well-written crash course.

**** In A Flood Tide Of Digital Data, An Ark Full Of Books ****
David Streitfeld, New York Times

> In a wooden warehouse in this industrial suburb, the 20th century is being stored in case of digital disaster.

**** Singapore Government Tender Deadlines Extended, After SingPass Login Glitch ****
Alfred Siew, Techgoondu

**** Mandatory Weekly Rest Days For Foreign Maids ****
Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia

> To give employers time to adjust, the new law will kick in for FDW work permits issued or renewed from 1 January 2013. It will not affect existing maids until their permits are renewed after that date. By 2015, all maids will be covered by the new legislation.

**** Chen Show Mao On Social Spending: PAP MP Astonishing Outburst ****

> So when a newbie PAP MP likened Chen Show Mao’s plea for greater social spending to a Nigerian scam, it only served to confirm my views that the ruling party is out of touch.

**** Debarment Period Waived For Divorcees With Children ****
Joanne Chan, Channel NewsAsia

> Divorcees who get full custody of all children will no longer be subjected to a five-year debarment period when buying a second subsidised flat from HDB.

> However, the ex-spouse with no children will still be subjected to the five-year time bar, said Mr Khaw.

**** Toh Yi Elderly Apartments To Be Built, With Tweaks ****
Sumita Sreedharan, Today

> After taking into consideration the feedback from residents, the new 130 unit apartments will now feature a fitness corner, a new community garden and an additional 50 car park lots.

**** CPF Life Plans Refined From Four To Two ****
S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

> Giving details, CPF Board said it will be combining the desired features of the LIFE Plus and Balanced Plans into a new plan called the Standard Plan. Among the desired features of this plan include comparable payouts to the Minimum Sum Scheme, the bequest feature and the flexibility to use the Retirement Account.

**** S'poreans' Confidence In Local Job Market 'Lowest In Region' ****
Chuang Peck Ming, The Business Times

> WITH the economy slowing, Singapore's employee confidence in the local job market has dipped to the lowest in the region.

> Almost half, 46 per cent, of the workers in Singapore said there are 'not enough' job opportunities here.

**** 蓝营:新加坡经济靠中国大陆,对台低调 ****

> 国民党内人士表示,新加坡政治、国防虽依赖美国,经济上却与中国大陆关系密切,在经济现实因素考量下,对台关系只能低调、谨慎。

**** BG Tan: Why We Made 'Difficult Decision' To Build Road Through Bt Brown ****

> "The road is required for the Outer Ring Road System, so we are left with few options," said Brigadier-General (NS) Tan Chuan Jin, speaking in Parliament today at the Committee of Supply debates.

> Widening Lornie Road or building a viaduct would have damaged our Central Catchment Nature Reserve and entailed land acquisition, while a tunnel would have caused more damage to the cemetery, he told Parliament.

I'm not sure about you, but the way I read the explanation is this: we need to build this road, because our earlier plans on building roads require this road to be built.

**** Arts In Southeast Asia - Profession Or Hobby? ****
Kirsten Han, SEA Youth Say So

> Are parents finally opening up to the possibility of their kids doing artsy things as jobs? Or are my friends simply not representative of the population?

**** 台媒:台新关系或生变 台廉政署长访新加坡被要求保密 ****

> 台新关系陷入紧张,早在年初就见端倪。除了台当局“国防部长”高华柱上月密访新加坡行程曝光,遭新方扬言中断双方军事合作,上月初“廉政署长”周志荣率团访问新马考察廉政制度,也曾被新加坡当局严格要求保密。资深“外交”人士认为,台新之间若只是单纯“意见不合”,消息不会轻易浮上台面,他担心双方裂痕远比外界推测的还要严重;台新官方交流,未来恐将转往台面下。

**** Is The Govt Responsible For Welfare Or Poverty? ****
Unbranded Bread N Butter

**** Height Of Stupidity ****
Singapore Notes

> Right, try to understand the needs of the chap struggling to house and feed his family on $1,000 a month. Surely air-conditioning can't be too high on his list of priorities. The architect (and his boss who approved of the plans) who used up 2 sqm of the precious 47 sqm m of the claustrophobic two-room flat for an air-conditioning ledge must have been dropped on his head when he was a child. Either that, or he was born plain stupid.

**** $1 Tax = $4.25 Benefits: Really? ****
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

> When a small country builds up reserves to the tune of an estimated over $500 billion, it may be a clear sign that perhaps its citizens have been over-taxed and “under-benefited”.

I wonder if the 2 years of NSF are counted towards the $1 tax.

**** Mainstream Media Caught Red-handed In Deleting Unfavourable Comments On MP Vikram ****
TR Emeritus

**** Consultant To Be Appointed Soon For High Speed KL-Singapore Rail Link ****
Sharidan M. Ali, The Star

> The plan for a high speed rail (HSR) linking Kuala Lumpur and Singapore is gaining traction as it is now at a feasibility study stage.

**** 乘客心中 亿个问号 ****
李静仪, 联合早报

> 公众在接受本报记者访问时普遍表示,希望政府能规定业者在几年内不可调高车资,免得它们“吃了免费餐后又打包”。

> 此外,也有不少公众希望,交通部长吕德耀在国会拨款委员会辩论该部门开支预算时,能以浅白易懂的方式进一步解释这11亿元具体会用在哪里,以及政府接下来准备如何加强对业者的监督。

**** Lack Of Foresight In Budget Terminal Planning? ****
Lee Kwok Weng, Straits Times

> After investing millions in a building that is hardly 10 years old, it is being torn down.

The budget terminal was <a href="http://www.changiairport.com/our-business/our-terminals">opened on 26 March 2006</a>.

**** Shouldn’t Vikram Nair Tell Us If ST’s Rachael Chang Misreported Him? ****
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

> What could a reasonable man think he meant when the person read the ST’s words? A reasonable man could reasonably conclude that he was implying that ”spending money on the vulnerable was like a scam” because [the poor] “don’t have to put in any money at all, and you get more than money in return”.

In this age of free storage and almost free bandwidth, why doesn't the Singapore government put out parliament speeches and proceedings free on the Internet?

**** Really Hard To Fathom The Naive Logic Of A PAP MP ****
Harish Pillay, Life One Degree North, One-o-three Degrees East

> Frankly, I don’t understand why MP Nair is speaking up on this topic with this level of naïveté. It appears to me that the PAP (and MP Nair) are engaging in this mediocre level of debate because they clearly don’t have any credibility left.

**** My Eyebrows Rose Thrice, Part 2: Low-income Tax-payers Hit Jackpot ****
Alex Au, Yawning Bread

> Considering that Workfare for the low-income, GST rebates, baby bonus already run into hundreds and thousands of dollars per head, and housing grants into the tens of thousands, the bottom figures (averaged per year over a lifetime) aren’t that much. They certainly look less than any initial impression one might get from Tharman’s multiples of 4.0 and 1.5, which to some sounded like “pay one dollar, win four dollars.”

> As a soundbite, it was a good one. But as with all soundbites, it is worthwhile looking beyond it.

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