[MyAppleMenu] Jan 7, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Jan 7 18:59:01 EST 2012

**** Apple’s “Targeted Enhancements” ****
Fedrico Viticci, MacStories

> Developers rightfully want access to cool new features as soon as they’re available (especially when they seem such a good fit) and users are always eager to see the latest software functionalities implemented in delightful new ways, but the App Store’s ecosystem is so variegate and unique that sometimes waiting is the best option.

**** App Provides Turn-by-turn Navigation For Disney World ****
Jim Metzendorf, Macworld

> This app adds the twist of providing voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation through the park. It also offers walking route maps and provides information about different attractions, restaurants, and other points of interest.

**** Dragon Dictate For Mac ****
Jill Duffy, PC Magazine

**** iMessage Bug Swats iPhone Owners Who Switch To Android ****
Don Reisinger, CNET

> According to a growing thread in Apple's support forums, former iPhone owners that had been communicating with friends via iMessage are unable to receive any messages from those same folks when they try texting from an Android device.

**** The Limited World Of Auto-renewable Subscriptions ****
Marco Arment

> Reading between the lines on my rejection call, and seeing it codified more clearly here, it’s obvious that only traditional-style media publishing apps can use auto-renewable subscriptions. They were created solely for the existing newspaper and magazine industry, not web services.

**** Bugs & Fixes: Solving A Strange File Sharing Error ****
Ted Landau, Macworld

> Why and how did the .plist file wind up with these erroneous zero values in the first place? I have no idea. I assume it was one of those glitches that occasionally happen when upgrading OS X from one version (e.g., Snow Leopard) to another (e.g., Lion). Whatever. The good news is that, if this happens to you, it’s an easy problem to fix.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Nanoscale Wires Defy Quantum Predictions ****
Edwin Cartlidge, Nature

> Microchips could keep on getting smaller and more powerful for years to come. Research shows that wires just a few nanometres wide conduct electricity in the same way as the much larger components of existing devices, rather than being adversely affected by quantum mechanics.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** A Vocabulary For Speaking About The Future ****
Cory Doctorow, Locus Online Perspectives

> I believe that in nearly every instance where science fiction has successfully ‘‘predicted’’ a turn of events, it’s more true to say that it has inspired that turn of events. Gene Roddenberry’s set-dressers didn’t ‘‘predict’’ that Motorola’s engineers would make flip-phones that bore a more-than-passing resemblance to Star Trek’s communicators. Rather, Motorola’s engineers were trekkers.

**** The Doll's House ****
Tim Cumming, The Guardian

**** Grace By Esther Morgan – Review ****
Ben WIkinson, The Guardian

> In her unassuming third collection, shortlisted for the TS Eliot prize, Esther Morgan has collected some often dark, minutely attentive lyrics to conjure with. "Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it," said Simone Weil, and grace in all its shades – whether elegance, charm, propriety, prayer or reprieve – does just that in these rural and domestic poems; "in the stillness, everything becomes itself: / the circle of white plates on the kitchen table".

**** Why Authors Tweet ****
Anne Trubek, New York Times

> Since the 19th century, the common conception of “the author” has gone something like this: A young man, in his garret, writes furiously, crumpling up papers and throwing them on the floor, losing track of time, heedless of the public, obsessed with his own imagination. He is aloof, elusive, a man whom you know only by his writing and the portrait in his book.

**** Where Ee And PAP Failed ****
Political Writings

> While Ee consulted a variety of “experts”, disappointingly Ee did not specifically solicit feedback from opposition political parties or even their elected MP’s and NCMP’s.

> Think about it: this is an election issue, this is one reason why 40% of voters turned against you, this is the very reason you called for a review committee, yet you fail to consult the key constituents who have been calling for your pay to be cut.

**** Re-employment Act: 90 Per Cent Get Pay Cut? ****
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

> Why not have an Equal Opportunity Employment Commission like Hong Kong? Are there any countries in the world that has legislation that allows employers to cut employment terms across the board in any way, just three years before workers’ retirement at 65?

**** The Jury Is Still Out On Pay Issue ****
Andrew Loh, Publichouse.sg

> And this is worrying – that in our desire to want the best people for the job (which in itself is not a bad thing at all), we may end up hurling so much abuse that those who would serve, and indeed they may even be those whom we would want to serve, end up stepping back instead of forward – no matter how much we would pay them, or no matter how much we emphasise the laudable ideal of wanting them to serve out of public spiritedness.

**** Duty And Dollars ****
The Blue Sweather

**** Did Saw See What Was Coming? ****
Food Fuels Me To Talk

> What i mean is the revelation by SMRT chairman, Mr Koh Yong Guan, that on Dec 7 Ms Saw Phaik Hwa, SMRT’s then CEO, had spoken to him about her desire to move on during 2012, after having served nine years.

**** Thank The Gods For Singapore ****
Chew Hongjie, Sparrows And Sandcastles

> Many grumble about the high costs of living but never stop to think how much costlier it is to live in Japan, London and New York. It is erroneous to make comparisons with “cheaper” places like some of our neighbours in Southeast Asia as costs of living are rather relative to the quality of living as well. Many nag on and on about the salaries of our public ministers, even after the proposed paycuts, when they do not realise how morally upright and efficient our government is when compared to governments all over the world.

**** 新加坡政要减薪仍高薪 ****
王礼陈, 新华社

> 新加坡政府委派的一个独立委员会4日通过内阁减薪方案。按新规,总理李显龙年薪下调36%。即便如此,每年220万新元(约合169万美元)官饷仍使新加坡总理稳获全球最高薪领导人称号。

**** Singaporeans Asking For Affordable Healthcare, Too ****
The Star

> The recent announcement of free outpatient care for senior citizens in Malaysia has sparked calls for more affordable healthcare by Singaporean netizens.

**** What Do MPs Spend Their Allowances On? ****
Straits Times

> The Straits Times (ST) interviewed 10 MPs to see where their monthly allowance goes to.

Besides the 10 percent that goes to the PAP, there doesn't seem to be a standard on how the MPs get to use the MP allowance.

**** Carrefour To Stop Selling Shark's Fin Too After Current Stock Runs Out ****
Ng Kai Ling, Straits Times

> A spokesman for Carrefour told The Straits Times on Friday it will no longer sell shark's fin after its current stock runs out.

According to the Straits Times article, shark fins is still available at Sheng Song, Giant and Shop N Save. I am surprised by the latter two, since they are also owned by the same parent company as Cold Storage, which have stopped selling shark fins.

**** PAP Mood Turns Sour Over Pay Cuts ****
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

> The speed with which this sacred cow is being attacked so soon after Lee Kuan Yew’s exit has come as a surprise to some party hardliners.

> The cut implies that for more than 25 years, the ruling People’s Action Party had been excessively overpaying its leaders – allegedly to attract talent or prevent corruption.

> Today, his son – current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong – is finding that tearing down such a high massive pay structure is not so easy, because many party stalwarts have tied success to high pay.

**** My Thoughts On The Ministerial Salary Review ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind

> Cutting the high pay to "less high" is necessary to placate an increasing angry public. The anger is at a level that hinders the PAP govt ability to lead. However, reviewing the high pay without looking at the whole system that drives the demand for high pay misses the big elephant in the room. Although it is always true that good leadership can elevate a country and make life better for everyone, the PAP has pushed the idea of grooming and nurturing selected talent to a detrimental extreme.

**** By Grace, The Truth Is Out ****
Singapore Notes

> Unfortunately for us, Grace Fu is not the only misguided soul. She's simply one of many MIW following the example of her political paymaster. PM Lee Hsien Loong told BBC journalist Jonathan Head in 2009: "...these are jobs where you make decisions which are worth billions of dollars. And you cannot do that if you’re pretending and you just say, well, we’re all in it for the love of king and country."


**** 民众纷提问:议员如何用20万元津贴? ****
林慧慧, 联合早报

> 据记者向多名议员了解,他们大多表示会拨出一部分议员津贴用于选区工作或活动,不过他们一般不会设定每月需拨出的款项。受访议员所提到的一些开销就包括:出席选区内居民或基层领袖婚宴包的红包、请那些在接见选民活动上帮忙的党工或义工吃饭、出席丧礼时给帛金等。

I don't see how all these promote transparency.

**** When Foreigners Are Treated As Singaporeans ****
David Boey, Today

> This raises a broader, more worrying question: In what ways, apart from the ABSD, do our FTAs accord foreigners the same treatment as our citizens? Are they allowed to buy landed property or public flats, for instance?

> Were our Members of Parliament fully aware of such implications of the FTAs with these countries? As for the general public, I do not recall being informed.

> Finally, are there other agreements, treaties, etc, pursuant to which the Government has to treat foreign nationals the same as Singaporeans?

**** Reflections On Ministerial Pay Cuts ****
Conrad Raj, Today

> The National Bonus is based on four indicators: Real median income growth, real income growth of low-income Singaporeans, unemployment rate of citizens and real GDP growth. What then is the other performance bonus about - does this amount to double dipping?

> Do we really need the kind of politician for whom money is the real attraction, and not the honour of serving their fellow citizens and taking their country (which they should love) to greater heights? I would feel ashamed of friends who display such an attitude towards public service.

Money money money. Is it no wonder we get a bunch of managers with no vision and no leadership?

**** The Distraction Over Salaries ****

> You cannot expect a customer to pay for a “Rolls Royce” but receive a “Fiat” and be greatful for it because the neighbours in Malaysia and Indonesia only have “Proton Saga.” The customer in this case is no longer willing to be greatful that he has a car in the first place. Nor will the public accept a discounted “Rolls Royce” government performing below par. We the paying public were told that we need to pay for a “Rolls Royce” government and that’s precisely what we expect to receive.

Sounds to me more like we are paying for a back-to-the-future flying-car and we are not getting even a Rolls Royce.

**** O Captain, My Captain! ****
Harish Pillay, Life One Degree North, One-o-three Degrees East

> Parts of the train infrastructure is owned by the LTA. The business of running the trains is owned by the SMRT. So, when there is an issue, whose problem is it? Perhaps both the ministers are right in their assessments.

The regulators have no teeth (look at how the LTA totally failed to implement the bus-route balloting scheme) and the private public-transport companies have no public spirit (You can board the train, it's just that you chose not to).
Either we go totally private-run market-force system, or we nationalise the public transport service. Half-half solutions doesn't work in the long term.

**** Ministers Should Repudiate Grace Fu's Remarks ****
Singaore Democratic Party

> Just how does Ms Fu figure that she and her cabinet colleagues should command such stellar salaries? According to the Minister, people of her ilk will be more reluctant to serve the country if their salaries fall below $100,000 a month. It was about $150,000 before the cut.

> Isn't this sad? Ms Fu makes it sound like it's a real sacrifice that she earns $100,000 instead of $150,000 a month. What really is need and what is greed?

> The other ministers should repudiate Ms Fu's remarks because her words seem to imply that they feel the same way. If her colleagues in the cabinet remain quiet, it will reinforce the outlook that they are all simply doing their pluses, minuses, credits and debits.

Disgraceful to equate leadership with ability to command large salaries. Disgraceful to equate service with sacrification.

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