[MyAppleMenu] Feb 22, 2012
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Wed Feb 22 18:59:00 EST 2012
**** Apple Confirms Prineville Data Center Plans ****
Ted Taylor and Barney Lerten, KTVZ
> Tech giant Apple Inc. confirmed Tuesday to NewsChannel 21 that it plans to build a data center at a 160-acre parcel in Prineville it just bought from Crook County for $5.6 million, a stoneâs throw from the huge facility built by Facebook.
**** Ten Exciting System Changes In Mountain Lion ****
Serenity Caldwell, Macworld
> There are numerous changes to look forward to when Mountain Lion roars onto the scene this summer, along with some major system additions like Notification Center and Gatekeeper. But for those uninterested in flashy features, there are plenty of minor system changes, too. Hereâs a quick look at ten that caught my eye.
I'm looking forward to Time Machine's multi-disk backup.
**** Apple Extends Deadline For Sandboxing Of Mac App Store Apps To June 1 ****
Eric Slivka, MacRumors
> Apple today announced that it has extended the deadline for Mac App Store apps to implement sandboxing until June 1. The requirement had been set to go into effect on March 1 after already having been delayed from last November, but continued uncertainty about implementation and its effects on app functionality has caused Apple to again slow down the transition.
**** What's Keeping Mountain Lion Off Of Some 64-Bit Macs? Ars Investigates ****
Chris Foresman, Ars Technica
> The evidence so far is inconclusive. There is clearly some connection to graphics capabilities--of that much we can be sure. However, when we spoke to Apple, the company cautioned that Mountain Lion is still in the early stages of readying for release this summer, and so far those limits only apply to the developer preview. "It's still early, and the system requirements for the final version have not yet been determined," an Apple spokesperson told Ars.
**** WriteRoom Offers Distraction-free Writing Without Removing Flexibility ****
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld
> If you want a minimalist tool for writing, WriteRoom is likely to have all the features you need. And even though you can personalize the app all you want, you can also ignore those options and just write.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Over-the-Air TV Catches Second Wind, Aided By Web ****
Christopher S. Stewart, Wall Street Journal
> With an increased array of online-video programming now drawing viewers' attention, companies are starting to pitch consumers on complementing online video streamed from the Web with broadcast-TV signals as a way to save money on cable subscriptions.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Donât Blame The Potato For Pringles ****
Mark Bittman, New York Times
> But both P.&G. and Kellogg are in the business of making money, not feeding people with food.
**** Three Scenes Inspired By The Gingrich Campaign ****
Calvin Trillin, New Yorker
> The meeting f top management that resulted in Freddie Mac's hiring Gingrich as a part-time historian for twenty-five thousand dollars a month.
**** Thereâs A Younger Hand On The Granny Cart ****
Helene Stapinski, New York Times
> For eight years I had used the back of my stroller to carry groceries. Sometimes I even piled bags on my daughterâs lap.
> But those days were over. My children were in school full time and I had no stroller, just two bags of groceries to carry eight blocks. I also had a bad back and a bum knee.
**** CBD Taxi Rule Hours To Be Shortened From 1 March ****
Channel NewsAsia
> From 1 March, operational hours for the Central Business District (CBD) taxi rule will be shortened and aligned with the full-day bus lane operational hours.
> With the revision, the CBD taxi rule that requires taxis to only pick up and drop off passengers at taxi stands and on the driveways of buildings along roads where public buses ply will be shortened by 2.5 hours.
**** Yaw Shin Leong Not Appealing Against Expulsion: Speaker Of Parliament ****
> Hougang MP Yaw Shin Leong has informed the Clerk of Parliament on Monday that he will not be appealing against his expulsion from the Workers' Party, said Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer in a press statement today.
> In view of the above, and pursuant to Article 46(2)(b) of the Constitution, Mr Palmer said the seat of the Member for Hougang is vacant from the date of his expulsion from the political party for which he stood in last year's General Election, that is, 14 February.
See also: <a href="http://www.news.gov.sg/public/sgpc/en/media_releases/agencies/parl/press_release/P-20120222-1/AttachmentPar/0/file/Press%20Statement%20By%20Speaker%20Michael%20Palmer%20on%20the%20Vacation%20of%20Seat%20in%20Parliament.pdf">Press Statement By Speaker Michael Palmer On The Vacation Of Seat In Parliament</a> (Office of the Clerk of Parliament). (Note: PDF document.)
**** Govt Funding Of Public Transport ****
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News
> The mission of public transportation has to be relooked at and reformulated to serve the people and country, not just the shareholders.
**** Boost To Improve Efficiency Of Public Bus Service: Who Should Foot The Bill? ****
Unbranded Bread N Butter
> If these companies needed help with their capital reinvestments, then why did they pay out such generous dividends to shareholders in the past years (many who do not take public transport)?
> Why should the govt and taxpayers bear the majority burden of boosting bus services when these are listed companies? If these are listed companies, shouldnât they look to the capital markets for money, such as share placements or rights issue? Would there be an effort to replenish the $1.1bil to state coffers from the transport companies?
**** Development-weary Singaporeans Back 'Green Corridor' ****
> Now popularly known as the "Green Corridor", the 25-kilometre (16-mile) zone runs from north to south like a spine and is the focus of a citizens' campaign to create a sanctuary for nature -- and development-weary Singaporeans. But whether or not the government can resist the urge to develop parts of the swathe of land is another matter.
> Liew Kai Khiun, an academic involved in heritage work, said the future of the railway land has become an important issue for many Singaporeans. "Other than merely nostalgia, these concerns actually reflect the undercurrent desires by more Singaporeans for more stability, ownership and continuity in a country that they would like to call home instead of an exploitable asset," he said.
**** Frustrating Numbers: Scholarships For Foreign Students ****
Alex Au, Yawning Bread
> What I object to is the way this policy is being implemented on the sly with obfuscations and half-truths. Tax-payers have a right to know where their money goes, and the government should not be trying to avoid an accounting. Moreover, all this slinking around by the government makes it seem as if the policy is indefensible and shamefully wrong, giving wind to small-minded isolationists and making it even harder for right-minded people to defend the policy.
> The half-answers are frustrating. The complete lack of spine on the part of the government in resorting to half-truths is even more so.
**** Loophole ****
Words Of The Cze
> All rebutting does is produce a situation with contrasting and conflicting narratives for the respective camps to rally around. Then positions harden and there is no reconciliation.
**** PAP's Tikam-tikam Economics ****
Singaore Democratic Party
> What is going on? Who, exactly, is in charge of our foreign-worker policy? The Prime Minister says one thing, the Finance Minister funds another, and the Manpower Minster carries out both. (And we haven't even heard from the Minister for Trade and Industry yet.)
**** SMRT Told To Check Track After Clip Falls Off In Jurong ****
Straits Times
> A day after a metal clip from an MRT track fell off and nearly hit passers-by in Jurong, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has ordered rail operator SMRT to check the tracks there thoroughly.
> This would involve seeing that all components of the rail in that vicinity are intact, and sending the broken part to a laboratory for an analysis into how the damage occurred, said the LTA.
**** A Look At The Typewriter Suite Inside Singapore's Wanderlust Hotel ****
> It's kooky enough to have novelty appeal, but not so crazy that it's uncomfortable.
**** TREmeritus Apologises To Lee Hsien Loong And Promises Not To Repeat Libel ****
Cherian George, Journalism.sg
> While the use of civil defamation suits in Singapore has been controversial, such laws exist everywhere. In contrast, treating defamation as a criminal matter is increasingly regarded internationally as too extreme a restriction on freedom of expression. Significantly, although book author Alan Shadrake was initially charged with criminal defamation, this was never pursued. Therefore, students of media law might see the latest action against TRE as another indication that criminal defamation has come to be regarded by the government as obsolete and internationally unacceptable, even though it remains in the books.
**** Beat Her Back? ****
Roger Smith, Singapore Sojourn
> So I perfectly understand the anger and frustration of indigenous Singaporeans who see people who are contracted employees in their country behaving in this fashion. The only way to change this type of behaviour is to stand up to it, not sit idly by. I commend the Auntie for doing so and hope that they catch up with, and deal to, her assailant.
**** Disabled Commuters May Get More Help Getting Around ****
Leslie Kay Lim and Cheryl Ong, Straits Times
> Disabled commuters could be offered specialised transport services, under one proposal made on Tuesday by a committee looking into their needs. These could be run by a few major transport providers, including voluntary welfare groups.
**** The Biggest Problem That Frustrates Singaporeâs NSFs ****
Kwan Jin Yao, Guanyinmiao's Musings
> The biggest problem, in my opinion, is the proposition that an ordinary soldier cannot ask âwhyâ â why are we doing this; why is it done this way; why canât we propose an alternative methodology â without fear of reprisal or disciplinary repercussions.
You don't want soldiers who ask "why" in wars. The horrible truth is that sometimes, you need to sacrifice soldiers in order to win.
**** Ease SMEs' Labour Crunch By Offering Minimum Wage ****
Gilbert Goh, Transitioning, Straits Times
> A minimum wage of, say $1,500, for low-wage workers would be a reasonable start and many locals would not mind working shifts and even weekends if they are reasonably compensated.
**** Govt Should Not Fund Bus Purchases ****
Hoo Hoe Keat, Straits Times
> The Government has always defended its privatisation model and maintained that the companies must be privately operated; and that listing them publicly is the best way to ensure that our public transport system operates efficiently and effectively.
> So there is no need for the Government to fund such purchases and their operating costs, especially when SMRT and SBS Transit have earned substantial profits over the years, which should allow them to make such investments.
**** Temasek Review Emeritus Posts Apology To PM Lee ****
Ng Jing Yng, Today
> In the apology, Mr Richard Wan - one of TRE's five editors, but the only one based in Singapore - acknowledged that the offending post entitled "PAP-government is full of ironies", dated Feb 16, had meant that Mr Lee was instrumental in securing the appointment of his wife, Madam Ho Ching, as chief executive officer of Temasek Holdings for nepotistic motives.
> Mr Wan, who signed off the apology, admitted and acknowledged that the allegation was false and baseless. He apologised for causing Mr Lee distress and embarrassment.
See also: <a href="http://www.tremeritus.com/2012/02/22/letter-of-apology-to-pm-lee-hsien-loong/">Letter of Apology to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong</a> (TR Emeritus).
By the way, why are there no links to source materials in <i>Today</i>'s article?
**** Morality In Reality - Secret Lives Of Singaporeans... ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind
> The key to helping people avoid destroying their lives is not to just telling them what is right or wrong ..moral or immoral because most people already know that but how to handle the temptation and how they can help themselves if they get into trouble.
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