[MyAppleMenu] Dec 23, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Dec 23 18:59:01 EST 2012

**** E-book Restrictions Leave 'Buyers' With Few Rights ****
Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

> It should be a top priority for Congress to clear out the murk. Buyers of e-books must have the explicit right to reformat their purchases and save backup copies for their own use, permanently. The sale of an e-book must be irrevocable. On the other side, it must remain strictly illegal to make multiple unauthorized copies of any copyrighted work for distribution. Lending by libraries, one digital copy at a time, should be facilitated — it tends to widen the audience for books.

**** iOS 6 Bug Reenables JavaScript In Safari Without User Consent ****
Neil Hughes, AppleInsider

> For users who choose to turn off JavaScript in the Safari Web browser, the appearance of a Smart App Banner on a website will automatically and permanently turn JavaScript back on without notifying the user.

**** Apple’s Pages For iOS Still Needs Some Work ****
Mark Crump, GigaOM

**** How To Recover Your Mac From A Back Up ****
Vic Lenard, Macworld UK

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Oh God, What Have We Done? ****
Jackson Lears, London Review Of Books

> Defenders of the Enlightenment can cogently argue (and many have) that Nazi science was a grotesque caricature, that the Holocaust was a betrayal of the Enlightenment rather than a fulfilment of its fatal dialectic. But it is harder to make that case with respect to the development of nuclear weapons. Indeed the subject seems designed to lay bare the contradictions at the core of Enlightenment culture by revealing them at work in the subculture of professional physicists bent to the needs of government power.

**** Joy ****
Zadie Smith, The New York Review Of Books

> It might be useful to distinguish between pleasure and joy. But maybe everybody does this very easily, all the time, and only I am confused.

**** The Placebo Phenomenon ****
Cara Feinberg, Harvard Magazine

> The challenge now, says Kaptchuk, is to uncover the mechanisms behind these physiological responses—what is happening in our bodies, in our brains, in the method of placebo delivery (pill or needle, for example), even in the room where placebo treatments are administered (are the physical surroundings calming? is the doctor caring or curt?). The placebo effect is actually many effects woven together—some stronger than others—and that’s what Kaptchuk hopes his “pill versus needle” study shows.

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