[MyAppleMenu] Apr 12, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Apr 12 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Apple’s Legal Burns From Overheating iPods ****
Yoree Koh, Wall Street Journal

> A Tokyo judge this week ordered the Japan arm of the Cupertino, Calif. company to pay Y600,000 ($7,400) in damages to a local couple after the wife sustained burn injuries, according to local press reports.

**** Happy 20th Birthday BBEdit! ****
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville

> BBEdit is fast and flexible, with a gazillion preferences, and its HTML tools help me format complex texts such as lists and tables with a single keystroke. There are hundreds of features I will never use, and many that I don’t even know about, but as someone who generates text for a living, BBEdit is the best investment I have ever made in any software.

**** I Am Not Robot: Steve Jobs Take On Google's Project Glass ****
Here, There & Everywhere

> Steve immediately shot his idea down and told the guy that he would probably trip and fall if that were the case. Steve also suggested he should get a girlfriend so he has someone to keep him company while running. I can not watch this Project Glass video without recalling this moment.

**** Mac Text Editor BBEdit Celebrates 20th Anniversary ****
Jason Snell, Macworld

> Nostalgia is great, but this app doesn’t belong in a museum—it belongs in my Dock. That’s the biggest endorsement I can give.

Happy birthday. Glad to have BBEdit in my Dock too.

**** The E-book Wars: Who Is Less Evil, Amazon Or Book Publishers? ****
Mathew Ingram, GigaOM

> The purpose of antitrust law isn’t necessarily to protect smaller companies from larger companies, or even to prevent monopolies per se — the purpose is to protect consumers from the impact of a monopoly or collusive behavior.

**** There’s No Escaping Messages ****

**** Apple And E-book Lawsuit: If DOJ Prevails, Will Readers Find Happy Ending? ****
Levi Sumagaysay, San Jose Mercury News

**** Why Apple Is Telling The DOJ: 'We'll See You In Court' ****
Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune

> The length of that cooling-off period is reported to be one of the sticking points for Apple, and it's easy to see why.

> An extended cooling-off period -- in which Amazon goes back to selling bestselling e-books for $9.99 and Apple is still adding its 30% surcharge to the publishers' prices -- could seriously damage Apple's e-book business.

> Worse still, it could keep the books off the iBookstore altogether.

**** If Apple And Publishers Plotted, They Didn't Need To ****
Reynolds Holding, Slate

> But the model they came up with makes sense even without collusion, giving the publishers perhaps their best chance of survival.

**** Labor Activists Call On Apple To Stop Squeezing Suppliers ****
Jay Greene, CNET

> A panel of labor activists called on Apple today to increase the amount it pays for devices from suppliers such as Foxconn in order to improve working conditions for employees that make the gadgets.

**** What Is ‘Agency Pricing’? ****
Wall Street Journal

> When Apple entered the fray, it offered publishers the ability to set their own prices. Under the Apple arrangement, known as “agency pricing,” publishers received 70% of the retail price and Apple took a 30% commission. But Apple also insisted that publishers couldn’t sell more cheaply to any of its rivals. The publishers then were able to impose the same model on Amazon.

> The combined result of the changes was to eliminate discounting of many popular e-books. Overnight, many national best-sellers went from $9.99 on Amazon to $12.99 and $14.99.

**** Mac Security Software Sales Jump After Flashback Infections Make News ****
Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

> Sales of Mac security software have jumped since the news broke last week about a massive malware infection of Apple computers, according to application statistics and some antivirus vendors.

**** F-Secure’s Automated Flashback Removal Tool ****
Cody Fink, MacStories

**** Cures For An Uncooperative CD/DVD Drive ****
Christopher Breen, Macworld

**** iTunes Manglement ****
Craig Hockenberry, Furbo.org

> This makes me think that there may be another factor that’s holding back iTunes; and I fear that it’s contractual.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Evernote And Pinterest Just Had A Baby: Enter The New Springpad ****
Kevin Fitchard, GigaOM

> On Wednesday Springpad evolved into its third iteration, transforming the information capture service into a social networking engine. This social network, however, isn’t built around friends or relationships, but rather items of interest, lists or tasks.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** I Remember You ****
Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times

> That is what death means. We exist in the minds of other people, in thousands of memory clusters, and one by one those clusters fade and disappear. Some years from now, at a funeral with a slide show, only one person will be able to say who we were. Then no one will know.

**** The Posthumous Star ****
Jessa Crispin, The Smart Set

> So what exactly happened in that gap between obscurity and ubiquity? The afterlife of the artist is a tricky thing.

**** S'pore Needs To Be Careful About Raising Wages: Lee Yi Shyan ****
Olivia Siong, Channel NewsAsia

> "In a free market system, for it to work well, we have to be very mindful of the interventions we introduce and if you artificially raise it too much... there are consequences and some of these consequences are not what you want to see," said Mr Lee.

> "So I think by Prof Lim's proposal, if I understand him correctly... I think this is a very drastic way of raising the wages without corresponding increase in productivity and that will have a wide impact on the economy," he added.

**** Court Of Appeal To Hear AGC's Appeal On May 14 ****
Syed Amir Hussain, Today

**** Public Accounts Committee Concerned About Procurement Lapses ****
Channel NewsAsia

> The committee has also recommended that the Ministry of Finance (MOF) consider setting up a Central Procurement Agency, in order to improve public sector procurement practices.

> The committee had noted that most of the lapses as reported in the Report of the Auditor-General for FY 2010/11 are in procurement, and is concerned that this may be a reflection of underlying weaknesses in public sector procurement which need to be addressed on whole-of-government level.

Maybe the government should make fewer procurements.

**** Singapore Getting An ‘Education’ ****
Elizabeth Peiris, Free Malaysia Today

> But as Singapore is finding out, it is not always hunky-dory when it comes to snagging some of the world’s ‘best’. Because just as the world’s supposed best may themselves be musing, the stakes for them too could pretty high when they are seen negotiating with a nation not well known for its political liberalism or tolerance of opposing viewpoints.

**** Bukit Brown: Will We Really Remember Our Cultural Identity? ****
Ng Yi Shu, The Online Citizen

**** HDB Resale Flats Hit $900,000 Mark ****
Benson Ang and Valerie Koh, The New Paper

> Three resale HDB flats have recently breached the $900,000 mark.

**** Fuel Cost Price Goes Down But Tariff Goes Up! ****
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

**** Voids That Have Filled Our Lives ****
The Long And Winding Road

> Common spaces and the successor to some of the original common spaces, the void deck, have certainly come a long way over the years – besides being called a void for the absence of housing units, there is no doubt that it is hardly a void – but a common space that has evolved to one that fills the lives of the many residents who do use it.

**** CPF Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme Extended ****
Channel NewsAsia

> Minister of state for manpower Tan Chuan-Jin announced on Thursday the extension of top-ups under the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Minimum Sum Topping-Up scheme to include parents-in-law and grandparents-in-law.

**** Time And Money Wasted, Say Some Importers ****
Straits Times

**** Post-GE 2011: A Watershed Election – For Good Or For Worse? ****
Jackson Tan, The Online Citizen

> Ironically, it was observed that many outstanding issues not only remained outstanding, but even worsened to an extent that attracted much online uproar among Singaporeans.

**** A Chat With Jenny - Problems In Singapore Theatre Scene ****

**** Sheng Cheng Fried Kway Teow & Hokkien Mee 生成炒粿條福建麵 ****
Julia Khoo, Aroma Cookery

> The slippery flat rice noodles are very smooth and moist, contrasting nicely against the al dente yellow Hokkien noodles.

> Although the wok hei flavor isn’t very intense, the noodles are sufficiently fragrant. I would have preferred a heavier hand of black sweet sauce and fish sauce, but overall, the sweet and savoury flavors are superbly balanced.

**** Speaking Up Is Not Anti-Singapore ****
Jentrified Citizen

> How did such erroneous thinking and labelling come about? When did speaking up become akin to a treacherous deed against the country?? Is it because, for far too long, Singaporeans have been moulded and raised on a diet of out-of-bound markers, quiet obedience, self censorship and an apolitical attitude? Has all those lost years – post independence – of never blatantly questioning government policies and the ruling party turned many of us into a people who have lost the fire in our belly? Or worse, lost our ability to evaluate the facts, to think out-of-the-box and to judge fairly?

**** Stretch Of Braddell Road To Be Widened To Ease Peak Hour Jams ****
Sumita Sreedharan, Today

> Works to widen a busy stretch of Braddell Road, between Toa Payoh North Flyover and Braddell Flyover, will begin in the third quarter of this year, said the Land Transport Authority (LTA).

Are all these road building necessary because Mah Bow Tan's policies on car growth was miscalculated?

**** Singaporeans Must Feel Special About Being Citizens ****
Elgar Lee, Straits Times

> For Singaporeans to complete national service, and to then see foreign scholarship recipients enjoying free education and competing for housing and jobs, adds to their anxiety.

> As a country, we have reached a point where foreigners must be part of the talent pool for Singapore to succeed. While we acknowledge and accept this, let us not create a generation of disenfranchised Singaporeans who no longer feel for Singapore.

As many have pointed out, we must want to defend Singapore because there is something worth defending.

**** 移民局可应要求注明旧护照号码 ****
许维新,移民与关卡局, 联合早报

> 为了方便国人前往海外,我们于2006年8月推出了生物认证护照,并采用了“国际民航组织”(ICAO)的规定,包括每本护照上的独有号码。

> 然而,除了这个号码,我们还是继续把护照持有者的身份证号码印在护照个人资料那一页上。

**** Trains At Optimal Two-minute Frequencies During Rush Hour ****
Bernadette Low, SMRT Corporation, Today

> With the high train frequencies during rush hour, any delay can cause congestion. For example, at a busier station, heavier commuter traffic can delay the train departure.

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