[MyAppleMenu] May 7, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat May 7 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** Use AppleTV Video Caching For Faster AirPlay Viewing <http://www.macworld.com/article/159701/2011/05/apple_tv_caching.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Dan Frakes, Macworld

The upshot is that if you've got some iPhone- or iPad-hosted video you want to show to your family or friends using your Apple TV, you can save precious time—and avoid uncomfortable tech moments—by streaming that video before the entire family gathers around the TV. When the time comes to watch, the video will be ready to go.

**** Time, SI, Fortune Subscribers Finally Get Free iPad Access <http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/05/time-si-fortune-subscribers-finally-get-free-ipad-access.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss>
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

**** Why I Might Buy A New iMac <http://www.mcelhearn.com/2011/05/06/why-i-might-buy-a-new-imac/>
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville

**** Faster Than Ever: Macworld Lab Speed Tests The Mid-2011 iMacs <http://www.macworld.com/article/159692/2011/05/imacmid2011benchmarks.html#lsrc.rss_main>
James Galbraith, Macworld

We’ve had the chance to finish testing the remaining three standard-configuration models, with our results showing a significant boost for the new iMacs over the models they replace. However, not much differentiates the performance of the four new iMacs among each other.

**** Apple's Smart Cover Is Good, But Flawed In Real-world Use <http://www.macworld.com/article/159734/2011/05/apple_smart_cover_good_flawed_real_world_use.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld

My biggest grievance is that there’s just no perfect way to fold back the Smart Cover when you actually want to use your iPad in hand. The video shows iPads waking up, going to sleep, and being used on a tabletop. What about when I want to hold the dang thing?

**** Textie Offers Free SMS Text Message Alternative For iOS <http://tidbits.com/article/12155?rss>
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS

**** Copying Between 2 Macs Without The Hassle <http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2014985623_ptmacc07.html>
Glenn Fleishman, Seattle Times

You would think the easiest thing in the world would be copying a file between two Macs. It's remarkably irritating. I can help.

**** Why The 13″ Air Is Better Than The 13″ Pro <http://brooksreview.net/2011/05/13-air-pro/>
Ben Brooks, The Brooks Review

I am not saying that the 13″ MacBook Pro is an inherently bad computer — what I am saying is that it is a pretty bad buying decision given the current slate of Macs. I would be so bold to guess that if I plopped my MacBook Air in front of any current 13″ MacBook Pro owners and asked them to use it for an hour and tell which computer is faster — 98% would say the Air is faster. It’s not about performance specs, it about user experience and how people use their computers — most people just don’t do that many CPU intensive tasks on anything but an occasional basis.

**** Skype Bug Gives Attackers Access To Mac OS X Machines <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/06/skype_for_mac_critical_vulnerability/>
Dan Goodin, The Register

“The long and the short of it is that an attacker needs only to send a victim a message and they can gain remote control of the victim's Mac,” Gordon Maddern of Australian security consultancy Pure Hacking blogged on Friday. “It is extremely wormable and dangerous.”

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** How Three-Dimensional Transistors Went From Lab To Fab <http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/37536/?ref=rss&a=f>
Katherine Bourzac, Technology Review

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** The Kid Grows Up <http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/arts/the-kid-grows-up/story-e6frg8nf-1226047030980>
David Free, The Australian

"'This year I almost died." That arresting sentence comes from Clive James's poem, Fashion Statement, published in January, but written towards the end of last year.

James isn't writing in someone else's voice here. He is speaking for himself. He really did almost die last year.

**** Selling Books By Day, Writing Them By Night <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/08/books/review/selling-books-by-day-writing-them-by-night.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
J. Courtney Sullivan, New York Times

Like all good independent bookstores, BookCourt in Brooklyn has a robust section of staff recommendations. There, nestled in with titles by Jennifer Egan, Haruki Murakami and David Foster Wallace, is “Other People We Married,” a collection of short stories by Emma Straub. A handwritten note taped to the wall below reads: “I wrote this book. Please buy it. I love you.”

**** The Address Book By Tim Radford – Review <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/may/07/address-book-tim-radford-review?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Peter Forbes, The Guardian

Tim Radford's book shows that the familiar is stranger than we think.


**** Hougang Constituency 4-room Flats Retain Value Well <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/hougang-constituency-4-room-flats-retain-value-well/>
Au Waipang, Yawning Bread

Resale prices for public housing flats in Hougang single-member constituency (SMC) are not clearly lower than nearby flats of the same design, judging by an analysis done by Bernard Leong and friends.

The analysis was based on a total of 798 resale transactions of 4-room flats in Hougang Town over a thirteen-month period between 1 April 2010 and 30 April 2011. Of these, 103 flats were located within Hougang SMC, of which 79 were of the ‘New Generation’ design and 25 were of the ‘Model A’ design.

**** Not So Quiet On Cooling Off Day <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110507-0000001/Not-so-quiet-on-Cooling-off-Day>
Christopher Toh, Today

People's Action Party Marine Parade GRC candidate Tin Pei Ling had to come forward to clarify that she was not responsible for a comment apparently posted by her on Facebook.

The National Solidarity Party also sent a complaint letter to the Elections Department against its PAP opponents in Tampines GRC, alleging that they had distributed pamphlets to residents of Tampines early yesterday morning.

**** TOC Breaking News: NSP Makes Complaint To Elections Dept Over Tin Pei Ling Facebook Posting <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/toc-breaking-news-nsp-to-lodge-complaint-with-elections-dept-over-tin-pei-ling-facebook-posting/>
The Online Citizen

The National Solidarity Party (NSP) has lodged a complaint with the Elections Department over the posting of a comment on Tin Pei Ling’s Facebook page on Friday.

When asked by the media on Friday about the incident, Ms Tin said that the comment was posted by one of the administrators of her Facebook page, Ms Denise He.

However, socio-political website Temasek Review claimed that in Ms Tin’s declaration of election advertising form, she was the sole administrator of her page. Ms He was not declared as an administrator or moderator of the site.

The NSP also brought to the Elections Department’s attention a posting, also on Ms Tin’s Facebook page, at or around0021 hrs on Friday – after Cooling-Off Day began – of a clarification by the Macpherson Zone B Resident’s Committee. Ms Tin is the PAP candidate expected to be in charge of the Macpherson ward if elected.

The NSP raised a third incident with the Elections Department in its complaint. The party says it has been informed that copies of the PAP’s booklet – titled “Burning Questions” – were distributed to residents of Block 428, Tampines St 41, on Friday – Cooling Off Day.

**** Vote For The Future Of Singapore <http://blog.dk.sg/2011/05/06/vote-for-the-future-of-singapore/>
Dee Kay Dot As Gee

We will not see the changes immediately after tomorrow’s elections. But if you vote wisely, tomorrow will mark the day that Singapore start moving towards a true democratic country. Give our children the rights to choose their representative in Parliament without being penalized by the ruling party.

**** Need For Change In Healthcare System <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/05/need-for-change-in-healthcare-system.html>
Diary Of A Singapore Mind

2 days ago, Mnister Khaw was still saying how good our healthcare system is and he attacked the changes proposed by the SDP. His strategy has been very simple - keep govt expediture down by passing the increasing healthcare cost to the sick and their families. We need major changes in healthcare just like we do in public housing.

**** Remember Our Pledge Today.... <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/05/remember-pledge-today.html>
Diary Of A Singapore Mind

We are today a undemocratic society with rising inequality. There is increased unhappiness as our income gap push more people into poverty and Singaporeans have to struggle with the rising cost of living. We have a govt that has lost its way as it constructed an undemocratic political system to maintain its dominant power and created inequality with its unbalanced policies. It has lost its moral compass as it pursued economic goals as an end in itself.

Lets do today what we pledge to do all our lives. Lets overcome our fear, our self-interest and our apathy.

**** Polls Open In Singapore General Election <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hmiUn7QSIU15TntmDaCFwKAv0oSA?docId=CNG.3efe709d82a2df6a6ec53536efe249e1.8e1>

**** Time To Cast The Ballots <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/5/7/nation/8634689&sec=nation>
Ooi Kee Beng, The Star

No doubt, the fact that the PAP government presupposes that its ministers and its way of doing things are close to perfect turns any mismanagement, no matter how minor, into a lightning pole for criticisms of the system.

But this does not explain why in the middle of the campaign period, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong felt compelled to make a public apology, not only for his father Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's warning to voters in Aljuneid constituency that they would have five years to “repent” if they kicked out the PAP, but for the government's mistakes in general.

The opposition challenged the PAP for all seats except for Kuan Yew's Group Representation Constituency (GRC), and has embarrassed PAP leaders more effectively than any Singaporean had thought possible throughout the week.

Whatever the outcome, Singapore has changed. And Singapore politics will never be the same again.

**** Pressure Mounts On PAP <http://thestar.com.my/columnists/story.asp?col=insightdownsouth&file=/2011/5/7/columnists/insightdownsouth/8628498&sec=Insight%20Down%20South>
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

What is giving the PAP and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong a headache is the rising public unhappiness emerging from the rallies and the Internet. If translated into votes, they’ll be in trouble.

It is not possible to use past yardsticks to assess the outcome of this election. The public mood is unpredictable, and capable of swinging one way or the other by a few per cent.

A few believe the PAP will win all except one seat, while others predict the opposition will win as many as 17 or 18 seats.

**** Young And Restless Singaporeans <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/5/7/nation/8635645&sec=nation>
The Star

The Gen Y voters are more discerning and more difficult to woo, particularly for the PAP.

One of them Mei Leng, 25, disagreed with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew’s recent comments that younger Singaporeans are a “footloose generation that simply want to try their luck”.

“Young people care about the country. We think, we debate and make comparisons.

“Should I blindly follow PAP and give my vote and future to someone like her? I feel ashamed that Tin is representing the youth,” she said.

**** Did You Do Your Part For Singapore? <http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/05/07/did-you-do-your-part-for-singapore/>
Wayne Sim, The Temasek Review

**** Is BG Yeo An Honourable Man? <http://atans1.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/is-bg-yeo-an-honourable-man/>
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

Supposing if he had expected an easy, comfortable win, would he have implied that MM should not have used such strong language about the perils of voting WP in Aljunied; implied that there are many things wrong with the PAP; and would he have called openly for change in the PAP?

Or would he have kept quiet, and remain loyal to the PAP? Sumething he has done for many years?

**** PAP: With Candidates Like These, Who Needs Enemies? <http://atans1.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/pap-with-candidates-like-these-who-needs-enemies/>
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

What these four show is that the PAP has a strange definition of talent. Incompetence and silly behaviour is OK.

Then there is BG Yeo who now implies that the PAP has problems and asks for a strong mandate from his voters to “transform” the PAP. Why now George? Trying to take advantage of the PAP’s unpopularity for personal advantage? Would he have implied nasty things abt MM and the PAP, if he tot he would easily win?

**** Singapore Poised For Record Turnout As Voters Weigh Lee Against Opposition <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-06/singapore-set-for-record-vote-as-lee-s-party-faces-opposition.html>
Shamim Adam, Bloomberg

A record 2.21 million eligible voters will have the chance to cast their ballot as Lee seeks a new mandate from citizens, who have voiced discontent about the rising cost of living and competition with foreigners for jobs and housing.

“The PAP has served us well over the many years but it’s gotten too high and mighty,” said Yeo Pei Ming, 56, a vegetable merchant and resident of Aljunied. “I think it’s about time we had more opposition voices.”

Singapore’s economic success has widened the income gap, with the world’s highest share of dollar-millionaire households contributing to higher property and consumer prices.

**** Fighting The Fear Factor <http://satayclub.net/2011/05/fighting-the-fear-factor/>
Nigel Tan, Satayclub.net

The advent of the internet and social media has already proven to be a game-changer, with the PAP no longer able to singularly drive opinion through its subjugation of the mainstream media. But in constituencies with contests that are too close to call, the votes might yet be swung by older generation voters who still cower under the spectre of an invisible bogeyman.

**** Change <http://bobobaroque.blogspot.com/2011/05/change.html>
Bobo Baroque

That not only have we broken the cast of silent detachment and endless obstinate tolerance... we're ready to let our voices be heard, and respond with action...

**** PAP Holding Singapore Ransom <http://singaporeelection.blogspot.com/2011/05/pap-holding-singapore-to-ransom.html>
Singapore Election Watch

This rings very hollow and smacks of the government holding its own people to ransom. When will the people call the PAP governments bluff?

**** Open Letter From Alan Shadrake… <http://www.british-weekly.com/?p=6315>
British Weekly

The International Bar Association report which, also condemned Singapore on these and other issues is available on the internet and is worth reading when considering the charges laid against me. If I have scandalised the judiciary then so has the IBA and its 30,000 members worldwide. I am therefore challenging the Law Minister in this open letter that if he and Singapore’s judiciary are so aggrieved by my book he should also sue the IBA and AI in London and Francis T. Seow and Yale University in the United States.

But the reason neither he nor Mr. Lee Kuan Yew would ever contemplate such a step is simple: Mr Lee does not own any judiciary beyond the shores of Singapore. However, attempting to sue Yale and Mr. Seow would be particularly foolish as Singapore has just signed a multi-million dollar deal to establish a campus with NUS – a deal which nearly came unstuck because of my arrest. It must also be noted that the NUS was forced to add a clause to the contract ‘guaranteeing’ academic freedom as a vital condition before it was signed. How humiliating for the country which constantly claims to be a ‘healthy democracy!’

But the shamelessness of money-grubbing Singapore knows no bounds. If Mr. Shanmugan, speaking through his secretary, claims that ‘Political discourse in a healthy democracy does not call for lies, smears and scurrilous allegations’ and that ‘Accusers are required to prove their allegations. Ministers who are defamed will sue to clear their name and take the stand to be cross-examined, while those who have committed offences will be charged and jailed.”

My answer to challenge Mr. Shanmugam’s brave words is for Singapore to sue the International Bar Association, Amnesty International, Yale University and Francis T. Seow in British and American courts for their ‘lies, smears and scurrilous allegations.’ But I don’t think he or the cocky Lee Kuan Yew would dare. It would require the kind of testicular fortitude that, sadly, is in dire short supply in the so-called ‘Lion City!’

**** Aljunied Resident On His Vote Today <http://thinkhappiness.blogspot.com/2011/05/aljunied-resident-on-his-vote-today.html>
Think Happiness

Minister George Yeo is an engineer who went on to perform really well in his portfolio. I know the man and he is warm. Pritam Singh might just be right. GY is in the wrong party. But if you dig deeper, you might notice that he too did not say anything when his pay increased. I suspect reform from within is merely an aspiration.

Senior minister of state Zainul Abidin Rasheed is in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Minister George Yeo. He is slated to be the next speaker. And truthfully, he is also a warm man who has a ready smile for everyone. But smiles do not solve problems. And I cannot recall he spoke about anything at all in Parliament.

Mdm Lim Hwee Hwa has a flourishing business outside of politics. But what irks me is that she questions without examining her conduct first. She was the one who could not / refused to give official figures when asked.

Mdm Cynthia Phua is a walkover. So is the other chap.

**** George Yeo: Reform Of PAP But Just Rhetoric <http://rogerpoh.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/george-yeo-reform-of-pap-but-just-rhetoric/>
Spotlight On Singapore

Start with political reforms, a level playing field for all political parties, and an open and free society and a free media.

And respect for human rights.

An attempt at damage control a day before the General Election will fool no one.

**** Apologies That Mean Nothing <http://rachelzeng.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/apologies-that-mean-nothing/>
Rachel Zeng

Now we see crocodile tears. The body language, the facial expressions, the tone of the voice and everything else do not cohere with the words used. Did they replace their speech writer and campaign manager with someone else who had advised them to undertake a softer approach?

I hope that the show of support that was seen at the rallies organised by the opposition parties will be translated into votes. It is time for change, we need more voices in the Parliament to represent the ever becoming diverse needs of Singaporeans.

**** Remorse Must Come With Substance – And Only You, The Voter, Can Ensure That <http://onesingaporean.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/remorse-must-come-with-substance-and-only-you-the-voter-can-ensure-that/>
One Singaporean

We do not see Lee telling us what he intends to do in order to “do better” and correct the mistakes.

There is not even a hint of which policies he will change.

Which is why, even if you accept the apology and display of remorse, you should know that only if you vote more opposition members into Parliament will you see Lee and his ministers do what they say they will do – correct the mistakes and listen to the people.

**** Are We A Bunch Of NATO People? <http://chantc.blogspot.com/2011/05/are-we-bunch-of-nato-people.html>
My Little Corner

Vote wisely.

**** Singapore Turns A New Page In History <http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/2011/05/07/singapore-turns-a-new-page-in-history/>
Maxwell Coopers, Free Malaysia Today

To be sure there are plenty of reasons why the tide is somewhat turning against the PAP. Reckless planning in an over ambitious drive to boost economic growth led to a massive influx of foreigners into the island state over the last five years.

Most of the auxillary policemen one sees in the country are manned by Malaysians as it is with those in the shipyards and the many bus drivers belonging to the state-owned bus company, Singapore Bus Service (SBS).

But apart from just an act of humility a larger question remains. Has any difference really been made to the lot of Singaporeans? The jury is out and the verdict will be delivered on Sunday morning.

**** Opposition Hopes For Boost As Singapore Votes <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5h40EjB-g9AQHwvGXGM7ZCb5Z8QUw?docId=CNG.08792357d46f2afef70ee39435e88b91.191>
Philip Lim, AFP

The PAP has long relied on its strong economic record to overwhelm the opposition in elections, but has been accused of stifling dissent and freedom of expression to perpetuate its hold on power.

The prosperity has not been spread evenly and inflation this year is forecast at 3.0-4.0 percent, high by Singapore standards, as a result of rising food and oil prices.

Apart from seats won or lost, the PAP's overall share of the popular vote in Saturday's polls will be closely watched.

**** NSP Advised To Make Police Report <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_665908.html>
Straits Times

The Elections Department on Saturday morning advised an opposition party to file a police report after it raised complaints that Cooling-Off Day rules were flouted.

Speaking to The Straits Times, the NSP said it would follow up with a police report, but after its Polling Day activities.

**** Tears Or Jeers <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/05/tears-or-jeers.html>
Singapore Notes

**** Why The 2011 Singapore Election Is Worth Watching <http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/05/07/why-2011-singapore-election-worth-watching.html>
Suzaina Kadir And Zulkieflimansyah, The Jakarta Post

What this means is that one-sided analyses published in the mainstream media are often very quickly confronted by alternative takes on the same issues. It makes the one-sided bias of the mainstream media appear stark and at odds in this new and vibrant media landscape.

Whatever the outcome of Singapore’s general election today, the shifts in Singapore’s political scene are worth noting. The PAP may continue to entrench its dominance further on May 8th by winning all the parliamentary seats, but the currents of change are already in the air.

**** General Elections 2011 <http://www.airconditionednation.com/home/GE_2011/Entries/2011/5/7_WILL_A_GRC_FALL_TONIGHT.html>
Cherian George

In order for the Opposition to win a GRC, the PAP’s national vote share will probably have to dip below 60 percent (from 67 percent in 2006).

**** Serious But Upbeat Mood At The Polls <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_665930.html>
Straits Times

Singaporeans The Straits Times interviewed were upbeat - being excited about getting to vote - but very serious about the parties they would choose. They named issues like cost of living, foreign talent and jobs as issues they had mulled over.

Many also had voraciously consumed new media such as social networking websites and online videos in this election, which made it come across even more highly charged, they said.

Yet others called upon candidates, no matter which party won, to 'keep their word', as one Ms Patricia Tan, 46, a manager in a German company put it.

**** I Finally Feel Singaporean <http://miyagi.sg/2011/05/i-finally-feel-singaporean/>

I queued up to vote this after noon, and it was, for the first time in a long, long time, a queue that com prised only Singaporeans.

**** 1,845,290 Ballot Papers Issued <http://singaporeelection.blogspot.com/2011/05/only-1047204-ballot-papers-issued.html?spref=tw>
Singapore Election Watch

**** Singapore Election Results Expected In A Few Hours <http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/07/us-singapore-election-idUSTRE74618M20110507>
Kevin Lim, Reuters

Voting ended at 8 p.m. without any major incidents and results are expected to start coming in within a few hours.

Analysts say the PAP should easily win, albeit with a smaller share of the popular vote. At the last election in 2006, it won about 67 percent of the vote and 82 of 84 seats.

The Elections Department said an opposition party had made several complaints, including an allegation that a PAP candidate had updated her Facebook page on Friday, contravening a 24-hour "cooling off" period before the start of polls when parties were not allowed to campaign. "We had responded to National Solidarity Party that they may wish to lodge a police report," a spokeswoman for the department said.

**** Singapore General Elections Through The Eyes Of An Air-con Serviceman <http://danesh.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/singapore-general-elections-through-the-eyes-of-an-air-con-serviceman/>
Danesh Daryanani

I was surprised. He was surprised I was surprised. He raised two points. HDB dwellers need the PAP to fix stuff. They equate PAP with HDB. Secondly, their lives are already so difficult that if they vote against the PAP (note, not for the opposition but against the PAP), their lives will be made all the more difficult. They too, do not believe their vote is secret.

**** Singapore Voting Ends As Lee’s Ruling Party Faced Challenge <http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-05-07/singapore-voting-ends-as-lee-s-ruling-party-faced-challenge.html>
Shamim Adam, Bloomberg

Singaporeans voted in record numbers today, facing a choice between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s People’s Action Party and the biggest number of opponents since independence.

**** "Give Me A Cheer!" <http://www.facebook.com/theonlinecitizen/posts/10150238817761383>
The Online Citizen, Facebook

"Sorry, this one cannot use".

**** Last Meal With Lunch Party Be4 GE Day <http://singaporegirl.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/last-meal-with-lunch-party-be4-ge-day/>
Food Fuels Me To Talk...

Now that the vote counting has begun and the die already cast, I would like to share that the Lunch Party had our regular monthly lunch yesterday with Tan Jee Say, the ex-PPS of SM Goh Chok Tong (when he was still DPM) and who boosted the morale and chances of the Singapore Democratic Party no end in the General Election 2011 just ended.

I won’t go into detail about the lively conversation except that all of us including real PAP men, pro-Oppositioners and perhaps some “don’t knows” had nothing but goodwill towards Jee Say and one another, some differing political views notwithstanding.

If that’s not something to cheer about being Singaporean, I don’t know what is!

**** Hougang SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66875289275346945>
Today, Twitter

An WP aide has confirmed a recount is underway for Hougang SMC.

**** Pioneer SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66878186016878593>
Straits Times, Twitter

It appears that Steve Chia has lost in Pioneer - not a close fight.

**** Choa Chu Kang GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66881147447148544>
Straits Times, Twitter

Looks like the PAP has won Choa Chu Kang GRC.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66882062493298689>
Straits Times, Twitter

WP has won in Aljunied GRC, said one of the 5 PAP candidates.

**** Pioneer, Yuhua, Joo Chiat, Whampoa, Hong Kah North <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66884554014736385>
Today, Twitter

SMC update: PAP said to have won Pioneer, Yuhua, Joo Chiat, Whampoa, Hong Kah North.

**** Hougang SMC <http://www.facebook.com/theonlinecitizen/posts/10150238858776383>
The Online Citizen, FaceBook

TOC reporter from Hougang: WP is leading vote count for Aljunied. WP won Hougang 52% but a recount is going on. WP lost in Joo Chiat by few 100 votes - recount going on.

**** Choa Chu Kang GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66886701896826880>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

>From a TOC reporter: Results from CCK Primary for CCK GRC- PAP has 62.5% valid votes.

**** Potong Pasir SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66887257465950208>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

ge2011: Potong Pasir goes to PAP - not confirmed.

**** Tampines GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66887905116815360>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

ge2011: Our sources say that PAP looks set to take Tampines GRC.

**** Bukit Panjang <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66888204158107648>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

ge2011: PAP says that they are confident that they will win Bukit Panjang.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/siewkumhong/status/66888566952828928>
Siew Kum Hong, Twitter

ST called. Cynthia Phua apparently acknowledged defeat in aljunied.

**** Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66888804270743552>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

ge2011: PAP seems to be leading in Bishan-Toa Payoh.

**** Marine Parade GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66888470508998656>
Today, Twitter

NSP's Nicole Seah: 'Whether we win or lose, we put up a good fight'

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66889491134160896>
Today, Twitter

Aide to George Yeo tells our reporter that they've lost in Aljunied.

**** Moulmein-Kallang <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66889170198601728>
Today, Twitter

Moulmein-Kallang PAP team making the rounds at Toa Payoh Stadium, following rumours they've won over WP challengers.

**** WP Wins Aljunied GRC: Reports <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/wp-wins-aljunied-grc--reports.html>

Early reports say the Workers' Party has won the key battleground of Aljunied GRC, beating the PAP team led by Foreign Minister George Yeo.

The WP win in Aljunied was reportedly more than 2 percentage points, which means it did not require a recount.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66892762691284993>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

Have received independent verification that Aljunied has been won by WP.

**** Photo: Workers’ Party Supporters In Hougang Stadium <http://blogs.todayonline.com/singaporevotes/2011/05/07/photo-workers-party-supporters-in-hougang-stadium/>

**** Marine Parade GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66893105181376512>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

ge2011: PAP seems to be leading in Marine Parade GRC -unconfirmed.

**** Holland-Bukit Timah And Bishan-Toa Payoh <http://twitter.com/#!/mrbrown/status/66893833962668032>
Mrbrown, Twitter

I am told Holland-Bukit Timah and Bishan-Toa Payoh GRCs have gone to PAP.

**** Mountbatten SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66894577654710273>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

First results for tonight: Mountbatten SMC - PAP's Lim Bow C wins (11,000 votes). Jeanette from NSP (8436 votes)

**** Sengkang West SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66893060725948417>
Straits Times, Twitter

PAP has won Sengkang West SMC, say our sources.

**** Bukit Panjang SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66893478713503744>
Straits Times, Twitter

Looks like Teo Ho Pin has won Bukit Panjang SMC.

**** Bukit Panjang SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/tocsg/status/66895678298787840>
The Online Citizen, Twitter

RESULT: PAP wins Bukit Panjang SMC.

**** Bt Panjang SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66895655200751616>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bt Panjang SMC. Alec Tok SDP 10,362. Teo Ho Pin PAP 20,349. Spoilt 744

**** Radin Mas SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66896553280937984>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT: Radin Mas SMC Sam Tan PAP 18,591. Yip Yew Weng NSP 9,110. Spoilt 669

**** Whampoa SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66897421329899520>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT: Whampoa SMC Heng Chee How PAP 13,015. Ken Sun NSP 6,672. Spoilt 488

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66897854962212864>
Today, Twitter

Aljunied PAP team spotted huddled around a table @ Bedok Stad with their family members, heads bowed, checking their cellphones

**** Potong Pasir SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/mrbrown/status/66898233422651392>
Mrbrown, Twitter

Unverified news: Potong Pasir goes to PAP by 111 votes.

**** Moulmein-Kallang GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/mrbrown/status/66899928860983296>
Mrbrown, Twitter

Unverified news: Moulmein-Kallang GRC goes to PAP but with less than 60% of votes

**** Joo Chiat SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66900325751209985>
Straits Times, Twitter

Our reporters say there's a recount going on in Joo Chiat SMC.

**** Moulmein-Kallang GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66902388199526400>
Today, Twitter

OFFICAL RESULT: Moulmein-Kallang GRC. 44,828 PAP. 31,721 WP. 1,659 spoilt

**** S'pore Polls: Hot-seat Aljunied Falls To The Workers' Party <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/5/7/nation/20110507233111&sec=nation>
The Star

The Workers' Party (WP) is said to have won in the hotly-contested Aljunied GRC.

The WP team in Aljunied GRC has been billed by political watchers as the “A” team of the opposition party.

**** Joo Chiat SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66905747711201280>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT PAP wins Joo Chiat. Charles Chong PAP 9,630. WP Yee Jenn Jong 9,248. Spoilt 314

**** Hong Kah North SMC <http://twitter.com/TODAYonline/status/66907170595287040>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT: PAP win Hong Kah North SMC. PAP's Amy Khor 18,149. SPP's Sin Kek Tong 7,553. Spoilt 573

**** Marine Parade GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66908101248430080>
Straits Times, Twitter

Confirmed: PAP wins Marine Parade GRC. NSP: 59,833 votes. PAP: 78,182 votes.

**** Hougang SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66909333031624704>
Straits Times, Twitter

Confirmed: WP wins Hougang SMC. PAP: 8,053 votes. WP: 14,833 votes

**** Potong Pasir SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66907805155737600>
Straits Times, Twitter

Looks like recount is done and PAP has taken Potong Pasir.

**** Hougang SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66910592534970368>
Today, Twitter

WP's Yaw Shin Leong: This is a very humbling moment for me. The ppl of Hougang have voted with their hearts and minds

**** Tampines GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66911597800587264>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP wins Tampines GRC. PAP 72,664. NSP 54,337. Spoilt 3,074.

**** Singapore Opposition Set To Make Gains <http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/news/englishnews/20110508/news_20110508_56_753805.htm>

The Singapore opposition appear set to win at least five seats in the city-state's general election, more than doubling its presence in the previous parliament, local media reported. The Straits Times quoted a candidate of the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) as saying that the most hotly contested district, Aljunied, had fallen to the Workers' Party. Independent websites carried similar reports.

**** GE: WP Takes Hougang, PAP Wins Six SMCs So Far <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1127421/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

**** West Coast GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66913595329482752>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT: PAP win West Coast GRC. PAP 72,465. RP 36,395. Spoilt

**** Workers' Party <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66913738502062082>
Today, Twitter

Overheard: WP's Low Thia Khiang to Hougang winner Yaw Shin Leong: 'Wah you got better result than me!'

**** Yuhua SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66915153756692480>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP wins Yuhua SMC. PAP Grace Fu 14,081. SDP's Teo Soh Lung 6,977. Spoilt 530

**** Sengkang West SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66916003925344256>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Sengkang West SMC. PAP 14,667. WP 10,585. Spoilt 437.

**** Ang Mo Kio GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66917546770710528>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win AMK GRC. PAP 112,544. RP 49,779. Spoilt 5,030.

**** Punggol East SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66918872212709376>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP wins Punggol East SMC 3-way fight. PAP 16,969. WP 12,765. SDA 1,386. Spoilt 551.

**** Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66919964455612416>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. PAP 62,282. SPP 47,092. Spoilt 2,085.

**** 新加坡反对党赢得六个国会议席 <http://www.nanyangpost.com/news/singapore/6396.html>


**** East Coast GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66921821575974912>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win East Coast GRC. PAP 59,895. WP49,342. Spoilt 1,847.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66921022410072064>
Straits Times, Twitter

Our sources said PAP got less than 50% of the vote in every one of the 5 divisions in Aljunied GRC.

**** Pioneer SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66922549304504320>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Pioneer SMC. PAP Cedric Foo 14,581. NSP Steve Chia 9,430. Spoilt 446.

**** Singapore’s Ruling PAP Wins Majority In General Election <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/asia-pacific/singapores-ruling-pap-wins-majority-in-general-election/article2013998/>

Singapore’s long-ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) has clinched a majority of seats in the next parliament, state television reported after the city-state’s most hotly contested election since independence.

**** Sembawang GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66924008649662464>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Sembawang GRC. PAP 84,185. SDP 47,578. Spoilt 3,290.

**** Nee Soon GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66924467909173248>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Nee Soon GRC. PAP 80,659. WP 57,482. Spoilt 2,341.

**** Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC <http://www.facebook.com/theonlinecitizen/posts/10150239021406383>
The Online Citizen, FaceBook

TOC reporter at Deyi - Chiam See Tong: 43% is very good (Long pause)Thank you all for voting for me. It's morning. I think everybody is tired and wants to go home. Thank you Bishan-TP for your support. Thank you residents of Bishan. Goodnight.

**** Holland-Bukit Timah GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66926204959207424>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Holland-Bukit Timah. PAP 48,682. SDP 32,322. Spoilt 1,719.

**** Chua Chu Kang GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66926695856357378>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP win Chua Chu Kang GRC. PAP 89,605. NSP 56,817. Spoilt 3,061.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66928140768911360>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. WP wins Aljunied GRC. PAP 59,732. WP 72,165. Spoilt 1,788.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66928577999945728>
Today, Twitter

George Yeo at Bedok Stadium: It was a great campaign. We fought hard, we had no regrets

**** Singapore's Ruling PAP Wins Two-third Majority In General <http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/07/us-singapore-election-idUSTRE74618M20110507?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FworldNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+International%29>

Singapore's long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP) has clinched over two-thirds of the seats in the next parliament, state television reported after the city-state's most hotly contested election since independence.

**** Jurong GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66931284492029952>
Straits Times, Twitter

Confirmed: PAP wins Jurong GRC. PAP: 76,489 votes. NSP: 37,734 votes.

**** Aljunied GRC <http://twitter.com/#!/stcom/status/66931007940591616>
Straits Times, Twitter

Low thanks S'poreans for their “leap of faith”, for wanting “a home and not just a house”

**** GE: A New Chapter Has Opened, Says George Yeo <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1127440/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

The Workers' Party -- led by its Secretary-General Low Thia Khiang -- has won the hotly contested Aljunied Group Representation Constituency (GRC).

The win has put the most number of Opposition members into Parliament.

The win means the PAP team has lost three appointment holders -- Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Lim Hwee Hua and Senior Minister of State Zainul Abidin Rasheed.

**** Singapore's Ruling Party Wins Parliamentary Majority In Election, But Opposition Makes Gains <http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5gZTlbR2y0T8d4NG5iVR-PPaUVttg?docId=6780793>
Associated Press

Singapore's ruling party has won an overwhelming parliamentary majority in elections, but the opposition has made historic gains.

**** #Sgelections <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66936699040702465>
Today, Twitter

PAP's 60.2% winning margin so far - by comparison, it was 66.6% in 2006 and 75% in 2001

**** Potong Pasir SMC <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66937801719037952>
Today, Twitter

OFFICIAL RESULT. PAP wins Potong Pasir SMC. PAP Sitoh Yoh Pin 7,973. SPP Lina Chiam 7,859. Spoilt 242.

**** What Will Happen To George Yeo? <http://kentridgecommon.com/?p=11648>
Koh Choon Hwee, The Kent Ridge Common

What lessons will the PAP draw from this loss?

**** #Sgelections <http://twitter.com/#!/TODAYonline/status/66938663279403008>
Today, Twitter

By our count, of the 2,012,976 votes cast in the 2011 GE, 1,211,819 went to PAP - 60.2% of the vote

**** What Next For The PAP? <http://siewkumhong.blogspot.com/2011/05/what-next-for-pap.html>
Siew Kum Hong

What we do know, is that it was the PAP's arrogance that had led to its downfall. The themes of government accountability and arrogance played so strongly with the electorate, that the Prime Minister was compelled to apologise for the errors of his Government late in the campaign. But it was clearly too little, too late for disenchanted voters. Worse, only the PM and George Yeo actually noted the problems with the party; it was almost as if all of the other ministers remained, in Minister Lim Swee Say's words, "deaf frogs" to the criticisms from the electorate.

But the early signs on election night were not positive. The two ministers facing the most personal criticism over the past few years have been Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng and Minister Mah Bow Tan. Both led their teams to a 57% vote share, below the ~60% national average for the PAP. DPM Wong described it as "strong support" from Bishan voters, while Minister Mah called the 10-point swing against him since 2006 a "strong mandate". Few would agree with those claims, which ring hollow and false. If they truly believe their words, then the lessons from GE2011 would appear to have been lost on them, in which case the Opposition can expect even more gains in the next elections.

**** Results - Breakdown <http://www.ge.sg/swingpercent/>
Channel NewsAsia

**** WP Wins Aljunied GRC: PAP Has To Reform Or Else… <http://rogerpoh.wordpress.com/2011/05/08/wp-wins-aljunied-grc-pap-has-to-reform-or-else/>
Spotlight On Singapore

PAP won by slim margins in many areas, and given the lop-sided playing field in its favour, it’s no exaggeration to say the opposition made handsome gains in this election.

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