[MyAppleMenu] Jul 29, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jul 29 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** Buy A New Mac, Get iLife For All Your Macs <http://www.macworld.com/article/161396/2011/07/new_mac_lion_ilife.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Dan Frakes, Macworld

When you reinstall Lion via Lion Recovery, it seems Apple uses information about your Mac's hardware to verify that it has a license for Lion. But what about iLife? When you first set up one of the new Macs, you’re prompted for your Apple ID and password. That information is sent to the Mac App Store, which adds licenses for the iLife ’11 apps to your Mac App Store account.

**** Stupid Productutil Tricks <http://shapeof.com/archives/2011/07/stupid_productutil_tricks.html>
Gus Mueller, The Shape Of Everything

So the next time you get a vague error message back from Application Loader, it might be helpful to check the report generated by productutil before swearing in the general direction of Cupertino, CA.

**** How To Resize Windows More Precisely In Mac OS X Lion <http://lifehacker.com/5825667/how-to-resize-windows-more-precisely-in-mac-os-x-lion>
Adam Dachis, Lifehacker

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** The Crap In My Head <http://www.themorningnews.org/article/the-crap-in-my-head>
David Carkeet, The Morning News

Little things people say can get stuck in your brain and become triggers, forcing you to relive moments you’d rather forget. Well, for aspiring linguists, it’s much, much worse.

**** The Great Fleet Street Novel <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/07/books/review/the-great-fleet-street-novel-evelyn-waughs-scoop.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
Thomas Jones, New York Times

“If you’d gone to a publisher in 1981 with a proposal for a science-fiction novel that consisted of a really clear and simple description of the world today,” William Gibson told The Paris Review recently, “they’d have read your proposal and said: ‘Well, it’s impossible. This is ridiculous.’ ” You’d have gotten a similar reaction if you’d gone to a publisher earlier this year with a proposal for a novel that went something like this: journalists on a British tabloid hack into and delete the voice mail messages of a missing (murdered, it turns out) teenage girl. Their activities are exposed by a rival outfit, to widespread public outrage. The paper in question is shut down by its owner, despite having a circulation of millions. Senior policemen, who hired former journalists from the paper as press officers, resign. Evidence emerges of illegal payments from the paper to corrupt police in exchange for information about celebrities, politicians and crime victims. Several journalists are arrested, including two former editors of the paper, one of whom had worked for the prime minister. A whistle-blower is found dead (though police say it isn’t suspicious). The paper’s owner, mogul of an international media empire, is summoned to testify before Parliament. And the allegations of wrongdoing just keep coming.

**** Food Britannia By Andrew Webb – Review <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/jul/29/food-britannia-andrew-webb-review?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Kathryn Hughes, The Guardian

The book gives the reader permission to linger lovingly over brand names such as Bird's Custard and Walker's Shortbread while also rejoicing in the way that generic dishes pulled from postwar childhoods - scotch eggs, curd tarts and bubble and squeak – are making a comeback.

**** Sold <http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/08/sold/8568/>
Wendell Berry, The Atlantic


**** Is Salah Tin Pailin Salah? <http://feedmetothefish.blogspot.com/2011/07/is-salah-tin-pailin-salah.html>
Feed Me To The Fish

Alas, now we know why Lee Kuan Yew said that our national pledge, "To build a democratic society based on justice and equality" is nothing but an aspiration!

**** Clear Difference In Presidential Criteria, Say Experts <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110729-0000047/Clear-difference-in-presidential-criteria,-say-experts>

Business and legal experts whom Today spoke to reiterated that there is a clear difference between heading a company with paid-up capital of at least S$100 million as opposed to managing funds in excess of that amount.

**** Tan Kin Lian Defends TOTO, 4D Applications By His Firm <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110729-0000080/Tan-Kin-Lian-defends-TOTO,-4D-applications-by-his-firm>
Tanya Fong, Today

**** Grace Fu Voices Concern Over Effects Of Casinos <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110729-0000084/Grace-Fu-voices-concern-over-effects-of-casinos>
Ng Jing Yng, Today

Writing on her Facebook page yesterday, Ms Fu said: "While I acknowledge the contribution of IRs to our economy, I am concern(ed) about the social effects."

On Mr Adelson's comments, Joo Chiat MP Charles Chong noted: "If MBS is planning to expand its non-gambling facilities, that is fine. But if it is looking to enlarge its casinos, that will be a little bit of a concern."

**** 昇菘必须按租约规定经营湿巴刹 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/yl110729_009.shtml>
谢佩丽,建屋发展局, 联合早报


See Also: 湿巴刹变成超级市场? [http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ysxl3mQ0XhIJ:www.zaobao.com/yl/yl110721_008.shtml+http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/yl110721_008.shtml&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=safari&source=www.google.com], 梁金德, 联合早报。“现今昇菘还是以非湿巴刹的形式继续经营,这是否意味着昇菘超市的经营模式已被有关当局默认了。倘若属实,是否意味着所有湿巴刹都可随意改变成超级市场。”

**** Why Has The Mainstream Media Not Picked-up This News About Tony Tan? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/07/why-has-the-mainstream-media-not-pick-up-this-news-about-tony-tan/>
Ravi Philemon, The Online Citizen

**** Time To Move On Mr Lee Kuan Yew <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/07/time-to-move-on-mr-lee-kuan-yew/>
Ghui, The Online Citizen

I may not have agreed with some of Mr Lee’s actions but I have profound respect for the man and will not hesitate to give him the credit that he deserves. It is therefore embarrassing to read these interviews for such statements are beneath someone with such a fine intellect.

Mr Lee, please do not destroy your own legacy by making such ill conceived remarks.

**** Peaceful Protests Can Be A Force For Good <http://www.yoursdp.org/index.php/perspective/vantage/4902-peaceful-protests-can-be-a-force-for-good->
Singapore Democratic Party

Autocratic governments will always try to paint protesters as troublemakers out to ruin the country. But there are many intelligent citizens who know that freedom of speech and assembly are basic rights necessary for a functioning democracy. They are what allow citizens to hold their governments accountable.

When good, decent and right-thinking people take to the streets to demand that their government listen to them, they can be a tremendous force for good.

**** The Statements Of Young PAP Do Not Help Too <http://newasiarepublic.com/?p=30764>
Davin Ng, New Asia Republic

Can you blame Singaporeans for remaining unconvinced when the same clarion call was made after the General Election of 2006? Many patriotic Singaporeans stepped forward. Many came away disappointed by the endeavor, for it became clear that it is nigh impossible to change the PAP from the inside.. Nothing had changed during the electoral cycle of 2006 – 2011, so how can the activist blame people for expressing cynicism towards this announcement?

**** Honest Mistakes? Or Cannot Be Helped? <http://atans1.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/honest-mistakes-or-cannot-be-helped/>
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

**** Dr Tony Tan Deletes FB Posting After Netizens Point Out Contradictions With His Son’s CV <http://singstatistician.blogspot.com/2011/07/dr-tony-tan-deletes-posting-after.html>
Thoughts Of A Singapore Statistician

Dr Patrick Tan’s first disruption was to go to Havard where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts. He was therefore not following the standard track of getting a disruption to go to medical school to come back and serve as a doctor.

The second disruption was to go to Stanford to get a MBBS. This second disruption is unprecedented and there is no record of anyone EVER getting a disruption to get a BA and then a second disruption to get a MBBS.

**** More Unemployed? How Many More? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/07/unemployed-more-how-many/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

**** Singapore Air Falls After Profit Slump <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-29/singapore-air-falls-after-profit-slump.html>
Robert Fenner, Bloomberg

**** SMRT Breaks Even <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/07/smrt-breaks-even.html>
Singapore Notes

**** Singapore Lauds Foreign-born Players After Win <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jbPS8Tu36KATyIFmiwqYEX07XYOg?docId=CNG.daf28a4b95d143ba3410888c45d30b40.aa1>

But the euphoria was tempered by criticism from many Singaporeans that all six goals scored over the two legs came from naturalised players Aleksandar Duric and Fahrudin Mustafic who were born in Yugoslavia, as well as China-born Shi Jiayi and Qiu Li.

The criticism reflects a general sentiment against the influx of foreign workers into the wealthy island-state, which Singaporeans say has resulted in overcrowding and loss of jobs for locals.

**** Netizens Allege Tony Tan Helped Son Escape NS <http://news.insing.com/tabloid/netizens-allege-tony-tan-helped-son-escape-ns/id-e7523d00>

A netizen has openly questioned the integrity of presidential candidate Dr Tony Tan on his Facebook page.

**** More Trains Coming <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/07/more-trains-coming.html>
Singapore Notes

**** The “Gahmen Owes Me” Mentality <http://politicalwritings.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/the-gahmen-owes-me-mentality/>
Political Writings

Only in Singapore do we find entrepreneurs bitching that the govt doesn’t give them grants, singers complaining the govt doesn’t give them funding, theatre companies ranting that NAC just cut their funding because it didn’t like their works criticising the Govt, and artists complaining that the govt just yanked their subsidised rental studios.

Somehow a lot of Singaporeans think it is the govt’s duty to help them in their personal endeavours.

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