[MyAppleMenu] Apr 26, 2011
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applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Apr 26 18:59:00 EDT 2011
**** Firmware Update Fixes iMac Booting Issue <http://www.macworld.com/article/159469/2011/04/imac_firmware_update.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Philip Michaels, Macworld
Should you have an iMac of recent vintage that suffers from booting problems, help is on the way in the form of a firmware update from Apple. iMac Hard Drive Firmware Update 1.0, released Monday, promises to tackle a hard drive issue that prevented some iMacs from properly booting.
**** Apple Slapped With Federal Lawsuit Over Location Tracking <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/04/25/apple-slapped-with-federal-lawsuit-over-location-tracking/>
Michael Grothaus, TUAW
**** How To Retrieve Files From The Trash <http://www.macworld.com/article/159468/2011/04/retrieve_files_from_trash.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Dan Miller, Macworld
**** Evernote CEO: Apple Users Are More Valuable Than non-Apple Users <http://venturebeat.com/2011/04/25/evernote-mobile-summit/>
Devindra Hardawar, Venture Beat
**** Five Essential Mail Rules <http://www.macworld.com/article/159394/2011/04/mailrules.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld
Use these simple yet powerful tools to sift through your e-mail and apply changes to messages, filter messages into specific folders, forward them automatically, set off alarms, and more. Using e-mail rules is easy, and Mailâs interface lets you set up their conditions and actions with just a few clicks. Here are five essential e-mail rules that will help you take control of your correspondance.
**** Apple Gets Its White iPhone 4 Ducks In A Row Ahead Of Launch <http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/26/apple-gets-its-white-iphone-4-ducks-in-a-row-ahead-of-launch/>
Vlad Savov, Engadget
Look, we all kinda, sorta know that Apple will finally admit it's springtime tomorrow and let the white iPhone 4 fly the nest. But in order to sell white iPhone 4s, you've got to ship them first, and one small Belgian retailer has just received its first batch of the mythical pale device and lined them up for some loving photography.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Whatever Happened To The Handsome Book? <http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/apr/25/books-objects-beauty-chick-lit-ugly?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Ursula Wills-Jones, The Guardian
Books used to be objects of beauty but these days many are sugary, bland monstrosities, particularly those aimed at women.
**** Better Than Renting Out A Windowless Room: The Blessed Distraction Of Technology <http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/columns-and-blogs/soapbox/article/46938-better-than-renting-out-a-windowless-room-the-blessed-distraction-of-technology.html>
Colson Whitehead, Publishers Weekly
The Internet is not to blame for your unfinished novel: you are.
**** On Language Nerds And Nags <http://moreintelligentlife.com/content/ideas/robert-lane-greene/language-nerds-and-nags?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MoreintelligentlifeTotal+%28moreintelligentlife.com+-+total%29>
Robert Lane Greene, Intelligent Life
Grammar rules are far more fluid than most people think.
**** You're All Nuts! <http://www.slate.com/id/2292081/?from=rss>
David Weigel, Slate
How America became the land of Truthers, Triggers, Birthers, and Dan Brown fans.
**** The Mouth Of The Mind <http://www.slate.com/id/2292022/?from=rss>
Leslie McGrath, Slate
**** How Many Singaporeans Exactly? <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC110426-0000080/How-many-Singaporeans-exactly?>
Joseph Khoo, Today
According to the statistics quoted, the IM Flash Singapore Nand Flash Wafer Fab currently employs 1,200 workers, of which six in 10 are Singaporeans and permanent residents.
Just out of curiosity, exactly how many are Singaporeans?
**** What's Your Douchebag Agenda, Dr Vivian? <http://thinkingbetterthinkingmeta.blogspot.com/2011/04/whats-your-douchebag-agenda-dr-vivian.html>
Sam Ho, Sam's Thoughts
Dr Vivian, in using the video with an erroneous and misleading title and description, continues to validate and perpetuate the myth that gay people prey on the very young. This is tantamount to creating a moral panic.
I am speaking up against Dr Vivian not because I care about the SDP or support it, but because I am deeply angered and offended that he can resort to such political tactics. To make such insinuations about Dr Vincent amounts to a personal attack.
With your recent actions, Dr Vivian, I think you're in the wrong country, playing the wrong politics. Your maturity is not appreciated, and with respect to this issue, neither is your intelligence and good sense. What's the point of talking about 3G or 4G leadership when your political maturity continues to recede and regress?
**** Chee Soon Juan Responds To Vivian Balakrishnan <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4764-chee-soon-juan-responds-to-vivian-balakrishnan>
Singapore Democratic Party
Our candidates have been selected because of their ability to serve you, the people of Singapore, as your representative in Parliament. They have stepped forward because they love this country, and they know Singaporeans yarn for an alternative voice in Parliament. That's the only agenda.
When we speak up, we do so for all Singaporeans, because we serve all Singaporeans, not just a segment of Singaporeans. At the very core of our country and national pledge, it's the creed that we do not discriminate against anyone, be it on the basis of their colour of skin, the faces or the hearts, whether they are young or old, or what their sexual orientation is.
This is why we are so disappointed that Dr Vivian Balakrishnan has raised this issue in such a manner. He didn't have the courage to say what he really wanted to say first, and he was beating around the bush. We call on Dr Balakrishnan not to continue in this manner. I can only hope that he will not adopt smear tactic in this campaign, and we ask him not to go down this road. We are better than that. We can disagree on policies and not resort to personal attack. Let's lead Singapore to a higher level of politics.
**** Andrew Kuan Plans For Joo Chiat <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110426-0000120/Andrew-Kuan-plans-for-Joo-Chiat>
Ian De Cotta, Today
Independent candidate Andrew Kuan plans to form a political party should he win the Single Member Constituency (SMC) of Joo Chiat in the May 7 polls.
He said he will also fight for greater accountability in the management of public funds and investments, citing the amount spent for last year's Youth Olympic Games, which exceeded the original estimate of S$104 million by three times, as a case of government overspending.
**** PAP's Statement On Wijeysingha Disappointing <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC110426-0000212/PAPs-statement-on-Wijeysingha-disappointing>
Li Shi-En, Lisa, Today
During the April live political debate on Channel NewsAsia, Dr Wijeysingha showed Singaporeans that he is an articulate, capable speaker who is passionate for social justice. My opinion of him has not changed.
However, I am saddened by the appearance of such gutter politics from one of our Ministers and his PAP teammates, Mr Christopher De Souza, Mr Liang Eng Hwa and Ms Sim Ann, who signed off on this misleading statement. Instead of showing us why they are better leaders for Singapore or engaging the opposition on policy differences, they have resorted to a smear campaign based on a Youtube video posted by an anonymous netizen.
**** GE Is About Us, Our Future: Chen Show Mao <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/ge-is-about-us-our-future-chen-show-mao/>
Ko Siew Huey, The Online Citizen
WP candidate Mr Chen also made the point that this election is about the future of Singapore. âDo you give all of the power that affects your future to one party and hope for the best? Or do you keep that power for yourself and give yourself a choice. A choice of capable parties competing to give you a better future.
âBut in order to have that choice tomorrow, you would need to support the opposition in Singapore today so that we will have the opportunity, the time and the means to grow and develop and become more seasoned in matters of government.â
**** A Wrong Sense Of Housing Affordability: NSP's Goh <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110426-0000123/A-wrong-sense-of-housing-affordability--NSPs-Goh>
Tan Weizhen, Today
At current housing prices, buyers will have to service their loans for the next 30 years, which will wipe out the CPF accounts of many buyers, leaving them with little for retirement, NSP secretary-general Goh Meng Seng said in response to recent comments by national development minister Mah Bow Tan.
"A 30-year mortgage isn't affordable. It would mean that all the youngsters now, in 30 years' time, wouldn't be able to retire; CPF would be zero. So what gives? Our future generation will suffer."
**** Gutter Politics And Political Cowardice By Vivian Balakrishnan <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=6621>
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net
What kind of politician is this, who does not even dare state explicitly what the issue is, but instead calls on netizens to carry and wield his hatchet for him? This is an ultimate act of political cowardice.
But Dr Balakrishnan is not interested in transparency or accountability, as his message to the mainstream press on Monday seems to suggest. His only real aim is to tarnish the image of Dr Wijeysingha in the eyes of some Singaporean voters who might be still apprehensive about sexual minorities in this day and age.
So whoâs being transparent and forthright here, and whoâs hiding in the shadows behind vile insinuations and personal attacks, but without coming clean on the real issues that concern all Singaporeans?
**** The Elections Department Replied <http://rachelzeng.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/the-elections-department-replied/>
Rachel Zeng
"As the campaign period has not commenced, the rules relating to the display of posters and banners under the Parliamentary Elections (Election Advertising) Regulations do not apply at this time. The display of poster and banners outside of the campaign period is governed by other legislation."
**** The Incentive Fallacy: The Elephant In The Room That Will Destroy Singapore. <http://www.visakanv.com/blog/2343/minsterial-pay/>
Visakan Veerasamy
We do live in a real world. A real world where it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that financial incentives decrease productivity for any task that isnât purely mechanical.
We have to stop trying to entice people with sweeter carrots, and similarly we have to stop threatening them with sharper sticks. This turns off the our best and our brightest Singaporeans.
What they really want is autonomy, mastery, and purpose- all of which our government, culture and systems generally fail to provide!
**** On Vivian Balakrishnan <http://akikonomu.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-vivian-balakrishnan.html>
Consciously or otherwise, Vivian Balakrishnan invites Feminist Mentor and conservative Christians to wage another round of their cultural war in Singapore's general election this year. Consciously or otherwise, Balakrishnan will make 2011 the first time in Singapore's history where the conservative Christian vote has wedge issues in the elections brought to their attention.
Vivian Balakrishnan can right now say he meant nothing, that he meant something else which he will not follow up at the present moment but will reveal when the time is ripe, etc. The fact is the wheels have been set into motion and no one can close this Pandora's box.
Perhaps Vivian Balakrishnan is pleased at the new cleavages he has wrought on Singapore society? Perhaps he is satisfied at the introduction of dog whistling to religious groups on wedge issues? Maybe he fancies himself a trailblazer but I see him as a sower of potential destruction in Singapore.
**** Only Weaklings Suffer No Criticism <http://ahmadintaiwan.blogspot.com/2011/04/only-weaklings-suffer-no-criticism.html>
Ahmad in Taiwan
Singaporeans are not stupid, and nobody appreciates being taken for a fool. But come election time, we are still barraged by idle threats from the PAP about "freak election results", "parliamentary deadlock", "no more upgrading if you vote for opposition", etc. Even more insulting are the blatant pre-election sweets given out to the public. In Taiwan, election candidates can be fined and jailed if found guilty of distributing gifts or money to voters in excess of NT$30 (less than S$2). At least in Taiwan, the money comes out of the candidates pockets. Here, we are bribed with our own money.
Maybe it will take a "freak result" for the PAP to finally understand that really listening to what the people are saying really matters. Being a former Chief of Army or PSC scholar does not give you the right to talk down on anybody, especially to your voters.
**** Idiotic Letters To The ST Forum A Worry <http://mollymeek.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/idiotic-letters-to-the-st-forum-a-worry/>
**** PAP: Will Wijeysingha Pursue Gay Agenda? SDP: No, We Will Not <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110426-0000505/PAP--Will-Wijeysingha-pursue-gay-agenda?-SDP--No,-we-will-not>
Neo Chai Chin, Today
**** PAP Fears WP Will Block Constitutional Amendments <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/04/pap-fears-wp-will-block-constitutional.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News
It is exactly for such reasons that we need a strong opposition representation in Parliament to block constitutional amendments and money bills, to keep the system in check and in balance.
**** 大é2011 æ°èç§ä¹¦é¿æç¦èï¼é¨é¿çº§åé人è¥è½è´¥ å¯ç¨âå§ä»»é¨é¿â身份继ç»æå¡ <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110426_019.shtml>
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**** The New Paper Sinks To A New Low, Even By Their Standards <http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2011/04/the-new-paper-sinks-to-a-new-low-even-by-their-standards.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mrbrown+%28mrbrown%29>
It is bad enough that Vivian Balakrishnan is playing the gay card but The New Paper shows you how low in the gutter they can go with this headline and photo.
**** Below The Belt <https://chaptertworeload.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/below-the-belt/>
Aaron Ng, Chapter Two: Reload
Political contests are usually not clean fights. Mud raking and slinging are part and parcel of the political process, but they do come at a risk. Independents and PAP supporters may be turned off by what could be perceived as an under the belt attack on a competing candidate.
**** Criticisms Posted On Balakrishnanâs Facebook Page Deleted <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/criticisms-posted-on-balakrishnans-facebook-page-deleted/>
The Online Citizen
**** Singapore Democratic Party Sends Mixed Messages <http://newnation.sg/2011/04/singapore-democratic-party-sends-mixed-messages/>
Terence Lee, New Nation
Dr Vivian may be a shrewd tactician, but heâs certainly not winning the moral war. The ground is shifting beneath our feet: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who is cool with gay MPs, believes acceptance of homosexuality will grow.
**** Appeal For Clean Campaign <http://thinkhappiness.blogspot.com/2011/04/appeal-for-clean-campaign.html>
Think Happiness
**** Open Season <http://hardhitting-nobs.blogspot.com/2011/04/open-season.html>
Musings From The Lion City
**** Unfold The Untold Mas Selamat Story <http://thinkhappiness.blogspot.com/2011/04/unfold-untold-mas-selamat-story.html>
Think Happiness
Bottomline post-COI inquiry: we have a ministerial statement and follow-up questions to the statement in Parliament, but no independent document relating to the contents of this ministerial statement has been disclosed.
If DPM Wong promised a full account of the flight of MAS Selamat, the story remains untold.
**** HDB Flats And The Illusion Of Wealth <https://chaptertworeload.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/hdb-flats-and-the-illusion-of-wealth/>
Aaron Ng, Chapter Two: Reload
Rising prices of HDB flats across the board is not a sign of affluence; it is merely an illusion of wealth for the lessee.
**** Opposition: Social Media Helps Bypass Pro-PAP Media <http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/04/25/social-media-singapore-election/>
Penn Olson
Although the opposition parties have gained much success via social media, the real victory still lies in the actual votes. It is, however, a good step forward for the oppositions.
**** Gratitude And Not Servitude. Slave No More! <http://feedmetothefish.blogspot.com/2011/04/gratitude-and-not-servitude-slave-no.html>
Feed Me To The Fish
Singaporeans will not die if PAP loses a two-third majority in the House. We'll be better for it. In fact, Singaporeans will at last be respected internationally for having the balls to show the whole world that we are not a bunch of spineless 'Kiasu', 'Kiasi', 'Kia Bo Lui', 'Kia Cheng Hu' work like 'Char Tow' deadwoods with spurs kicked in by the Millionaires!
**** Opinion: Homophobia In Singapore Elections <http://komunitikini.com/news/opinion-homophobia-in-singapore-elections>
Sam Ho, Komunitikini
You know what is dangerous and damaging to families? Not gay rights, but homophobic bigots who raise ill-adjusted homophobic kids who see it is okay to indulge in bullying, hatred, fear-mongering and to some extent, violent behaviour.
Our government is also standing idly by, and not speaking up against the fear-mongering and hate-mongering, because homophobia can always retreat back the fortification that is religion (namely socio-religious organisations and communities which legitimise this homophobic hate speech and behaviour).
**** Discrimination Against The Poor With Foreign Spouse... <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/04/paps-discrimination-against-poor-with.html>
Diary Of A Singapore Mind
Let me tell you what is very wrong here. If a high income man marries a foreign wife, his wife can get citizenship or PR easily and will be entitled to things like subsidised medical care (class "C" wards)etc. However, if a poor man marries a foreign wife, he may not even get a LTVP and his marriage will be strained and have a higher chance of failing. If he manages to get a LTVP (which has to be renuewed annually), his wife can stay to help look after the children but without citizenship or PR, he has to pay substantially more if his wife gets sick - unnecessarily increasing his financial strain.
**** Andrew Kuan Withdraws From GE <http://www.todayonline.com/SingaporeVotes/EDC110426-0000640/Andrew-Kuan-withdraws-from-GE>
Ian De Cotta, Today
Independent candidate, Andrew Kuan, told Today that he would not be contesting in the General Election and will not be submitting his nomination forms tomorrow.
**** PAP, Don't Engage In Smear Tactics: SDP Chief Chee <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/pap-team-questions-sdp-candidate-political-agenda-191935320.html>
Faris Mokhtar, Yahoo!
Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) secretary-general Chee Soon Juan has called on the People's Action Party (PAP) not to engage in "smear tactics" as the General Election reaches fever pitch.
Human rights lawyer M. Ravi -- who was prominently featured in the video -- also questioned why Dr Balakrishnan raised the issue of a gay "agenda".
"The context of the issue was a constitutional challenge of 377A which is discrimination in the first place. He (Vincent) was just invited as one of the speakers in a private capacity and I as a citizen have the right to speak about the issues that I want," said Ravi.
**** 10 Lessons From The GE So Far <http://groundnotes.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/10-lessons-from-the-general-elections-so-far/>
**** NSP Offers Hospital, Sound Barrier To Tampines Residents <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_661214.html>
Kimberly Spykerman, Straits Times
The National Solidarity Party will push for a community hospital to be built in Tampines to cater to the increasing numbers of residents above the age of 60. NSP secretary-general Goh Meng Seng cited this as one of the party's plans, if he and his four team members were elected as MPs for the GRC in the upcoming election.
The team would also erect a sound barrier near Tampines MRT station to reduce the noise for residents living nearby, increase the availability of parking lots and improve estate maintenance such as fixing leaking roofs and clearing rubbish in a timely fashion.
**** Back To Fundamentals <http://singaporealternatives.blogspot.com/2011/04/back-to-fundamentals.html>
Goh Meng Seng, Singapore Alternatives
Yes, MM Lee, it is about going back to fundamentals. PAP should do a deep self reflection on what went wrong with its fundamental principles of governance. PAP has lost its socialist roots along the way and now, it has lost the political moral high ground to talk about fundamentals.
**** GE: SDP's Gomez Tells Dr Balakrishnan To Focus On Issues <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1124940/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) member Dr James Gomez said Community Development, Youth and Sports Minister Vivian Balakrishnan should stick to issues rather than "play dirty".
"Dr Vivian Balakrishnan should have stuck to the issue, chief of which, his mismanagement of the Youth Olympic Games. Now, he has evaded the issue for the longest time."
**** Please Look At The Fundamentals Before You Vote <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2011/04/please-look-at-fundamentals-before-you.html>
Gilbert Koh, Mr Wang Says So
Five years of stagnant wage growth; five years of deteriorating public transport; five years of escalating healthcare costs; five years during the costs of public housing shot up immensely; five years during which the income gap between rich and poor widened more than ever before; five years of increased GST; five years of failed government initiatives to increase fertility rates; five years when the inequities suffered by NSmen vis-a-viz competing foreigners working in Singapore remained unaddressed; five years during which we let a terrorist almost nonchalantly walk out of a supposedly "high security" prison; five years when GIC and Temasek remained as opaque and unaccountable as they have ever been, concerning the people's money ....
Is there anything good that the PAP government has achieved in the past five years?
**** The Fear Factor, Singapore Style <http://yeejj.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/the-fear-factor-singapore-style/>
Yee Jenn Jong
These fears that currently still exist 46 years after independence are such sad legacies of our economic progress. Yes, we may now have first world infrastructure but why are ordinary people living in such fear? Is it not your democratic right to choose who you wish to vote for and if you choose to be actively support a legitimate political cause? I hope my children will never have to live with such fears. Let the competition be about what platform a party can offer and what the candidate(s) can offer. But never let yourself be intimidated by what is rightfully yours. Live your life with dignity!
**** Why This Hawker Can't Afford To Maintain Prices <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC110426-0000808/Why-this-hawker-cant-afford-to-maintain-prices>
Edward Chan, Today
Despite the Ministry of Trade and Industry's efforts to maintain food prices at hawker centres, it is with regret and trepidation that I read about the high-handed stance that the National Environment Agency is taking toward hawkers. My retiree friend was notified by NEA that his stall at Old Airport Hawker Centre had been "assessed by professional valuers to be fair and reasonable" regarding his rental increase from S$1,110 to S$1,500 with effect from April 1, after taking into account "stall size, location and the prevailing economic conditions".
On the one hand, MTI wants to keep inflation low and prices stable. On the other hand, NEA is bent on keeping in line with "prevailing economic conditions". My friend is keen to maintain his prices but with a 36 per cent increase in rental, he will find it difficult not to pass this price increase to his customers.
**** A Tale Of Two Maid Agencies â Writer Needs Your Advice <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/a-tale-of-two-maid-agencies-writer-needs-your-advice/>
Minglee Alsop-Lim, The Online Citizen
People say that the devil you know is better than the one you donât. But I feel that I canât tahan my current maid anymore. She seems to have forgotten that ultimately I am the one who pays her high salary. Do you think I should change maids ? Appreciate your advice.
**** Problem Solving, Vivian-style <http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showpost.php?p=55219873&postcount=1>
Hardware Zone
**** A 'Rainbow Coalition' Or No? <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC110426-0001052/A-rainbow-coalition-or-no>
Lim Jun Jie, Today
I find it ironic that it was Dr Vivian Balakrishnan who first raised the video as an election issue. This is because back in 2009, in the aftermath of the AWARE saga, Dr Balakrishnan was quoted by the media as saying: "Number one, don't let a single issue hijack the agenda.We live in a diverse society, there will always be some issue we cannot agree on - we need to be able to learn to live and let live, to agree to disagree and to do so agreeably."
In light of the apparent disconnect between Dr Balakrishnan's previous comments and his recent statements, Singaporeans deserve to know whether he now believes that gay people should not be represented in Parliament.
**** Vivian Balakrishnan Casts Doubt On His Own Good Character <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2011/04/vivian-balakrishnan-casts-doubt-on-his.html>
Gilbert Koh, Mr Wang Says So
Vivian, I want you to know that as a Singaporean citizen, it matters a lot to me that the leaders are of good character and possess honour and integrity. Your conduct in this matter (and the conduct of your fellow team members) does not leave a good impression on me at all.
I don't think I'm the only one either.
**** Sad Day When Political Reporters Become Celebrity Paparazzi <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/sad-day-when-political-reporters-become-celebrity-paparazzi/>
Yawning Bread
It is a fallacy to think that only someone belonging to a set can understand other members of the set and represent their concerns. By this token, only children can speak up for childrenâs interests, only gay men can speak up for gay menâs interests, only a migrant worker understands what migrant workers would wish for. This kind of essentialist thinking assumes that our humanity is necessarily limited to our own corporeal gratification, our intellect consumed by selfishness.
If we have to choose someone to represent us, the best move we can make is to find a person with the intellectual calibre to grasp facts and issues, with the empathy to weigh and palpate them and with the commitment to go out and speak untiringly on our behalf. I think Chen Show Mao meets all three conditions, not least the last â commitment â by choosing to give up his high-flying corporate career to serve the public good.
So please now, stop asking for personal trivia. Stop treating political reporting as no different from entertainment news. Stop treating candidates as celebrities.
**** Lee Warns Of Further Inflation For U.S. <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703956904576286233777632832.html?mod=googlenews_wsj>
Patrick Barta And Robert Thomson, Wall Street Journal
**** What Happened To 'Vote With Your Head, Not Heart'? <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC110426-0001031/What-happened-to-vote-with-your-head,-not-heart?>
Vinita Raman, Today
Second, the incumbent party has urged the electorate time and again to "vote with your head, not your heart". And yet, we have seen open-ended, below-the-belt attacks emerging in the past few weeks against potential candidates who do not belong to the incumbent party. These criticisms and attacks prey on the deepest fears and prejudices of the electorate. At best, it does not speak to the spirit of rationality and does not appeal to people's intelligence or their integrity. At worst, it insults Singaporeans, as it presumes they are a narrow-minded, prejudiced and fearful people.
Third, what is most disappointing for me as a member of the electorate is that these kinds of cheap smear campaigns detract from the real issues on the minds of all Singaporeans. We are, as all the political parties contesting in this landmark election know by now, concerned about the state of transition that Singapore is in; we are worried about immigration and the cultural, ethnic and social diversity that has occurred in the city within a compressed period of time; we are worried about the rising cost of living and housing; we are worried about whether we ought to have children and whether we can afford to raise and educate them here. We are worried about healthcare and about our aging parents.
**** Why Holland-Bukit Timah GRC Needs To Go To The Opposition... <http://thinkformesingapore.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-holland-bukit-timah-grc-needs-to-go.html>
Think For Me, Singapore
**** PAP Would Rather Die Together With All 'Passengers' <http://singaporeelection.blogspot.com/2011/04/pap-will-rather-die-together-with-all.html>
Singapore Election Watch
Personally, Mr Shanmugam, I thought your ideas are distorted and only serve to mislead us Singaporeans. We do not wish to die with you in a plane crash, and logically we should have alternative voices as the co-pilot to provide us a safety net in case you PAP the pilot fail your duty. Itâs simple as that.
**** No More 3-cornered Fight In Mountbatten <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/breaking-news-no-more-3-cornered-fight-in-mountbatten/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen
The chairman of private school Stansfield College Kannappan Chettiar, 49, who was expected to be part of a three-cornered fight in the Single-Member Constituency of Mountbatten has pulled out of the contest.
**** Dr Yaacob, Do You Understand Why Your Remark Was Misunderstood? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/dr-yaacob-do-you-understand-why-your-remark-was-misunderstood/>
Lisa Li
Dr Yaacob, many of us, Malays and non-Malays alike, were shocked by your initial remarks. We spoke up in outrage because we care for our collective language and culture. Now, by dismissing these valid concerns as coming from âelementsâ who sow discord for unspecified âgains and motivesâ, you only insult us further.
**** Early Birds Queue To Secure Election Rally Sites <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_661327.html>
Kor Kian Beng, Straits Times
Activists for the People's Action Party and the Workers' Party started queuing at 3pm on Tuesday at the Police Cantonment Complex to secure election rally sites for their parties.
At the last election in 2006, queues also formed overnight as parties jostled for rally sites in prime locations on a first-come-first-served basis. Another reason is because one rally site is typically allowed in single seat wards for each night of the election campaign.
**** PM Lee: No By-election If PAP Loses A GRC <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_661414.html>
Rachel Chang, Straits Times
'Elections are a serious thing,' he said in an interview published on Tuesday 'The voters have decided, and we will accept the voters' decision.'
**** Man Arrested For Saying He Wants To Burn His Voting Slip <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_661416.html>
Straits Times
A 32-year-old man has been arrested for saying on the Internet that he intends to burn his voting slip and ballot box on Polling Day.
The man was arrested for Communicating an Electronic Record Containing Incitements to Violence, under Section 267C of the Penal Code, Chapter 224. Anyone convicted can be jailed up to five years or fined, or both.
**** GE: Reform Party Set To Contest In Ang Mo Kio GRC <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1125016/1/.html>
Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia
The Reform Party is set to contest prime minister Lee Hsien Loong's Ang Mo Kio Group Representation Constituency (GRC).
The Reform Party said on its official social networking site Facebook that it would unveil its candidates on Wednesday after filing the nomination papers.
**** Why Rock The Boat? <http://yawshinleong.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-rock-boat.html>
Yaw Shin Leong
**** PAP Needs To Hear One Message â That Singaporeans Are Not Happy <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=6629>
The elections is the only feedback channel that can remain effective.
**** Divorced â And Facing Housing Woes <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/divorced-and-facing-housing-woes/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen
**** GE: New Online Portal To Aid Election Candidates During Hustings <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1125015/1/.html>
Dylan Loh, Channel NewsAsia
Channel NewsAsia understands that all applications for Political Donation and minority candidates certificates were successful.
Staff of the Elections Department have been working hard to help potential election candidates process their paperwork. But come Nomination Day, the candidates are on their own. Any irregularities with their forms, perhaps a blank unfilled or a sheet of paper missing, may cost them a valuable chance to be elected as one of the 87 members of Singapore's next Parliament.
**** Facebook, YouTube The New Battlegrounds In Singapore Elections <http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/26/us-singapore-election-media-idUSTRE73P1SU20110426>
Kevin Lim And Walter Sim, Reuters
As Singapore gears up for elections on May 7, no one is sure how social media like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter will affect the outcome. What is clear is these outlets are sharply different to the pro-government local newspapers and TV.
"What used to be mere coffee shop talk can now enter the public discourse, for better or worse," says Cherian George, associate journalism professor at Nanyang Technological University.
**** Of Apathy And Stepping Up <http://www.longadin.com/2011/04/of-apathy-and-stepping-up/>
It was a wake up call, to see such stupid things happening again, the absurdness of having a foot stomping Tin Pei Ling get a free pass to be an MP when more capable folks like Vincent Wijeysingha, SDP, or Chen Show Mao, WP having to fight hard against PAP ministers who have continually screwed up without facing accountability.
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