[MyAppleMenu] Nov 26, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Nov 26 18:59:00 EST 2010


**** Prognosis : Lessons Learnt From Developing A Top 10 iPhone App <http://blog.medicaljoyworks.com/prognosis-lessons-learnt-from-developing-a-to>
Medical Joyworks

Lesson 1 : Thou shalt test thy app in all supported iOS versions.

**** ForkLift 2, Slick File Management, Fast File Transfers <http://www.tuaw.com/2010/11/25/forklift-2-slick-file-management-fast-file-transfers/>
Brett Terpstra, TUAW

ForkLift 2 was officially released this week. This is the second generation of the FTP client-cum-Finder replacement, and it brings with it a veritable shipping palette full of new features.

**** Sorry Apple, Radio Apps Really Aren’t The Same As Fart Apps <http://thenextweb.com/media/2010/11/25/sorry-apple-radio-apps-really-aren’t-the-same-as-fart-apps/?>
Martin Bryant, The Next Web

Now, I know Apple makes a lot of idiosyncratic decisions entirely in its own interests, and it’s perfectly entitled to do that. However, this makes absolutely no sense at all. Individual radio station apps serve up unique content, this is nothing like yet-another-identical-fart-app.

**** Parallels Desktop 6.0 Switch To Mac Edition Review <http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/review/1899768/parallels-desktop-switch-mac-edition-review?WT.rss_f=Software&WT.rss_a=Parallels+Desktop+6.0+Switch+to+Mac+Edition+review>
Dave Bailey, Computing

Parallels Desktop 6.0 Switch to Mac Edition was easy to set up and gave impressive results – after minor niggles were sorted out. It allowed us to run Windows desktop operating systems on Mac hardware, and also individual Windows applications.

**** Apple Store US Posts Black Friday Discount Preview <http://www.tuaw.com/2010/11/25/apple-store-us-posts-black-friday-discount-preview/>
Michael Rose, TUAW

It's not Friday in the US yet, but you can get an early look at Apple's discounts for Black Friday on the store site now. Savings include $101 off the purchase of new MacBook Pro or MacBook Air laptops, and the same off new iMacs. The iPad is available at a $41 discount, and the iPod nano costs $11 less tomorrow.

**** Apple Mac Malware: A Short History (1982-2010) <http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2010/11/24/apple-mac-malware-short-history/>

**** Consumers Vote Mac For Laptop Buying Plans <http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9198099/Consumers_vote_Mac_for_laptop_buying_plans>
Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

More than a third of American consumers planning to purchase a laptop in the next 90 days will buy from Apple, a market research company said this week.

The surge for Apple is likely being driven by the new MacBook Air, the lightweight notebook that debuted a month ago, said Paul Carton, vice president of research at ChangeWave Research.

**** 1Password 3 <http://www.macworld.com/reviews/product/524474/review/1password_3.html?expand=true&lsrc=rss_main>
John Brandon, Macworld

Password management is not exactly the most exciting subject in the world. Yet, when you really need that one password for some arcane ancestry site you found last year, a password manager can be a major help. Agile Web Solutions’ 1Password 3 is one of the best password management tools I’ve used. Several robust and powerful features make it nearly indispensible. Yet, at the end of the day, what I liked most was that 1Password did not change our daily computing habits all that much.

**** View Pages Files In Windows <http://www.macworld.com/article/155911/2010/11/viewpagesfilesinwindows.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Whitson Gordon, Macworld

While you can export Pages documents to Windows-friendly formats, you might sometimes get caught in a bind and be able to send only the original .pages file to one of your Windows-using co-workers. But an anonymous Hints reader found a workaround.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Flipping Awesome <http://www.slate.com/id/2275848/>
Robert Weintraub, Salon

Is the long, proud history of the coin toss in professional sports coming to an end?


**** 两家廉航公司服务越来越差 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/yl101126_006.shtml>
吴炳钧, 联合早报

**** 孝顺父母要讲条件吗? <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/yl101126_005.shtml>
张春玉, 联合早报


**** Expats Highest Paid In Singapore But Little Mixing With Locals <http://www.pressrun.net/weblog/2010/11/expats-highest-paid-in-singapore-but-little-mixing-with-locals.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rana+%28Pressrun.net+%28originally+Blowin%27+in+the+Wind%29%29>

Singapore also doesn’t make the list of top 10 countries for quality of life. Life is better in Thailand, Bahrain, South Africa, Canada, Bermuda, Spain, France, Switzerland, Australia and Malaysia, according to the survey.

The expats find it easier it to integrate in Spain, France, Canada, Thailand, Mexico, Germany, Australia, America and Britain among other countries.

**** How Not To Penalise A Patient <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_607360.html>
Tan Yang Ching, Straits Times

A more effective solution is for the agencies involved, namely the Health Ministry, hospitals, Shield plan insurers and the Central Provident Fund Board, to ensure that insured patients under the relevant policies do not need to fork out a single cent upfront. Instead of making the patient pay up regularly during hospitalisation, the hospital should bill the insurer. This would signal a true improvement in serving the patient who has hospitalisation coverage.

**** The Great Mas Selamat Non-detection Mystery <http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/life/say-what-mrbrown/mrbrown-great-escape-aka-mas-selamat-two-years-619291>
Mrbrown, CNNGo

In a nutshell, the minister was saying that a) I cannot tell you whether we watched his brother's home or not; and b) Just trust me when I say my Home Team did all the right things.

**** Singapore’s Human Rights Subject To International Peer Review <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2010/11/25/singapores-human-rights-subject-to-international-peer-review/>
Yawning Bread

The Singapore government clings to the outdated doctrine of absolute national sovereignty. Under this principle, states have absolute freedom to decide their own internal affairs and foreign parties have no right to interfere. Casting themselves as holders of the electoral mandate to speak and act for Singapore, our government strongly rejects attempts by outside parties to take an interest in Singapore’s domestic affairs, challenging critics to a fight.

The fact is, only authoritarian states cling to this definition of national sovereignty. The world as a whole has been moving away from this atavistic notion for close to a hundred years.

**** Singapore And Press Freedom <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/26/singapore-and-press-freedom>
Michael Eng Cheng Teo, High Commissioner Of Singapore, Guardian

Mr Shadrake had alleged, without any basis, that the Singapore courts conspired with state agencies to suppress material evidence. Such a statement would be considered to be in contempt of court in many common law jurisdictions, including England, Australia, Ireland, Canada and Hong Kong.

The trial, along with Mr Shadrake's comment that it was a fair hearing, was fully reported by local, international and alternative media. The judgment has been published and is available for public scrutiny. Every society strikes its own balance between the rights of the individual and society. The death penalty has been and continues to be openly and vigorously debated in Singapore. But it is an issue for Singaporeans to decide, and the majority support the death penalty.

**** 'Old' Distance Discrepancies? <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC101126-0000068/Old-distance-discrepancies?>
Neo Chai Chin, Today

The Land Transport Authority told MediaCorp yesterday that the new claim period starting Dec 18 is open to all who have been overcharged.

**** Shadrake Applies To Leave Singapore <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_607593.html>
Straits Times

Contacted by The Straits Times yesterday, he said he wants to return to Penang, his second home, and London to settle 'personal' matters, but has not decided what his first stop would be.

Shadrake, whose sentence has been stayed pending appeal, said he had not originally planned to leave Singapore, and that he was responding to a 'reminder' by the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) at a closed-door hearing on Monday that he had the right to apply to the court for permission to leave.

**** 新加坡房子的中国买家 <http://style.sina.com.cn/news/b/2010-11-26/094370441.shtml>
周亚霖, 经济观察网



**** W(h)ither Our CPF? <http://votingrp.wordpress.com/2010/11/25/whither-our-cpf/>
The Reform Party

Cast your mind back, and you will probably be able to pinpoint the exact time when our CPF Scheme lost its direction. In an attempt to subdue increasing resentment from voters reacting to the government’s authoritarian high-handedness and the fact that it seizes 40% of our incomes, a major change occurred. The government raised the amount of CPF funds that could be used to purchase first HDB flats and then private properties from 80% to 100%. This caused the prices of homes to skyrocket overnight. The situation was made worse by the government’s conflict of interest as the owner of 80% of the land (through the SLA), provider of 90% of the housing (through HDB) and provider of housing finance (CPF). It meant they had every reason not to take steps to rein in the growing bubble in property prices. This was exacerbated by their decision to expand our population at an exponential rate starting in the 1990s which put further pressure on the already limited supply.

**** A Case Crying Out For Transparency And Justice <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4387-a-case-crying-out-for-transparency-and-justice>
Singapore Democrat Party

Remember, these Singaporeans who were detained were branded as violent communists and Marxists. Our media led the lynch mob, not bothering to even concede that they were merely suspects, but instead conducted their prosecution, conviction, and sentencing all in the pages of the newspapers and nightly news.

Today, the victims are just beginning to reveal the truth. Unclassified memos and minutes are also bringing to light how politics, not national security, motivated these arrests.

In this present case would the most honest of men and women, with hand on heart, say that they would have called the police, and handed a loved one back to a regime infamous for torture and detention without trial? Legally, are Mr Asmom, Ms Aisah, and Ms Nur Aini obliged to turn in a suspect?

**** What Am I Defending, Part II <http://thebluesweater.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-am-i-defending-part-ii.html>
The Blue Sweater

Some of the foreigners have a different conception of what they are trying to defend, and their definitions are not ones that are readily accepted by the born-and-bred Singaporeans.

**** Ionescu Released From Detention <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC101126-0000133/Ionescu-released-from-detention>
Claudia Craiu, Today

Now Ionescu has been placed under judicial supervision, which means that he cannot leave the country and must show up for his Court dates. His next appearance in Court will be on Jan 12.

**** Govt To Study Revival Of Johor Bridge Project <http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/02msa/Article>
Shahrum Sayuthi And Ben Tan, New Straits Times

The government will conduct a study on the possibility of reviving the aborted bridge project to replace the Malaysian side of the Causeway. Prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said several factors, including cooperation of the Singapore government needed to be taken into account if the project were to take place.

**** MFA Respects Romanian Court's Decision To Release Ionescu <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1095778/1/.html>
Ambiga Raju, Channel NewsAsia

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