[MyAppleMenu] Jun 4, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jun 4 18:59:00 EDT 2010


**** AT&T Pulls A Switcheroo On 3G iPad Users <http://www.macworld.com/article/151734/2010/06/attipadbaitswitch.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Dan Frakes, Macworld

It doesn’t matter how many (or how few) people will be adversely be affected by these changes. What matters is that AT&T and—by extension—Apple told consumers exactly what they would be getting by purchasing an 3G-equipped iPad, and AT&T is now changing part of the deal after the fact. AT&T should honor those sales-pitch promises for anyone who purchased an 3G-equipped iPad before Wednesday’s announcement. And Apple should make sure that happens. But I won’t be holding my breath.

**** Schedule E-mail Delivery <http://www.macworld.com/article/151750/2010/06/schedule_email.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Christopher Breen, Macworld

Mail doesn't include a scheduling feature. You can add one with an AppleScript.

**** Countering The Perception That The iPhone OS Is Too Closed <http://daringfireball.net/2010/06/iphone_os_too_closed>
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

Snell’s argument is that Apple should do this to nip the argument that the iPhone is too closed. But if Apple did exactly what Snell argues, critics would still harp on the closed App Store. iPhone critics have seldom let facts get in their way.

**** The End Of Malware? <http://www.slate.com/id/2255917/?from=rss>
Farhad Manjoo, Slate Magazine

How Android, Chrome, and the iPad are shielding us from dastardly programs.

**** Jobs Rewrites History About Apple Ban On Satire <http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/06/jobs-apple-satire-ban/>
Ryan Singel, Wired

The app store remains Apple’s — the rules for who is in and who is out are as murky as ever — and Apple reserves the right to dissemble about what its policies are, even if you do manage to get in.

**** Why It's Prime Time For Apple TV <http://edition.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/06/03/apple.tv.cashmore/index.html>
Pete Cashmore, CNN

The time is right for Apple for tackle the TV, and the company's re-entry into that market is a no-brainer.

**** Why Does The Open Source Community Love Apple? <http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/why-does-open-source-community-love-apple?t51hb&hpg1=mp>
Stephen Spector, NetworkWorld

**** Dark Side Arises For Phone Apps <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703340904575284532175834088.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_sections_tech>
Spencer E. Ante, Wall Street Journal

In one incident, Google pulled dozens of unauthorized mobile-banking apps from its Android Market in December. The apps, priced at $1.50, were made by a developer named "09Droid" and claimed to offer access to accounts at many of the world's banks.

As more companies, governments and consumers use wireless gadgets to conduct commerce and share private information, computer bad guys are beginning to target them, according to government officials and security researchers.

**** iPad Privacy Catch-22 <http://www.listbox.com/member/archive/247/2010/06/sort/time_rev/page/1/entry/1:10/20100603140318:48187D24-6F3A-11DF-949C-E0863F484F36/>
Richard Perlman, IP

**** Why Apple And Others Are Nervous About Foxconn <http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/10_24/b4182035750226.htm>
Stephanie Wong, John Liu and Tim Culpan, BusinessWeek

Foxconn's suicides are a reminder of the human cost that can come with the low-cost manufacturing U.S. tech companies demand.

**** Steve Jobs Gets It Wrong <http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/story/10773168/1/steve-jobs-gets-it-wrong-opinion.html>
Jason Schwarz, TheStreet

Those who assume that Jobs is the only one who can lead Apple are wrong. Leveraging the App Store is more about operations than it is about innovation. The innovation has already happened. Freeing up Jobs from his CEO responsibilities wouldn't be as bad as it sounds.

**** Mac Mini Supply Said To Be Dwindling, World Wonders 'Why?' <http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/03/mac-mini-supply-said-to-be-dwindling-world-wonders-why/>
Donald Melanson, Engadget

**** Tips For Creating An iPad-compatible Keynote Presentation <http://www.tuaw.com/2010/06/03/keynote-tips-with-ipad-compatibility-in-mind/>
Sang Tang, TUAW

While the iPad version of Keynote represents a slight twist on Apple's flagship presentation app and serves as a gateway into multitouch computing on a large display, it has a few shortcomings when compared to its Mac OS X counterpart. As a result, those who start their Keynote workflow on Mac OS X may be surprised when some of their transitions, builds and fonts don't show up the same way on the iPad.

**** How To Get Rejected From The App Store <http://www.infoworld.com/d/developer-world/how-get-rejected-the-app-store-854>
Neil Mcallister, InfoWorld

Often puzzling, always frustrating, the list of reasons why developers are denied access to Apple's iPhone App Store grows ever longer.

**** Apple Unveils A New HTML5/Web Standards Showcase — Safari Required <http://techcrunch.com/2010/06/03/apple-html5/>
MG Siegler, TechCrunch

Apple’s new HTML5 page on its site is a showcase for what you can do with the technology. There are seven impressive examples of things you can do using only HTML5: Video, Typography, Gallery, Transitions, Audio, 360, and VR. “Standards aren’t add-ons to the web. They are the web,” Apple writes.

**** Understanding The iPad VGA Adapter <http://www.zdnet.com/blog/apple/understanding-the-ipad-vga-adapter/7081?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zdnet%2FApple+%28ZDNet+The+Apple+Core%29>
David Morgenstern, ZDNet

**** Aussie Diners Eat Up Apple's iPad -- As Menu <http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/180181/aussie-diners-eat-up-apple-ipad-as-menu>

An Australian restaurant has ditched printed menus and now hands diners the latest tech-craze, Apple's touchscreen iPad computer, from which to choose and order their meals.

**** Apple's No-donation Policy For Apps Is A Cop-out <http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/06/nonprofit-developer-apples-no-donation-policy-is-a-cop-out.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss>
Jake Shapiro, Ars Technica

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Augmented Reality Edges Closer To Mainstream <http://news.cnet.com/8301-10797_3-20006750-235.html?part=rss&amp;subj=news&amp;tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
Declan McCullagh, CNET News

New crop of entrepreneurs finds new uses for the concept of augmented reality through video glasses and iPhone apps that may let users feed virtual dragons.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Plotting Along <http://www.thesmartset.com/article/article06031001.aspx>
Jessa Crispin, The Smart Set

You think women's fiction is improving, and then the rug is pulled.

**** Hollywood Loves A Good F&%#ing Title <http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/06/movies_fuck_fuckbuddies.html>
Claude Brodesser-Akner, New York

When it comes to brainstorming movie titles, Hollywood tends to fall in love with certain words: Impact, Extreme, Deep, Desperate. But recently writers, producers, and studios have become enamored with putting a word on the front page of their scripts that they know has mass appeal: “Fuck.”


**** Telcos Are Not Profiteering From World Cup <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_535201.html>
Tricia Lee, SingTel, Huang Shu-Yin, StarHub, Straits Times

We are not profiteering from the carriage of the 2010 Fifa World Cup. In fact, all we are hoping for is to break even.

**** And You Tell Me A Singapore Passport Is Priceless? <http://blog.marcustan.com/index.php/2010/06/and-you-tell-me-a-singapore-passport-is-priceless/>
Marcus Tan

Yes, when I was only 11 years old, my government was so afraid of my leaving the country to escape military conscription that they issued me a passport which was only valid for 9 months. It signals paranoia when the government of a country which is not at war forces all males into 2 year conscriptions.

**** The Most Unique Cookbook Store In Singapore: 25 Degree Celsius <http://www.foodfanaticsunwashed.com/2010/06/most-unique-cookbook-store-in-singapore.html>
Food Fanatics Unwashed

I absolutely loved this little home of a cookbook store during my travels in Singapore. 25 Degree Celsius is part bookstore, part cafe, and part test kitchen. Yes, that's right. They actually take books off the shelves, test the recipes to make sure they work, and then feature said recipes in their cafe.

**** Singapore Dollar To Outperform On ‘Safe-Haven’ Status, RBS Says <http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-06-03/singapore-dollar-to-outperform-on-safe-haven-status-rbs-says.html>
Patricia Lui, Bloomberg

The Singapore dollar will outperform Asian peers as its “safe haven” status attracts funds amid Europe’s debt crisis, according to Royal Bank of Scotland Plc and Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

**** SISTIC Fined $989,000 For Abusing Dominant Position <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporebusinessnews/view/1060982/1/.html>
Esther Ng, Channel NewsAsia

SISTIC has been fined $989,000 for abuse of dominant position by Singapore's competitive watchdog.

**** Singapore Film Festival Aims To Be Asia's "Cannes" <http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE6530Q420100604>
Michael Perry, Reuters

Singapore hopes to become the "Cannes" of Asia in 2011 when it stages the "ScreenSingapore" film festival, which will premiere Asian films and previews of U.S. blockbusters and hopefully attract Hollywood's A-list.

**** NEA Says Waters At East Coast & Changi Beaches Now Safe <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1061001/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

It is now safe to do water activities at East Coast Beach and Changi Beach. They were re-opened for such activities Friday.

The National Environment Agency, NEA, said its checks Friday morning revealed that the water at the two beaches have returned to normal.

**** Temasek Cares Receives S$70m Endowment From Temasek Holdings <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1061087/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

Temasek Cares, an Institute of Public Character that focuses on supporting the community in Singapore, has received an endowment gift of S$70 million from Temasek Holdings.

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