[MyAppleMenu] Jan 13, 2010
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jan 13 18:59:00 EST 2010
**** Apple Magic Mouse Review <http://reviews.cnet.co.uk/accessories/0,39100115,49304674,00.htm>
Justin Yu, CNET UK
**** The Apple App Store Economy <http://gigaom.com/2010/01/12/the-apple-app-store-economy/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+OmMalik+%28GigaOM%29>
**** Apple CEO Jobs' Pay Stays $1; Operating Chief Gets 13% Raise <http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/djf500/201001121729DOWJONESDJONLINE000435_FORTUNE5.htm>
Kathy Shwiff, Dow Jones
Apple Inc. (AAPL) chief executive Steve Jobs continued to receive $1 a year in compensation in 2009, the same salary he has taken for the past three years.
But chief operating officer Timothy Cook, who filled in for Jobs when the company co-founder took medical leave in the first half of last year, received $ 1.6 million in total direct compensation, 13% more than a year earlier.
**** Apple Board Urges Shareholders To Reject Eco Proposals <http://www.macnn.com/articles/10/01/12/proposals.spearheaded.by.activist.group.as.you.sow/>
Apple's board is urging its shareholders to reject several proposals focused on environmental efforts. The company's annual proxy statement includes the board's recommendations for votes on seven proposals. Proposal No. 6, which will be submitted by John Powers from the activist group As You Sow, seeks to establish a sustainability report detailing information such as greenhouse gas emissions and toxic materials, while addressing employee and product safety.
**** Should Your IT Department Support The iPhone? <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=bf49c69b6311ba7a0a63394fc38d784d>
Ryan Faas, Computerworld
Is the iPhone at last ready for business or enterprise adoption? Even if admins say no, you face another question: Can you effectively ban the use of the iPhone in your environment?
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Google To End Censorship In China; May Pull Out <http://news.cnet.com/8301-30684_3-10433538-265.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
Tom Krazit, CNET News
Following attacks on Gmail accounts of human rights activists, Google said Tuesday it will no longer censor search results in China, and might shut down Google.cn.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Mummies To Burn <http://www.slate.com/id/2241130/?from=rss>
Charles Harper Webb, Slate Magazine
**** Period Pains: When Writers Can't Tell The Time <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2010/jan/12/period-pains-writers-time-settings?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Suzanne Munshower, The Guardian
Authorial disregard for historical mores can make reading a book set in the recent past an unsettling experience.
**** Letting Go Of A Life's Work <http://www.latimes.com/features/books/la-caw-off-the-shelf10-2010jan10,0,1060119.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+features%2Fbooks+%28Los+Angeles+Times+-+Books%29>
Steve Oney, Los Angeles Times
Writer Steve Oney spent decades researching the 1913 murder of Mary Phagan and the subsequent lynching of Leo Frank, but his voluminous files now belong to history.
**** In The Soviet Union, When Food Was Scarce, Hope Could Still Be Nourished <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/13/books/13book.html?partner=rss&emc=rss>
Dwight Garner, New York Times
The title of Elena Gorokhovaâs new memoir, âA Mountain of Crumbs,â about growing up in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and â70s, comes from a game her grandmother invented to hide that she had almost no food to put on the table. Sheâd break up a slice of black bread and a cube of sugar on a plate and say to the crying child: âLook at how much youâve got. A whole mountain of crumbs.â
**** More Woes For Singapore Sovereign Wealth Funds <http://us.asiancorrespondent.com/the-asia-file/more-woes-for-singapore-sovereign-wealth-funds>
Ben Bland, Asian Correspondent
Temasek, like other sovereign wealth funds, is under more pressure than ordinary fund managers to uphold high standards of corporate governance. Yet something seems to have gone wrong on Temasek's watch at Alliance. Singaporean government officials love to lecture their Malaysian counterparts on issues of transparency and governance. On this occasion, it appears the Singaporeans will have little to brag about.
**** Woman Seeks Justice For Late Son <http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newsindex.php?id=467866>
A Malaysian housewife is crying for justice in relation to the death of her son in a hit-and-run accident in Singapore last month. Tong Ah Mooi, 59, wants the Malaysian and Singaporean authorities to bring the culprit, believed to be a Romanian diplomat and linked to the accident, to face the law.
**** Rebutting Law Minister K Shanmugam <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/01/rebutting-k-shanmugam/>
Donaldson Tan, The Online Citizen
There is no need for political education in the classroom. Instead, student governments should be liberalised to provide more opportunities for participation by the student population. Opportunities include, but not limit to, forming special feedback group within the student union to advocate or reform school policies, participating in union campaigns.
**** Priority Given To Truly Needy <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC100113-0000022/Priority-given-to-truly-needy>
Kee Lay Cheng, Housing and Development Board, Today
The government does not subsidise foreigners' housing. EM Services Pte Ltd, HDB's managing agent, rents these vacated flats at prevailing market rates with no special rental concessions or subsidies.
The flats cited by Mr Leong are no different from flats available for open market rental. Any person, Singapore citizen or otherwise, can also rent similar flats from the open market without waiting.
**** Surprised By 'Cooling Off' Idea <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_476604.html>
Catherine Lim, Straits Times
I was surprised that a shrewd leadership like the PAP could come up with a ruling that first, is of doubtful value and could even backfire; second, exposes an anxiety that could provide political fodder for the opposition, and third, exposes an insecurity that must make even its supporters wonder about how strong, after more than four decades of leadership, the bond between the government and the people really is.
**** CRC Will Strike Right Balance <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC100113-0000048/CRC-will-strike-right-balance>
Alicia Wong, Today
While some groups in society may be more vocal, the Censorship Review Committee (CRC) will "listen to and recognise the concerns" of others and "strike the right balance", said acting minister for information, communications and the arts Lui Tuck Yew yesterday.
**** 80% Pay Flats With CPF <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_476764.html>
Straits Times
Eight in 10 new Housing Board buyers are able to service their housing loans entirely using Central Provident Fund (CPF) monies without forking out any cash. This is possible due to the generous subsidy system, said national development minister Mah Bow Tan.
**** Choosing My Race <http://mathialee.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/choosing-my-race/>
Mathia Lee ~ Plans and Preoccupations
**** 10% Of PRs In Pri Schools <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_476733.html>
Straits Times
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**** Underground Walkway To Link City Hall MRT To Capitol Theatre <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1030365/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia
An underground pedestrian walkway will link City Hall MRT station to the future development at the Capitol Theatre site, on the other side of North Bridge Road. National development minister Mah Bow Tan said the underground link will be constructed by the developer of the site, as part of the site tender requirements under the Government Land Sales Programme.
**** The PAP Still Doesn't Get It. <http://singaporeanskeptic.blogspot.com/2010/01/pap-still-doesnt-get-it.html>
Singaporean Skeptic
Instead of addressing the root cause of low birth rate, our highly paid government resorted to simple minded solutions that try to fix the symptoms rather than the cause.
**** The Mystery Of The Missing Pig <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2010/01/much-ado-about-nothing.html>
Mr Wang Says So
There are things in life which are worth making a fuss over. And there are things in life which are not.
**** JI-cum-MILF Member Detained Under ISA <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1030436/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia
A member of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist organisation and the militant Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has been detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA). A home affairs Ministry statement said 41-year-old Mohd Azmi Ali was arrested in November last year. He was issued with an Order of Detention (OD) which took effect on 15 December.
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