[MyAppleMenu] Apr 2, 2010

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Fri Apr 2 18:59:00 EDT 2010


**** Apple Loses Swiss iPhone Trademark Appeal <http://www.macworld.com/article/150215/2010/04/apple_trademark_appeal.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Aayush Arya, Macworld

Apple’s appeal for reconsideration of its trademark application for the word “iPhone” has been rejected by the Swiss Federal Administrative Court, which maintained that the term is a non-distinctive word for which Apple could not be granted a trademark.

**** Apple Adds iPad Support To MobileMe <http://www.macworld.com/article/150220/2010/04/mobileme_ipad.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Serenity Caldwell, Macworld

The iPad supports syncing for e-mail, contacts, calendars, and Safari bookmarks, “no docking required,” and supports both iCal/Address Book and Microsoft Outlook combinations.

**** iPad Apps Start Appearing On The App Store <http://www.macworld.com/article/150235/2010/04/ipadapps_appstore.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Nicholas Bonsack, Macworld

The iPad won’t make its official debut until this weekend, but the apps that will run on Apple’s new tablet have already started popping up on the App Store—provided you’re using the latest version of iTunes, that is.

**** Hands On With The iPad: First Impressions <http://www.macworld.com/article/150267/2010/04/ipad_dayone.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Jason Snell, Macworld

Macworld took possession of an iPad Thursday morning, and for the last few hours we’ve been poring over it, taking photos and screen shots, trying out accessories, and tapping through every app on the device.

We’ve got a long way to go and a whole lot of questions to answer. But here’s a quick take with some initial thoughts on this new device.

**** iPad Has A Lot Riding On AT&T <http://www.macworld.com/article/150233/2010/04/ipad_att.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Matt Hamblen, Computerworld

If the iPad is truly going to be “magical,” as Apple claims it will be, a lot rides on AT&T’s networks, especially its much-derided 3G performance for the iPhone.

**** Triumph Of The iPad <http://www.salon.com/technology/how_the_world_works/2010/04/01/steve_jobs_ipad_triumph/index.html>
Andrew Leonard, Salon

>From the moment he first lifted the veil on the iPad until today, the entire process has been a work of art. Genius doesn't seem adequate to describe it.

**** New E-Book Pricing Model Adopted In Fits And Starts <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303395904575158361144575070.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsSecond>
Jeffery A. Trachtenberg, Wall Street Journal

As book publishers and retailers prepare for the launch of Apple Inc.'s iPad on Saturday, there are clear signs of the glitches and confusion that many expected would accompany the adoption of a new e-book pricing model.

**** Apple Racking Up Victories In Its War With Flash <http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sfgate.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Farticle.cgi%3Ff%3D%2Fg%2Fa%2F2010%2F04%2F01%2Fbusinessinsider-apple-war-against-flash-2010-4.DTL&usg=AFQjCNGu3ik-OCTYbvqkuopmOUuPXRxfTQ>
Jay Yarow, Business Insider

Before the iPad even hits Apple's shelves, take a look at this impressive list of companies converting to an iPad-friendly format for video:

**** Rethinking Apps For The iPad <http://feeds.technologyreview.com/click.phdo?i=9dc1a5125aa9a2c1b75e8c5cbcd40267>
Christopher Mims, Technology Review

The iPad isn't the only thing making its big debut this Saturday. Several hundred newly minted iPad applications, many of which have been painstakingly redesigned and rebuilt for the device, will also get their first airing.

**** Apps For iPad From Some TV Networks, Not All <http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2010%2F04%2F02%2Fbusiness%2Fmedia%2F02netflix.html&usg=AFQjCNH3kNZM7aEjhXxe5gNGZWaCJONKxA>
Brian Stelter, New York Times

Television networks are taking sharply different approaches to the iPad.

**** FileMaker Unveils Bento For iPad <http://www.macworld.com/article/150275/2010/04/bento_ipad.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Philip Michaels, Macworld

If FileMaker isn’t careful, people are going to start saying that Bento is the database software maker’s flagship app. After all, the company—which offers an entire line of professional database applications under the FileMaker brand— already produces versions of Bento for both the Mac and the iPhone. On Friday, the software maker unveiled an iPad version of its personal database application, with a number of features designed specifically to take advantage of Apple’s new tablet.

**** What You Need To Know About The iPad <http://www.macworld.com/article/150276/2010/04/ipad_faq.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Jason Snell, Macworld

More details about the iPad have come out. And we’ve managed to get our hands on an iPad all our own. So we’re able to go back and update our old iPad FAQ with the latest details about the device.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** A Critic’s Place, Thumb And All <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/movies/04scott.html?pagewanted=1>
A. O. Scott, New York Times

Critics, naturally, disagree over whether there is a future for criticism in the age of the internet.

**** Has Dottie Got Legs? <http://www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/Has-Dottie-got-legs--5245>
R. S. Gwynn, The New Criterion

On the poetry of Dorothy Parker.


**** United Singapore Democrats — A New Political Party <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/04/united-singapore-democrats-a-new-political-party/>
Ng E-Jay, The Online Citizen

The party members, however, are keeping mum for now. They will disclose further details about the new party at a press conference that will be held at a later date.

**** AGC Levies 13 Charges Against Ionescu <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC100402-0000092/AGC-levies-13-charges-against-Ionescu>

Following the State Coroner's verdict that he was the driver of the car in two hit-and-run accidents, the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) is filing 13 charges against former Romanian diplomat Dr Silviu Ionescu, including that of causing death by a rash act.

**** Is It Too Early? <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_509536.html>
Chen Junyi, Straits Times

Government intervention in the public transport system should improve the experience of travellers, saving them time and money.

**** No One Forced Chiam Out: SDP Chief <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_509538.html>
Chee Soon Juan, Singapore Democratic Party, Straits Times

It is a fact, recorded even in court documents, that Mr Chiam See Tong resigned as Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general in 1993 when no central executive committee (CEC) members supported a motion he proposed. No one forced him out.

**** When In Singapore, Do As Romanians Do <http://thinkingbetterthinkingmeta.blogspot.com/2010/04/when-in-singapore-do-as-romanians-do.html>
Sam Ho, Sam's thoughts

I don't know what to say. What is fair? What is justice? Maybe within the same geographical space, there are different standards applied when a law is broken or appears to be broken. We exercise surveillance on the wrong people, and mind you, money is needed for such surveillance.

**** 李光耀起诉西方媒体为何屡屡完胜? <http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gxnews.com.cn%2Fstaticpages%2F20100331%2Fnewgx4bb2b889-2831892.html&usg=AFQjCNEDE00JRN_zCaojnJ8RJDncXrf2oA>


**** Wi-Fi A Means To Attract Public Commuters <http://www.zdnetasia.com/wi-fi-a-means-to-attract-public-commuters-62062358.htm>
Victoria Ho, Zdnet Asia

Despite mobile broadband availability in Singapore, public transportation operators could offer free Wi-Fi onboard to differentiate their service and attract commuters, say observers.

**** Concerns Over Minister Lim’s Comments <http://yawshinleong.blogspot.com/2010/04/concerns-over-minister-lims-comments.html>
Yaw Shin Leong

Whilst it is understandable in the context of Singapore’s small island state for the need for bus-train integration, but in a truly world-class transportation system, the principle of choosing between ‘more and better’ choices must stand.

**** Joint Opposition Walkabout <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_509726.html>
Kor Kian Beng, Straits Times

Potong Pasir MP Chiam See Tong and Reform Party chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam have scheduled a joint walkabout on Sunday in the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC.

The opposition leaders are using this first combined event involving their parties to gauge support for the possibility of a joint contest in the constituency at the next general election.

**** Words And The Law And Humpty Dumpty <http://www.pressrun.net/weblog/2010/04/words-and-the-law-and-humpty-dumpty.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rana+%28Blowin%27+In+The+Wind%29>
Blowin' In The Wind

With all due respect to the law, reports of the Singapore court proceedings that ended in the conviction of five opposition activists yesterday reminded me of the words of Humpty Dumpty.

**** No Walking If We Have A Political Cause <http://civicadvocator.net/no-walking-if-we-have-a-political-cause>
Civic Advocator

I wonder if Choo knows how ridiculous his sentence reads – “evidence on record shows that the respondents had a political purpose for what they called a ‘walk’”. Yes, in modern Singapore, we cannot walk around in a group of 5 if we have a political cause.

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