[MyAppleMenu] Nov 15, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Nov 15 18:59:01 EST 2009


**** Apple Rejects Unity Games On The App Store <http://www.tuaw.com/2009/11/14/apple-rejects-unity-games-on-the-app-store/>
Mike Schramm, TUAW

The problem appears to be a number of API calls in the engine (though not specifically the game themselves, as I understand it) that allow the games to access the iPhone's number and send it back to the developer's servers.

**** Apple Earns Key Legal Victory Against Psystar <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/09/11/14/apple_earns_key_legal_victory_against_psystar.html>

Judge William Alsup ruled this week in a summary judgment that Psystar infringed on copyrights owned by Apple in order to place Mac OS X on unauthorized computers built and sold by the Florida corporation. In addition, Psystar was found to be in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by circumventing Apple's protection barrier that prevents installation of its operating system on third-party hardware.

**** Apple Relents. Bobble Reps Rule! <http://brainstormtech.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2009/11/14/apple-relents-approves-bobble-rep/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+fortuneapple20+%28FORTUNE%3A+Apple+2.0%29>
Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune

An iPhone app illustrated with caricatures of the 111th Congress finally gets the green light.

**** Apple Wouldn’t Risk Its Cool Over A Gimmick, Would It? <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/15/business/15digi.html?ref=business>
Randall Stross, New York Times

Everything about this technology seems so antithetical to the guiding principles of Apple that one would naturally wonder whether Steven P. Jobs even knows whether his company filed a patent application for such a thing.

**** Ruling For Apple Against Psystar Means Clone-makers Have No Legal ... <http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/nov/14/apple-psystar-cloning-licence-judges-ruling>
Charles Arthur, The Guardian

Psystar, the little company in Florida that seemed for a while to be based in the back of a truck while it made Apple clones based on PC hardware, has lost all its claims against Apple in a legal victory that is an important ruling against would-be clone makers.

**** Devoted Apple Fans Line Up In Rain For Opening Of City's Fourth Store On Upper West Side <http://www.nydailynews.com/real_estate/2009/11/14/2009-11-14_devoted_apple_fans_line_up_in_rain_for_opening_of_citys_fourth_store_on_upper_we.html>
Mclendon, New York Daily News

New York's already got three Apple stores, but hundreds of Mac fans patiently waited in the drizzle Saturday for a look at the fourth.

**** The Apple iPhone App Store Approval Process: A Really Inefficient Route For Getting To The Right Decision <http://technologizer.com/2009/11/14/the-apple-iphone-app-store-approval-process-a-really-inefficient-route-for-getting-to-the-right-decision/>
Harry McCracken, Technologizer

Apple, in other words, usually manages to do the right thing–it’s just that it sometimes does it after doing the wrong thing and getting slapped around in the blogosphere. Wouldn’t it be more efficient for everyone concerned–and less embarrassing for Apple and the iPhone platform–if it figured out it should really approve these apps before rejecting them and sending so many people into a tizzy?


**** Of Immigrants And A More Equitable Singapore <http://us.asiancorrespondent.com/clement-tan/of-immigrants-and-a-more-equitable-.htm>
Clement Tan, Asian Correspondent

The greater problem is therefore, the government's fundamental economic strategy for Singapore and how it contributes to increasing inequity in every aspects of Singapore society.

**** The Void That Is Alive <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/11/15/focus/5116194&sec=focus>
Tan Hui Yee, Malaysia Star

True to its name, the void deck consists of mostly empty space. Any suggestion that it was inspired by the minimalist designs of the late French modernist architect Le Corbusier is laughed off by HDB veterans. The former chief architect of the HDB, Tony Tan Keng Joo, says the void deck was simply devised to create an informal space for residents to meet and talk.

**** Obama In Singapore To Strengthen Southeast Asia Ties <http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-obama-asia15-2009nov15,0,4522118.story>
Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times

One of the key messages that he will press in Singapore and throughout his seven-day Pacific trip is that Asian countries must import more U.S. goods and rely less on exporting to American consumers, so as to avoid a repeat of the kind of boom-and-bust cycle that contributed to the current financial crisis.

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