[MyAppleMenu] Jun 1, 2009
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Jun 1 18:59:00 EDT 2009
**** In Music, Apple's Strength Becomes A Vulnerability <http://gigaom.com/2009/05/31/in-music-apples-strength-becomes-a-vulnerability/>
by Paul Bonanos, GigaOM
On-demand streaming isnât a perfect science, and Appleâs user experience is still stronger than any application can provide. Nor is multitasking an option with most apps, never mind how much the ones that do can drain a deviceâs battery life. But as the trend toward streaming music rather than owning it, once confined to the desktop, shifts to the mobile sphere, Apple will have to make new choices to fend off its competition.
**** Snowtape App Enables Live Radio Recording <http://www.macnn.com/articles/09/05/31/vemedio.releases.snowtape/>
by MacNN
Vemedio has released the full version of Snowtape, an application for playing and recording live radio.
**** 1Password Touch 2.0 Now Available <http://www.theiphoneblog.com/2009/05/31/1password-touch-20/>
by Rene Ritchie, The iPhone Blog
**** Clipstart, For All Your Video-Organizing Needs <http://www.macworld.com/article/140813/2009/06/clipstart.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Dan Moren, Macworld
**** What's Wrong With Apple TV <http://www.macworld.com/article/140859/2009/06/appletv.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by MacJournals.com
Who would have bought an iPod if 90 percent of the first-level and second-level menu choices were about buying music rather than playing it? The Apple TV is the complete opposite of what it should be.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Preparing To Sell E-Books, Google Takes On Amazon <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/technology/internet/01google.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
by Motoko Rich, New York Times
In discussions with publishers at the annual BookExpo convention in New York over the weekend, Google signaled its intent to introduce a program by that would enable publishers to sell digital versions of their newest books direct to consumers through Google. The move would pit Google against Amazon.com, which is seeking to control the e-book market with the versions it sells for its Kindle reading device.
**** Adobe's New Tools For Web Apps <http://www.technologyreview.com/web/22723/>
by Erica Naone, MIT Technology Review
Flash Catalyst and Flash Builder aim to simplify the construction of rich Internet applications.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Data-Entry Supervisor <http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2009/05/31/its_time_for_an_ambitious_new_literature_of_the_workplace/>
by Alain de Botton, Boston Globe
If a proverbial alien landed on earth and tried to figure out what human beings did with their time simply on the evidence of the literature sections of a typical bookstore, he or she would come away thinking that we devote ourselves almost exclusively to leading complex relationships, squabbling with our parents, and occasionally murdering people. What is too often missing is what we really get up to outside of catching up on sleep, which is going to work at the office, store, or factory.
**** The Elephant In The Room <http://thesmartset.com/article/article05150901.aspx?parm1=value>
by Jesse Smith, The Smart Set
Zoos were once full of compelling architecture. What happened?
**** Survivorman <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2009/06/08/090608po_poem_alexie>
by Sherman Alexie, The New Yorker
**** Good Neighbors <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2009/06/08/090608fi_fiction_franzen>
by Jonathan Franzen, The New Yorker
**** Don't Do That <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2009/06/08/090608po_poem_dunn>
by Stephen Dunn, The New Yorker
**** Khaw Says Communal Spread Of H1N1 Likely To Happen Soon <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/432973/1/.html>
by Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia
Expect more H1N1 cases, says Mr Khaw. It is just a matter of time before the communal spread of the virus will take place, as patients would have had contact with numerous people in the community.
**** More People Apply But Less People Get Help? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/05/more-people-apply-but-less-people-get-help/>
by Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen
**** Beyond Counting Weapons <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_384134.html>
by Nicholas Yong, Straits Times
Being transparent about military armaments will help avoid misunderstandings and increase trust and confidence for the Asia-Pacific, suggested deputy prime minister and defence minister Teo Chee Hean at the Shangri-La Dialogue on Sunday.
**** Worker's Party's Capitulation To PAP's NCMP Gambit Is Regrettable <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=3167>
by Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net
Even if WP manages to get in significant number of NCMPs into Parliament during the next General Elections, to me it will be a pyrrhic victory gained at the expense of democratic ideals. They would have insulted Singaporeans who have made monumental sacrifies over the past 5 decades in their struggles against the PAP and for democracy, and they would have insulted themselves.
**** åå½æ ï¼ä½ 没ä¹å¡å»âæ¯è¾¹â <http://rubber11.blog.sohu.com/117507643.html>
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**** H1N1ä¸çä¸æçå <http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a17af820100d775.html>
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**** State Media Versus Militant Religionism: Which Is The Lesser Evil? <http://wayangparty.com/?p=9990>
by Eugene Yeo, The Wayang Party Club
**** PAP Good, Opposition Bad? <http://pngapore.blogspot.com/2009/05/pap-good-opposition-bad.html>
by Times They Are A-Chaingin'
**** Singapore's Temasek To Invest S$437.5 Million In Olam <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aRDW_oeumUwM&refer=home>
by Chen Shiyin, Bloomberg
Temasek Holdings Pte. will invest S$437.5 million ($303 million) for a 13.76 percent stake in Olam International Ltd., a Singapore-based agricultural commodities supplier.
**** 'I Was Drugged And Abused' <http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/home/i-was-drugged-and-abused/278459>
by Nurfika Osman, Jakarta Globe
Safe again on Indonesian soil, teenage model Manohara Odelia Pinot outlined a horrific story of sexual abuse, confinement and torture at the hands of her Malaysian prince husband after returning to Jakarta on Sunday, following a dramatic weekend escape from him in Singapore.
**** Suspected Sabotage At Royals Premium Cakes Factory <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/433118/1/.html>
by Vina Mubtadi, 938Live
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