[MyAppleMenu] Feb 11, 2009
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Feb 11 18:59:01 EST 2009
**** App Store Tally: 20,000 Apps In Seven Months <http://www.macworld.com/article/138753/2009/02/appstore.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
**** The Experiment <http://appcubby.com/blog/files/the_experiment.html>
by Appcubby
People seem to think that there is unlimited demand for iPhone apps, but that's just not true.
**** How To Become An iPhone Developer In Eight Easy Steps <http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2009/feb/10/gameculture-apple>
by Keith Stuart, The Guardian
The developer of iShoot quit his day job after earning $22,000 a day at the top of the App Store charts. Here's what you have to do to be next...
**** Apple, Google, And Palm <http://daringfireball.net/2009/02/apple_google_palm>
by John Gruber, Daring Fireball
This jibes with a story I heard several months ago from a source who works at Apple, which is that Google showed Apple legal a pre-release prototype of the HTC G1, specifically to avoid patent-related disputes.
**** German Mac Clone Maker Claims Immunity From Apple <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9127709&source=rss_topic123>
by Gregg Keizer, Computerworld
"German legislation is in this case on the side of the final consumer," the company's site said, claiming that under German law, a license agreement is valid only if it was visible, and agreed to by the buyer, prior to purchase.
**** Note To Analysts: If You Remove All The Features From The iPhone, It Can Almost Be Free! <http://venturebeat.com/2009/02/10/note-to-analysts-if-you-remove-all-the-features-from-the-iphone-it-almost-be-free/>
by Mg Siegler, Venture Beat
Analysts seem to like to assume that Apple is going to make moves based on motivations that drive other companies, like market share. But Apple has proven time and time again that market share takes a back seat to solid margins and quality products.
The same statement can be applied to netbooks.
**** Apple's "Sticky" iPhone <http://apple20.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2009/02/10/apples-sticky-iphone/>
by Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune
**** Apple Speeds Up MobileMe Control Panel For Windows <http://www.appleinsider.com/blogs/general/09/02/10/apple_speeds_up_mobileme_control_panel_for_windows.html>
by Aidan Malley and Kasper Jade, AppleInsider
The upgrade accelerates the sync time for calendars and contacts stored in Microsoft Outlook, pushing updates in real time both to and from the computer.
**** Sending Apple Back To The Drawing Board <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/10/AR2009021003388.html>
by Jeff Leitner, Washington Post
I had naively assumed the goal was to preserve old buildings of historic significance from the ravages of modernity. But the building Apple intends to raze is 24 years old.
**** MobileMe Users Targeted In Phishing Scam Again <http://www.macworld.com/article/138770/2009/02/phishing_scam_makes_its_way_to_mobileme_users_yet_again.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by David Dahlquist, Macworld
MobileMe users have been receiving a new phishing e-mail that informs them that their annual subscription is set to renew automatically on a certain date, but that "attempts to charge your credit card have failed." It then offers to let you log in to update your information.
**** Extracting Audio From Movies With iLife <http://www.macworld.com/article/138773/2009/02/movieaudioextraction.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
**** Review: Box.net For iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/138775/2009/02/boxnet.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Brendan Wilhide, Macworld
Box.netâs iPhone client lets users of the online storage service easily access their files while on the go. Itâs a convenient option for iPhone and iPod touch owners with remote storage needs.
**** FlatOut 2 <http://www.maclife.com/article/reviews/flatout_2>
by Susie Ochs, Mac|Life
**** With Smartphones, Doctors Reinvent House Call <http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2008719778_docphones08.html?sr=hotnews>
by Bobby Caina Calvan, McClatchy Newspapers
"My iPhone puts things right in the palm of my hands, and I'm able to access things quickly during my day-to-day work."
**** Review: White MacBook 2GHz With Nvidia GeForce 9400M Graphics <http://www.macworld.com/article/138752/2009/02/2ghz_macbook_9400m.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by James Galbraith, Macworld
As far as system updates go, the changes to new white MacBook are welcome, if subtle. The new faster graphics will make casual gamers happy, and who doesnât like additional RAM? Though the slightly slower processor didnât help performance any, this new white MacBook is a solid entry-level product. And if you need a Mac portable with FireWire, itâs your most affordable choice, with the cheapest MacBook Pro costing twice as much as the white MacBook.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** The Writing Is On The Paywall <http://www.roughtype.com/archives/2009/02/misreading_news.php>
by Nicholas Carr, Rough Type
We'll likely end up with a handful of mega-journalistic-entities, probably spanning both text and video, and hence fewer choices. This is what happens on the commercial web: power and money consolidate. But we'll probably also end up with a supply of good reporting and solid news, and we'll probably pay for it.
**** Automation On The Job <http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/pub/2009/1/automation-on-the-job>
by Brian Hayes, American Scientist
Computers were supposed to be labor-saving devices. How come we're still working so hard?
**** How I Made Over $2 Million With This Blog <http://www.scripting.com/stories/2009/02/11/howIMadeOver2MillionWithTh.html>
by Dave Winer, Scripting News
Why would anyone try to make money by putting an ad on an ad? So when I told you I made over $2 million with this blog, why did you immediately look for ads?
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Hazardous Materials? <http://www.newyorker.com/talk/financial/2009/02/09/090209ta_talk_surowiecki>
by James Surowiecki, The New Yorker
If the threat of moral hazard is going to encourage inaction in a crisis, we should be sure that threat is real. And there certainly are situations where moral hazard does seem to have an effect on peopleâs choices. In other circumstances, though, moral hazard seems to have a much smaller impact. And, in the case of public-sector intervention during financial crises, evidence for its dangers is surprisingly flimsy.
**** We Are All Socialists Now <http://www.newsweek.com/id/183663>
by Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas, Newsweek
In many ways our economy already resembles a European one. As boomers age and spending grows, we will become even more French.
**** At The Power Lunch, The Check Is Kryptonite <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/11/dining/11check.html?_r=1>
by Laura M. Holson, New York Times
It used to be a common sight from Sparks to Spago — the boisterous scrum as diners wielding corporate cards dove for the lunch bill, crying âIâll get it!â But since the economic downturn, the delicate social rituals of the bull market era, when executives tried to outdo one another in expense-account one-upmanship, have been upended.
**** Nutty For Nutella: Spreadable Joy <http://www.latimes.com/features/food/la-fo-nutella11-2009feb11,0,5739608.story?track=rss>
by Amy Scattergood, Los Angeles Times
Nutella isn't just junk food with a European pedigree. It can be an obsession, a habit, even a cult. If you think this is foodie hperbole, you're just not among the initiated.
**** Born Believers: How Your Brain Creates God <http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126941.700-born-believers-how-your-brain-creates-god.html?full=true>
by Michael Brooks, New Scientist
That's not to say that the human brain has a "god module" in the same way that it has a language module that evolved specifically for acquiring language. Rather, some of the unique cognitive capacities that have made us so successful as a species also work together to create a tendency for supernatural thinking.
**** Singapore Wealth Fund Loses Steam <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7881147.stm>
by BBC News
The value of Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdings contracted last year as the economic downturn dented the value of its investments.
**** Bringing Politicians Into The 21st Century <http://harishpillay.livejournal.com/138602.html>
by Harish Pillay
And all this while the minister thought it was self-regulating?
**** My Favourite Minister Strikes Again! <http://harishpillay.livejournal.com/138820.html>
by Harish Pillay
The country has been waiting patiently for almost a year for Wong Kan Seng's resignation.
**** Puzzling Over Portfolio <http://thekohreport.wordpress.com/2009/02/10/puzzling-over-portfolio/>
by Mouthing Off On Asia's Finances
Certainly, portfolio growth is but one prong of a more thorough assessment of performance. And it would be useful to look at the other aspects too.
**** Ho Ching In Better Position To Support PM <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_336698.html>
by Albert Tye, Straits Times
I hope she will not take up any other corporate post but instead stay by the side of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to assist him in the way that her mother-in-law, Madam Kwa Geok Choo assisted Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew in his political life.
**** Desperation Stakes At Singapore's Electronics Mecca <http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/asia_file/blog/2009/02/10/desperation_stakes_at_singapores_electronics_mecca>
by Ben Bland, Telegraph
Sim Lim was never an overly pleasant shopping experience. But, as fearful retailers try any and every tactic to make enough sales to pay the rent, it's getting a whole lot worse.
**** Major Singapore Industries In Peril <http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentID=2009021128952>
by Saudi Gazette / Agencies
**** Agents Put Squeeze On Singapore Airlines <http://www.aviationrecord.com/SearchResults/tabid/37/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2022/Agents-put-squeeze-on-Singapore-Airlines.aspx>
by AviationRecord.com
About 2000 Indian travel agents and online travel portals have threatened to continue their boycott of Singapore Airlines over the carrierâs stance of non-payment of 5% commission on ticket sales.
**** Bad Bets, Empty Seats Drop Singapore Air 43% <http://www.iht.com/articles/2009/02/10/business/air.3-427006.php>
by Reuters
Singapore Airlines said Tuesday that it had posted a 43 percent drop in profit for the fourth quarter, hurt by fuel-hedging losses and slowing demand for travel and cargo.
**** Temasek Holdings Poorer Than Three Years Ago <http://www.pressrun.net/weblog/2009/02/temasek-holdings-poorer-than-three-years-ago.html>
by Blowin' In The Wind
the steady gains Temasek was making under Ms Ho leadership, racking up a record 18 billion Singapore dollars in profits in the financial year ended March 2008, have been wiped out by the global downturn.
But Ms Ho deserves credit for the openness she brought. Compared with Temasek, the larger Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
**** Holding Lee Kuan Yew Accountable - Part 2 <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/perspective/special-feature/1882-holding-lee-kuan-yew-accountable-part-2>
by Chee Soon Juan, Singapore Democrats
In an age where accountability has become the touchstone of good government, the PAP continues to march remorselessly forward.
**** æ°å å¡äººï¼å¤ªæ¶å¿äºï¼Part 1 <http://atompang.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!688977DA7FD4144A!971.entry>
by åè½
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**** Timely Departure Of Ho Ching Save PM The Blusehs <http://wayangparty.com/?p=5054>
by Eugene Yeo, The Wayang Party Club
**** Hong Kong's Foreign Reserves Increase While Singapore's Dcrease! <http://wayangparty.com/?p=5058>
by The Wayang Party Club
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**** Singapore Companies Report Big Losses Amid Recession <http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-02/11/content_10800215.htm>
by Xinhua
The current economic downturn is taking its toll on Singapore's economy with local giants posted huge losses in their profits during the fourth quarter of 2008, bringing up more concerns over the country's economic outlook.
**** Super Ultra Extraordinary Losses <http://yawshinleong.blogspot.com/2009/02/super-ultra-extraordinary-losses.html>
by Yaw Shin Leong
When times are good, the PAP regime will accredited good times to its prudent policies and its competency. When times are bad, the regime will quickly push blame aside, for example, by quickly citing worse-off MSCI indices and how else where in the world SWFs have suffered too etc.
Singaporeans have enough.
**** Appalled. <http://chocolate.potatomilktea.net/?p=260>
by I'm Talking, Can't You Hear?
Sure those are options, but the typical Singaporean (aka me) would deem it an insult to ourselves as it seemed medical costs are too high here to be afforded by the middle-income group.
**** Singapore Citizens To Get Road Info On Mobile Phones <http://www.futuregov.net/articles/2009/feb/11/singapore-citizens-get-road-info-mobile-phones/>
by Robin Hicks, Future Gov
All traffic and road information will eventually be made available to citizens in real-time via mobile phone, Singaporeâs Land Transport Authority (LTA) chief executive Yap Ah Mee has said.
**** An Absurd "Sense Of Propotion" To Pay Millions For A Dose Of "Incompetent" Government <http://wayangparty.com/?p=5061>
by Eugene Yeo, The Wayang Party Club
**** Satyam Fraud: Singapore Expresses Faith In Indian Government <http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/PoliticsNation/Satyam_fraud_Singapore_expresses_faith_in_Indian_government/articleshow/4109344.cms>
by The Economic Times
The Singapore government, which has many of its departments among Satyamâs clients, said that it did not want to punish thousands of people working at Satyam for the action of certain individuals by withdrawing its accounts from the company.
**** No To Online Worksheets <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_336932.html>
by Straits Times
Assessment papers and worksheets help teachers and students to track their progress and should be contextualised with classroom teaching. As such, they should not be made available online for all to have a go at it, said senior minister of state for education Grace Fu on Wednesday.
**** Temasek's Rebranding <http://www.singaporeangle.com/2009/02/temaseks_rebranding_1.html>
by Singapore Angle
**** The Thing About Being A Transgender In Singapore <http://chorlor.sgbutterfly.org/archives/1261>
by Ms Chor Lor.com
I was born in Singapore, is it lucky or unlucky? I don't know.
**** PA Rate To Go Up <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_337057.html>
by Melissa Sim, Straits Times
Needy Singaporeans can look forward to more public assistance from April. Recipients will get a raise in their monthly allowance of between $30 and $120.
**** Wildlife Reserves To Open S$140m River Safari Attraction In 2011 <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/408365/1/.html>
by Channel NewsAsia
Construction of the S$140 million river-themed park, comprising boat rides and freshwater habitat displays with a strong conservation theme, will begin this year in anticipation of eventual economic and tourism recovery.
Wildlife Reserves said construction will not affect the bio-diversity of the Mandai Nature Reserve area as the River Safari will be housed within the zoo's and Night Safari's current 89-hectare compound.
**** First Retirement Villages In Neighbouring Countries, Now Nursing Homes In Johor <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=2208>
by Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net
Providing our elderly a comfortable retirement in Singapore is not just a matter of social justice, but also one of pride in ourselves.
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