[MyAppleMenu] Aug 16, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Aug 16 18:59:00 EDT 2009


**** Steve Jobs: The Man Who Polished Apple <http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article6797859.ece?FORM=ZZNR4>
Byran Appleyard, The Times

Chief executive of Apple Inc and owner of Jackling House changed the world and cheated death. So why the paranoia?

**** Apple Targeted In Fox News Ad Boycott <http://brainstormtech.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2009/08/15/apple-targeted-in-fox-news-ad-boycott/>
Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune

**** Streaming Video From Your iPhone? They Crippled The App For That. <http://www.tuaw.com/2009/08/15/streaming-video-from-your-iphone-they-crippled-the-app-for-that/>

It still grates that the phone that is helping to save AT&T financially has its users abused by having lesser services than other phones that are allowed on the same network.

**** China Risks Apple’s Reputation <http://www.arabianbusiness.com/564723-china-risks-apples-reputation?FORM=ZZNR8>

**** MyAppleMenu Goes Dark <http://www.myapplemenu.com/2009/08/16/LM133924/>
Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu

I'm on reservist duties for the next 2 weeks, which means that there will be minimal updates on this website until 30th August, 2009.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** The Corporate Lab As Ringmaster <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/16/business/16unboxed.html?partner=rss&emc=rss>
Steve Lohr, New York Times

The internet has changed many things, of course, but one of its more far-reaching effects has been to transform the economics of innovation.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** They Seem To Find The Happiness They Seek <http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=5f9ac5eafe963a84c4860827dfe327e5>
Alastair Macaulay, New York Times

When people fall in love, they opt for an experience that others have had before. Very often that’s what they have in mind: they would like to share some of what happened to Romeo and Juliet, or Lizzy and Darcy or maybe just their parents. One of those archetypes of romance was born 75 years ago, with the release of “The Gay Divorcee,” starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

**** Poetry In Motion <http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=32c0939c35bdd445451d3134f9289d29>
Danny Heitman, New York Times

It seems that we’ve done just about everything to get the American auto industry out of the doldrums. We’ve forced bankruptcies. We’ve exchanged cash for clunkers. But have we tried poetry?


**** Burma Issue: PAP Devoid Of Sense Of Right And Wrong <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/2677-burma-issue-pap-devoid-of-sense-of-right-and-wrong>
Singapore Democrats

The PAP government is devoid of any sense of right or wrong. The moral compass of our nation is tragically lost. Apparently, our stance on Burma is motivated by greed. It is widely documented that Burmese druglords and the corrupt generals continue to launder their loot in Singapore. Many of them come to Singapore's hospitals for treatment.

**** Malls Raise Parking Fees <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_417494.html>
Marvis Toh, Straits Times

A Sunday Times check with six malls surrounding the new Ion Orchard showed that two have jacked up their parking fees this month.

**** PAP Member: Democracy Need Not Involve Presence Of Opposition <http://temasekreview.com/?p=11979>
The Temasek Review

It appears that in the minds of PAP members, only their party has the “divine right” to govern Singapore.

**** Cyber Warriors Trawl Web For Extremist Threats <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5helwsfffmV9pOLnTaE6mHwWjeiRQ>
Martin Abbugao, AFP

**** Engage Other Races: PM <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_417566.html>
Judith Tan, Straits Times

As the Malay-Muslim community builds itself up to overcome the economic downturn, it must remain engaged with the other races. This reminder came from prime minister Lee Hsien Loong in his Malay speech at the National Day Rally at the University Cultural Centre on Sunday evening.

**** Be Prudent In Spending <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_417567.html>
Judith Tan, Straits Times

Prime minister Lee Hsien Loong urged Singaporeans to be prudent in their spending, noting that more have been turning to their MPs for help. 'Some have fallen on tough times, but others have over-stretched themselves,' he said.

**** Policy And Economy: Why Singapore's Health Care System Beats ObamaCare <http://blog.jparsons.net/2009/08/why-singapores-health-care-system-beats.html>
Policy and Economy

The reason health savings accounts are so successful is because they get supply and demand working the way they should. This doesn't occur when someone else (e.g. an insurance company or the government) pays the bill.

**** SingaporeSurf Goes Dark <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/2009/08/16/LM134053/>
Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu

Hi there. I'm going back for reservist for the next two weeks. Hence, there will be minimal updates on this website until 30th August, 2009.

**** PM On Aware Saga <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_417635.html>
Zakir Hussain, Straits Times

The saga, he declared, was 'an attempt by a religiously motivated group, who shared a strong religious fervour, to enter civil space, take over an NGO it disapproved of, and impose their agenda'.

The government frowned on this as such as action 'was bound to provoke a push back from groups who held the opposite view, as indeed happened, vocally and stridently.'

**** Ramping Up Step-down Care <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_417642.html>
Judith Tan, Straits Times

The government will ramp up resources to develop an integrated, step-down care system to prepare for a rapidly ageing population. This was the main thrust of prime minister Lee Hsien Loong's address on healthcare, one of four key issues in his National Day Rally speech at the University Cultural Centre on Sunday night.

**** Singapore Won't Need Another Stimulus: Lee <http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbusiness.theage.com.au%2Fbusiness%2Fsingapore-wont-need-another-stimulus-lee-20090817-emk3.html&usg=AFQjCNHrRdeO_XABjtnnrQSwITVsJ1qDEA>
The Age

Singapore's fiscal stimulus package unveiled earlier in 2009 is working and the government won't need to inject additional funds into the economy this year, prime minister Lee Hsien Loong said.

**** Who Says Baby Bonus Scheme Is Not A Success? <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_417679.html>
Nicholas Lim, Straits Times

In my opinion, a key point was missed. The Baby Bonus scheme is a success as it has stemmed the decline in the number of new births.

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