[MyAppleMenu] Sep 26, 2008

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Sep 26 13:15:00 EDT 2008


**** iPhone Officially Launching In Russia In October <http://www.macworld.com/article/135757/2008/09/iphone_russia.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Dan Moren, Macworld

**** The Curse Of Apple MobileMe's "Connection Failed" <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13846_3-10051791-62.html>
by Dave Rosenberg, CNET News.com

**** According To Hoyle, It's 2009 <http://www.tuaw.com/2008/09/26/according-to-hoyle-its-2009/>
by Steven Sande, The Unofficial Apple Weblog

**** Apple Wins Dismissal Of Lawsuit Over iPhone Batteries <http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=238080>
by Thom Weidlich, Bloomberg News
Apple Inc. won dismissal of a lawsuit claiming it didn't immediately disclose the limited life of batteries for its iPhone or their $86 replacement cost, including delivery.

**** Hong Kong Apple Store Selling Unlocked iPhone 3G <http://www.techgoondu.com/?p=225>
by Techgoondu
Hong Kong's online Apple Store has started selling unlocked iPhone 3Gs.
/Approximately US$700 and US$800 for the 8GB and 16GB model./

**** Apple Netbook? Not With Mac OS X
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
Will Apple go into the "netbook" business? Bascially, a cheap laptop that can be sold cheaply because of smaller screen and less "power". I think a big clue is out there for all to see: the MacBook Air. Apple didn't compromise on the screen, not because it didn't want to, but because it can't. The operating system &mdash; along with many of the desktop applications &mdash; simply cannot work with a small screen. And given that the screen is one of the more expensive component of a laptop, I don't see Apple getting into this market with a small laptop anytime soon.
And that's why I was a little surprised to find Apple not expanding on the iPhone/iPod Touch product line to take on the netbook market. And that's why I see Apple's refusal to open up the CocoaTouch platform so damaging.
See Also:
Wrong Reasons For Why No Netbook From Apple <http://www.shufflegazine.com/2008/09/26/wrong-reasons-for-why-no-netbook-from-apple/>, by Magnus Nystedt, Shuffle Gazine. A better argument for why Apple would not do a netbook is that Apple is doing well enough with the MacBook and MacBook Air.
<p class="permlink">Permanent Link to This Post <http://www.myapplemenu.com/2008/09/26/id0011/>

**** The Latest Victm Of The iPhone NDA: Developer Books <http://technologizer.com/2008/09/25/the-latest-victim-of-the-iphone-nda-developer-books/>
by Ed Oswald, Technologizer

**** Adobe's CS4 Includes Some Multi-Touch Goodness <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/09/25/adobes-cs4-includes-some-multi-touch-goodness>
by Jeff Smykil, Ars Technica

**** The Cell Phone Wars <http://www.slate.com/id/2200914/>
by Farhad Manjoo, Slate
If users threaten to quit the iPhone because it lacks certain apps, you can bet that Jobs will find a way to respond. Over the years, he's shown a willingness to embrace openness when it has suited Apple's bottom line&mdash;the iPod, after all, works on Windows computers. Until that day comes, the iPhone will reamin semi-open for buisness.
/Apple now has the resources to create products if that's what the customer wants: from Safari to iTunes to Final Cut Pro. This is what Apple didn't have during the Mac vs Windows era./

**** First Look: Drive Genius 2.1, Disk Utility <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/09/25/drive.genius.21/>
by MacNN
This utility provides basic maintenance tools for repairing corrupted directories, clong drives and volumes, and defragmenting files.

**** First Look: Illustrator CS4 <http://www.macworld.com/article/135747/2008/09/illustratorcs4_fl.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Ben Long, Macworld
Revamped interface and new tools lead the changes in latest version.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** How Some Companies Are Doing It Right <http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/26/how-some-companies-are-doing-it-right/>
by David Pogue, New York Times

**** Counting Every Vote <http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/21429/?a=f>
by Erica Naone, MIT Technology Review
California's secretary of state says open-source software is needed to safeguard electronic voting systems.

**** Muxtape Is Dead. Long Live Muxtape! <http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/9/muxtape-is-dead-long-live-muxtape->
by Eric Krangel, Silicon Alley Insider

**** Want To Be The Next Google? <http://english.ohmynews.com/ArticleView/article_view.asp?menu=A11100&no=383755&rel_no=1&back_url=>
by Bernard Moon, OhmyNews
Create enduring values.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** A Writer Alone At Last <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/25/garden/25cheever.html>
by Joyce Wadler, New York Times
The latest boook by Susan Cheever, novelist, biographer and daughter of the late John Cheever, is a cautionary tome that chronicles her addiction to sex.

**** Luxury Apartments As The New Aphrodisiac <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/26/books/26Book.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
by Janet Maslin, New York Times
In her fifth book about ambitious, covetous, pampered New Yorkers, Candace Bushnell laments the decline of art, the bitchiness of gossip and the crass commercialization of publishing.

**** When Books Could Change Your Life <http://citypaper.com/special/story.asp?id=16743>
by Tim Kreider, Baltimore City Paper
Why what we pore over at 12 maybe the most important reading we ever do.


**** AirAsia Increase Flights And Waive Fuel Surcharges For Singapore-KL Flights <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/378640/1/.html>
by Timothy Ouyang, Channel NewsAsia
The Malaysian budget carrier AirAsia has upped the ante in the fight for greater marketshare on the lucrative Singapore-Kuala Lumpur (KL) route.

**** Five Gantries Won't Be Built <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_282831.html>
by Christopher Tan, Straits Times
The government has put the brakes on its ambitious ERP expansion plans. Five out of six new electronic road-pricing gantries scheduled to be up in November will not be built.
Meanwhile, the LTA has completed its review of ERP rates in the city and Chinatown areas and will slash prices by $1 at several gantries.

**** Singapore Aug Output In Surprise Drop, Recession Looms <http://www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2008/09/26/afx5474423.html>
by Melanie Lee, Daryl Loo and Saeed Azhar, Reuters
Singapore's August factory output unexpectedly fell as the deepening credit crisis cut global demand for Asian exports, increasing the risk of recession and that the central bank will loosen monetary policy.

**** Population Grew To 4.84 Million, Boosted By Strong Non-Resident Growth <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/378563/1/.html>
by Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia

**** Dow Jones Seen To Appeal Singapore Ruling <http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e7aec996-8b2b-11dd-b634-0000779fd18c.html?nclick_check=1>
by John Burton, Financial Times
Dow Jones is expected to appeal a defamation ruling by a Singapore supreme court judge against the Far Eastern Economic Review that was brought by two of the city-state's top officials, potentially setting the stage for a legal showdown in Hong Kong, where the monthly magazine is based.
Although the Singapore courts have not yet held a hearing to assess damages, Feer has no assets in Singapore that could be seized. If Lee Hsien Loong, the Singapore prime minister, and Lee Kuan Yew, his father and former prime minister, decide to collect damages, they would have to go to the Hong Kong courts.

**** Charging Extra: 'Why Must Other Taxi Companies Always Follow What Comfort DelGro Does?' <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Online%2BStory/STIStory_282552.html>
by Tan Shao Ken, Straits Times
Is it the norm for other taxi operators to follow whatever ComfortDelGro does?
/Simple answer: It simply makes business sense. The demand is still much higher than supply, and not following what ComfortDelgro charges simply means leaving money on the table. After all, charging less than what ComfortDelgro charges will not bring you more businesses and more earnings, because you don't have the capacity to do more businesses./

**** 'Hong Lim Green' To Turn Somewhat Pink <http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,177951,00.html?>
by Andre Yeo, New Paper
Riding on the new, relaxed rules on protests at the park's Speakers' Corner, Mr Roy Tan, 50, is planning a gay pride parade.

**** MAS Issues Guidelines On Structured Finance Resolutoins <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporebusinessnews/view/378410/1/.html>
by Desmond Wong, Channel NewsAsia

**** Raining On The Parade <http://singaporesojourn.blogspot.com/2008/09/raining-on-parade.html>
by Singapore Sojourn

**** The Stork Is Still Not Quite Convinced <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/09/the-stork-is-still-not-quite-convinced/>
by Gerald Giam, The Online Citizen
Political will, strong as it may be, is up against much more powerful societal forces.

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