[MyAppleMenu] May 30, 2008
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri May 30 13:15:00 EDT 2008
**** Why Macs Still Aren't Right For Most Businesses <http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/29/smallbusiness/macs_small_biz.fsb/index.htm?section=money_latest>
by Jonathan Blum, Fortune Small Business
Yes, more businesses can now go to Macs. But for the rest of us - particularly those that need basic computing and basic features - Apple is still more expensive and simply not worth the integration headaches for the average small shop.
/To me, this is more like: I have no idea how to integrate Macs into our workflow, and I bet that if I can't do it, no one else can./
**** Essentials 2 For Apple iPhoto <http://www.applematters.com/article/essentials-2-for-apple-iphoto/>
by Bakari Chavanu, Apple Matters
**** Mobile Me? <http://daringfireball.net/2008/05/mobile_me>
by John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Sounds a bit like the description of a revamped .Mac geared toward over-the-network synching to iPhones, no?
/Don't forget Safari for Windows. There got to be some deeper strategy to porting Safari to Windows besides earning some extra Google cash, shouldn't it?/
**** Tue Ultimate Guide To Mac Keyboard Shortcuts <http://www.cnet.com.au/desktops/pcs/0,239029439,339289468,00.htm>
by Brendon Chase, CNET.com.au
Whether you're a newbie or an experienced Apple user, this guide wil show you how to let your fingers do the walking around your Mac.
**** Bad Apples? <http://www.insidebayarea.com/sanmateocountytimes/ci_9421361>
by Kristina Peterson, Inside Bay Area
To four Palo Alto teenagers raised in the heart of Silicon Valley, the penalty came as a crushing blow — banishment from all Apple stores worldwide for life. Their crime, the teens said, was downloading a third-party car-racing game onto iPhones at Apple's University Avenue store last weekend.
**** Review: Apple's Newest iMac Packs Wallop <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9090658&source=rss_topic123>
by Scot Finnie, Computerworld
Sure, you can buy a less expensive Windows machine for home or office desktop, but as Macs go, the new iMac is a great deal.
**** RapidWeaver 4 Lands With Better Integration, Publishing, More <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/05/29/rapidweaver-4-lands-with-better-integration-publishing-more>
by David Chartier, Ars Technica
Beyond the pretty new UI that feels right at home on Leopard, there ar enew theme maangement features like folder organization, filtering, searching, and tags.
**** Apple Offers Logic Express, Raw, Security Updates <http://www.macworld.com/article/133670/2008/05/updates.html>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld
**** Revisiting The 10.5.3 Update <http://www.macworld.com/article/133657/2008/05/1053updatefix.html>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld
In the interest of setting the record straight, here are the corrections to my original article based on the actual 10.5.3 update file.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Serving Those Who Don't Read The Print Edition <http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/columns/stopthepresses_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003808734>
by Steve Outing, Editor And Publisher
There are those of us who no longer read a newspaper's print edition, and we're not coming back. It's now time to consider some options to keep web readers on the hook — and to even turn them into profits.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Antiquities, The World Is Your Homeland <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/27/arts/design/27conn.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all&oref=slogin>
by Edward Rothstein, New York Times
To what culture does the concept of "cultural property" belong? Who owns this idea?
**** Singapore's Wish List For The New U.S. President <http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news_world.php?id=336388>
by Zakaria Abdul Wahab, Bernama
Singapore hopes whoever becomes the next president of the United States will continue to uphold America's commitment to globalisation, free trade, and international rules. This is important as the criitcal issues of war and peace, and of prosperity and scarcity in Asia, all hinged on its outcome, according to the republic's prime minister Lee Hsien Loong.
**** SDP Chief Chee Soon Juan's Sister Held In Contempt Of Court <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/350975/1/.html>
by Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia
Justice Ang cited 15 incidences which she said had scandalised the court and impunged its dignity and authority. Ms Chee's lawyer, M. avi said that nothing was done till the end of the hearing, likening it to a "football referee issuing a player with a red card after the game has ended."
**** 'Guest Workers' Or Modern Slavery? <http://www.worldpress.org/Asia/3158.cfm?from=myapplemenu>
by Peter Boyle, Green Left Weekly
A pile of bags and clothing on an old shop front verandah on Cuff Road in Singapore's Little India is "home" to a group of about 50 migrant workers who have been spat out by an economy that relies heavily on so-called "guest workers."
**** The Courtroom As Theatre <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/05/the-courtroom-as-theatre/>
by The Online Citizen
Better to liberalise freedom of expression rather than to allow SIngapore's public institutions to continue on this degenerate path.
**** Ex-NKF Chief Durai Loses Appeal Against Corruption Sentence <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Courts%2Band%2BCrime/STIStory_242596.html>
by Selina Lum, Straits Times
Durai will begin serving his three-month jail term on June 10, after he asked to defer the sentence as his elderl mother was going for eye surgery next Tuesday.
**** Responses And Clarifications To My Letter On The Mas Selamat Scandarl <http://catherinelim.sg/2008/05/30/responses-and-clarifications-to-my-letter-on-the-mas-selamat-scandal/>
by Catherine Lim
My intention in the use of the word 'little' was purely to emphasize the numble, low-ranking position of most of the nine people being punished; if the word carried any emotions at all, they were chiefly those of sympathy and compassion.
**** ... Brainwashed By Chee <http://baarcode.blogspot.com/2008/05/brainwashed-by-chee.html>
by Right Now...
We are successful because of capable leadership. We enjoy peace and stability. Can Dr Chee promise us that, especially when he's probably gonna legalise protests when he's in office?
/Security and economy success is not on the opposition end of the spectrum to freedom. You don't need to sacrifice one to achieve the other./
**** Court Fines Bankrupt Singapore Opposition Leader <http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5j2xEWl0t0wTvGnTFigIrfM1WKzPg>
by AFP
A Singapore judge on Friday fined a bankrupt opposition party leader for speaking in public without a permit, hours before the politician was due in court in a contempt case. Chee Soon Juan will be jailed for five weeks if he does not pay the 5,000-dollar fine, judge Jasvender Kaur ruled.
**** The Tragedy Of The Dragon Voter <http://thinkingbetterthinkingmeta.blogspot.com/2008/05/tragedy-of-dragon-voter.html>
by Sam's Thoughts
My parents taught me important things, like "don't talk to strangers" and "don't go into politics; politics is very dirty."
**** The States' Times Versus IHT <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/the-states-times-versus-iht.html>
by Aaron Ng, Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
I must say I enjoyed the IHT piece alot more than the two Straits Times pieces. I think it does more justice to Chee Soon Juan.
**** 'Eco-City' To Reclaim Wasted Land, Water <http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90776/90884/6421538.html>
by China Daily
Forty km from Tianjin city and 150 km from Beijing, the eco-city will be located alon the Jiyun River in Hangu District of Tianjin Municipality, the largest northern port city of China. When finishd in 10 to 15 years, the Sino-Singaporean Tianjin Eco-city demonstration project will include residences, commercial space and factories meeting high international standards for energy use and environmental protection.
**** Critic Confronts Lee In Singapore Court <http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/05/29/asia/sing.php>
by Seth Mydans, International Herald Tribune
It was an extraordinary confrontation between the country's most dominant figure and a powerless but insistent critic.
**** The Displacement Of Reason <http://www.yawningbread.org/arch_2008/yax-888.htm>
by Au Waipang, Yawning Bread
The problem is not one of lack of information, but a resistance to reflection.
**** Why SM Goh Said Khaw Was The Best <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/256587.asp>
by Tan Hui Leng, Today
Described as the "best health minister Singapore has ever had" by Mr Goh, Mr Khaw, 56, is unlikely to get any bigger bouquet than this in his role as the head of the health ministry.
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