[MyAppleMenu] Jul 16, 2008

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jul 16 13:15:00 EDT 2008


**** Apple's MobileMe: Mobile Life Without Exchange <http://weblog.infoworld.com/yager/archives/2008/07/mobile_life_wit.html>
by Tom Yager, InfoWorld
iPhone will have to earn its reputation as an enterprise device by mating with Exchange Server as seamlessly as my BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices do. But iPhones also has to satisfy th eneeds of one, two, or five users. MobileMe puts Apple on an ambitious path toward that goal.

**** Apple Won't Crumble <http://web20.telecomtv.com/pages/?newsid=43516&id=e9381817-0593-417a-8639-c4c53e2a2a10&view=news>
by Tony Poulos, TelecomTV

**** Apple Botches iPhone Patching, Says Researcher <http://computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=spam__malware_and_vulnerabilities&articleId=9110198&taxonomyId=85>
by Gregg Keizer, Computerworld
Apple took more than three months to patch an iPhone vulnerability, even though it had technical details of the bug and had crafted a fix for Mac OS X, the reseacher who reported the flaw said Tuesday.

**** Firefox Makes An Impression With Mac Users <http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,24023215-8362,00.html>
by John O'Brien, Courier Mail
One of Firefox's advantages over Safari is its thriving ecosystem of plug-ins.

**** Is The iPhone 3G Bad For Mac? <http://www.theiphoneblog.com/2008/07/15/is-the-iphone-3g-bad-for-mac/>
by Casey Chan, The iPhone Blog
There was a 'Mac-line' for people who weren't interested in the iPhone 3G but wanted to buy a Mac, play Frisbee with the MacBook Air, get free WiFi, or just do whatever you do at the Apple store. That line was at lesat a 30 minute wait&mdash;to just get into the store!
/I'm pretty sure everything will be back to 'normal' real soon now. And I'm betting that there are people in the Mac-line who are just interested in taking a look at the iPhone, and not buying either a phone or a computer./

**** Exchange And iPhone... A Complete Mess! <http://mobilitytoday.com/news/008688/apple_exchange_bug_iphone>
by David Ciccone, Mobility Today
Apple completely failed here and they should be embarrassed to tell their enterprise customers this is a full featured email device.

**** Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility Disappoints <http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/Apples-iPhone-Configuration-Utility-Disappoints/>
by Andrew Garcia, eWeek
Apple's first-generation configuration tools for back-end management and policy controls are woefully under-featured when compared to modern mobile device management platforms.

**** App Store "Line Cutting" Issue Quietly Fixed <http://www.macuser.com/itunes-store/app_store_line_cutting_fixed.php?lsrc=murss>
by David Dehlquist, MacUser
Take that, cheaters!

**** Apple Quietly Releases iPod Touch 1.1.5 Update <http://www.macworld.com/article/134527/2008/07/touch115.html>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
If you own an iPod touch that hasn't been updated to version 2.0 and would like the update, just plug your iPod touch into your Mac and decline the 2.0 update.

**** Copy And Paste <http://daringfireball.net/2008/07/copy_and_paste>
by John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Writing the code to implement a system-wide clipboard isn't the hard part &mdash; the hard part is coming up with the right UI design for it.
/There are at least two criteria in evaluating which feature to add in a newer software release: how important or critical the feature is, and how easy or difficult to implement. I am guessing that the fact that copy-and-paste is not a critical cannot-function-without-it will-be-killed-by-Blackberry feature, plus the general difficulty in getting a right UI are why it got pushed down the to-do list./

**** iPhone 3G Unlocked With SIM Card Adapter <http://gizmodo.com/5025249/iphone-3g-unlocked-with-sim-card-adapter>
by Gizmodo

**** Apple iPhone 3G (8GB/16GB) <http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/reviews/entry/apple-iphone-3g-8gb-16gb/P0>
by Jeremy Horwitz, iLounge

**** Minireview: MLB @ Bat For iPhone/iPod Touch <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/07/14/minireview-mlb-bat>
by Jeff Smykil, Ars Technica
The bottom line is that this application is very well done. It performs well, the stability is about as good as you can ask for on this platform at this time, and the UI is a pleasure to use.

**** Xcode 3.1 Brings Security, Performance, And UI Improvements <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/07/15/xcode-3-1-brings-security-performance-and-ui-improvements>
by Erik Kennedy, Ars Technica
The final release adds support for SDKs for additional platforms (read: iPhone/iPod touch), gcc 4.2 and llvm-gcc-4.2 as alternate compilers, an integrated property-list editor, user-interface improvements to a variety of tools, and a number of performance improvements and bug fixes.

**** iPhone 3G: Sold Out In 21 States <http://apple20.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/07/15/iphone-3g-sold-out-in-21-states/?section=money_topstories>
by Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune

**** Review: iPhone 2.0 Software Update <http://www.macworld.com/article/134503/2008/07/iphone2update.html>
by Dan Moren, Macworld
The iPhone 2.0 software is full of the kind of refinements that you'd expect from a second-generation Apple product.

**** Is The iPod Touch 2.0 Update Worth $10? <http://www.macworld.com/article/134502/2008/07/ipodtouch.html>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
Yes. Yes, it is.

**** Apple Cancels Plans For UK iTunes Price Cuts <http://www.macworld.com/article/134515/2008/07/itunes_ukprices.html>
by Lexton Snol, Macworld UK
Apple has scrapped plans to cut its UK iTunes prices, despite promising to do so at the start of the year.

**** Apple Files Suit Against Mac Cloners <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/07/15/apple.sues.psystar/>
by MacNN
Apple has begun legal proceedings against Psystar, documents confirm.
See Also: Apple Suit: Psystar's Mac Clones Must Be Recalled <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-9991779-56.html>, by Ina Fried. Apple's list of grievances against Mac clone maker Psystar spans 16 pages, but, in the end, its argument boils down to the one expected. Psystar, Apple says, had no right to do what it did, and should be stopped and forced to pay.

**** Apple's MobileMe Problem Child <http://www.macworld.co.uk/digitallifestyle/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=22040>
by Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
Problems remain with MobileMe, with users signing to test the service claiming to have been charged full price; plus last-minute feature removals and more.
See Also: Apple Delays iDisk File Sharing, MobileMe Issues Continue <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/07/15/apple-delays-idisk-file-sharing-mobileme-issues-continue>, by Chris Foresman, Ars Technica.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Microsoft Tells Congress Yahoogle Will Own 90% Of Ad Market <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080715-microsoft-tells-congress-yahoogle-will-own-90-of-ad-market.html>
by John Timmer, Ars Technica

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** In Paris, Burgers Turn Chic <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/16/dining/16paris.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
by Jane Sigal, New York Times
Even if you couldn't be on the Champs-Elysees for Bastille Day on MOnday to watch seven parachutists float down in front of president Nicholas Sarkozy, you can still celebrate the greatness of France with a new local tradition.
Eat a hamburger.

**** In Manhattan, Sliders For All Tastes <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/16/dining/16slide.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
by Florence Fabricant, New York Times
Are they greasy but lovable little staples of down-market fast food? Or are they trendy, high-end bar food fussed over by chefs and served with fancy ketchup on miniature brioche buns? Right now, at restaurants in New York and elsewhere, they are both. Take your pick.

**** Unhappily Ever After <http://www.newsweek.com/id/145536>
by Karen Springen, Newsweek
Remember when children's books frolicked through tales of ponies and princes? The latest kid-lit craze is stories about living through the apocalypse&mdash;now.

**** I Choose My Choice! <http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200807/working-moms>
by Sandra Tsing Loh, The Atlantic
The fruits of the feminist revolution? Sisterhood, empowerment, and eight hours a day in a cubicle.

**** Earth Scars <http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/08/earth-scars/stone-text>
by Richard Stone, and photograph by Stephen Alvarez, National Geographic Magazine
Asteroids and comets in nearby space pose a constant threat to our planet. Can we avert catastrophe the next time around?


**** NZ Cartel Charges Filed Against Airlines - Cathay, Singapore, Aerolineas <http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/3/story.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10521891>
by New Zealand Herald

**** Booking A Taxi? Just Call One Common Number From July 21 <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_258225.html>
by Straits Times
The common taxi booking number will complement the taxi companies' call booking systems, which will continue to be in use. The call will first be routed to one selected taxi company's call centre. If the lines there are busy, the call will automatically be re-routed to another taxi company's call centre.

**** Repeat After Me: Innocence Until Proven Guilty
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
This article <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/07/even-if-these-men-fail&Ouml;/> by Andrew Loh in The Online Citizen shouldn't be published in the manner it is published. Venerable Shi Ming Yi has not been proven guilty, but this article has strong implications that he is guilty.
Even though Mr Loh is careful in stating that "the monk's guilt is yet to be ascertained", the photograph of Shi Ming Yi is pasted just underneath the headline "Even if these men fail...". Further into the article, Andrew Loh wrote "let us not forget the very good work which the other volunteers and staff at these organisations are doing" &mdash; the "these organisations" refer to Ren Ci's medical facilities, implying that Shi Ming Yi /is/ guilty.
Shi Ming Yi may well be proven guilty in the near future, but let's presume he is innocent now.
<p class="permlink">Permanent Link to This Post <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/2008/07/16/id0023/>

**** How HDB Flats Are Priced Affordably <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_258036.html>
by Kee Lay Cheng, Housing &amp; Development Board, Straits Times
Currently, a new four-room flat can cost close to $300,000 to develop, taking into account land, building and other costs. This is signficantly higher than the subsidised price of a four-room flat in Punggol/Sengkang sold by HDB at about $200,000 to $260,000.
/Again, note what the government didn't say. The government did not say that a new four-room flat cost $300,000 on average to build. It may well be comparing the development cost of a 4-room flat in Chinatown versus the selling price of a 4-room flat in Punggol./

**** The Singapore Model <http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jul/15/1?gusrc=rss&feed=worldnews>
by Michael Teo, The Guardian
To worship a western model as the only way, and dismiss all other solutions as authoritarian or undemocratic, is surely the ultimate anaesthetic for the brain.

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