[MyAppleMenu] Oct 19, 2007
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Fri Oct 19 13:15:00 EDT 2007
**** Apple Leopard Pre-Orders Doubling Last Launch, Some VARs Say <http://www.crn.com/software/202404408>
by Edward F. Moltzen, CMP Channel
Some solution providers say pre-orders of Apple's forthcoming Leopard operating system are more than double the volume for the same time prior to the last major Mac OS release, and point to new features and dissatisfaction with Microsoft Vista as key drivers.
**** Let The Tea Leaf Reading Begin <http://daringfireball.net/2007/10/tea_leaf_reading>
by John Gruber, Daring Fireball
We now know two new things: (1) that there will be "native third party applications on the iPhone"; and (2) that the SDK is scheduled for February. That leaves a long list of questions.
**** The iPod Touch Fails To Wow <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/oct2007/tc20071018_006987.htm>
by Cliff Edwards, BusinessWeek
Judged against its iPod peers, I was surprised to find the Touch lacks some of the intuitive, user-friendly features that have made the product line so successful.
**** Apple's New Frontier: Servers For The Rest Of Us? <http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=955>
by David Morgenstern, ZDNet
The words "simple" and "Unix server" are usually not found in the same sentence. But Apple has worked this same magic for the Macintosh with OS X. We used to call something that looks and functions like the Mac a Unix workstation.
The Macintosh was designed to be the "computer for the rest of us." Perhaps Leopard Server is start of the server for the rest of us.
**** Apple's iTunes U Goes 'Beyond Campus' <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/10/18/beyond.campus/>
by MacNN
iTunes U section will expand by supplying debates from the Supreme Court, radio broadcasts on the civil rights movement, among other offerings.
**** What's Behind Apple's Software Gift To Musicians? <http://www.thehindu.com/holnus/008200710181240.htm>
by Adam Webb, The Guardian
GarageBand, Apple's free software is credited with getting many bands started, but is the inclusion of the program on Macs pure generosity or clever marketing?
**** Musicians Find A Fast-Track To iTunes <http://money.cnn.com/2007/10/16/technology/tunecore_music.fortune/?postversion=2007101712>
by Devin Leonard, Fortune
TuneCore is the brainchild of Jeff Price, a music industry veteran who, in his own way, is as much a radical as Public Enemy's front man. For $30 - "The cost of a six-pack and a pizza," says Price - TuneCore will get your ten-song album on iTunes.
**** iPhone Apps Have To Pay Their Way <http://speirs.org/2007/10/18/iphone-apps-have-to-pay-their-way/>
by Fraser Speirs
I would hope that Mac developers look at the iPhone as the truly new platform that it is, rather than as an adjunct to Mac OS X. Just because it has some elements of Cocoa doesn't mean it's Mac OS X Lite.
**** Time Machine Could Give Hard-Drive Sales A Jolt <http://www.macworld.com/weblogs/editors/2007/10/leopardtmdrive/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld
Leopard is going to make hard drive vendors very, very happy.
**** Firefox 3 To Go Native In Apperance <http://www.news.com/8301-13580_3-9799745-39.html>
by Stephen Shankland, CNET News.com
"Mozilla's user experience team literally wants to do a better job of visually integrating with Windows than IE, and a better job of visually integrating with OS X than Safari. I don't know if we will be able to pull that off, but that's the goal."
See Also:
Firefox On Mac OS X 10.5 <http://boomswaggerboom.wordpress.com/2007/10/18/the-status-of-firefox-2008-on-mac-os-x-105/>, by Josh Ass, Boom Swagger Boom.
**** DragThing 5.9 Supports Leopard, More <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/10/18/dragthing.update/>
by MacNN
**** Money 2.4, Personal Finance 2.4 Released <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/10/18/personal.accounting.update/>
by MacNN
**** Apple Remote Desktop Bumped To 3.2 With Functionality Fixes <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2007/10/18/apple-remote-desktop-bumped-to-3-2-with-functionality-fixes>
by Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica
The ARD 3.2 client and admin contain a decent list of changes, including improvements to the reliability of Copy Item tasks and the addition of Intel compatibility to the Open Application task.
**** iTunes And Amazon: A Look Back <http://playlistmag.com/weblogs/ipodblog/2007/10/itunesamazonlookback/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Christopher Breen, Playlist
**** Apple Workers Get Shuttle Service, Car Wash <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/10/18/apple.shuttle.car.wash/>
by MacNN
Apple is launching a free shuttle service for its employees on Monday to ferry workers between strategic points in the Bay Area and the Cupertino-based campus.
**** School Boards Lead The Way With 1 To 1 Learning <http://www.apple.com/education/profiles/aasb/?sr=hotnews?sr=hotnews.rss>
by Apple
"We're definitely seeing a difference in the lives of the kids in the classroom, now that the Apple instructional tools are available to them."
**** Does This Class Action Suit Against Apple Have Legs? <http://communities.canada.com/montrealgazette/blogs/tech/archive/2007/10/17/does-this-class-action-suit-against-apple-have-legs.aspx>
by Montreal Gazette
When David Bitton found that his new iPod nano has 7.45 GB of capacity rather than the 8 GB advertised, he decided to sue the company.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Adobe Adapting To Hosted SW Model <http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/10/18/Adobe-adapting-to-hosted-SW-model_1.html?source=rss&url=http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/10/18/Adobe-adapting-to-hosted-SW-model_1.html>
by JUan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service
**** Web, Media Companies Issue Copyright Use Prinicples <http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/10/18/Web-media-companies-issue-copyright-use-principles_1.html?source=rss&url=http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/10/18/Web-media-companies-issue-copyright-use-principles_1.html>
by Grant Gross, IDG News Service
Microsofft, MySpace, CBS, and Dailymotion among the group calling on sites with user-generated content to employ filtering technoogy and remove infringing content.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** A Language, Not Quite Spanish, With African Echoes <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/18/world/americas/18colombia.html?ex=1350360000&en=5c02a6fff4de9054&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Simon Romero, New York Times
On the surface it resembles any other improverished Colombian village. But when adults here speak with one another, their language draws inspiration from as far away as the COngo River Basin in Africa.
**** Singapore September CPI Seen Crossing 3 Percent On Higher Taxes, Oil Prices <http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/newstex/AFX-0013-20345050.htm>
by THomson Financial
Inflation in the city-state of Singapore is expected to continue rising in September due to the increase in the goods and services tax (GST) and higher oil prices.
**** Singapore-Kunming Rail Link Project Making Good Progress <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/306661/1/.html>
by Wong Mun Wai, Channel NewsAsia
**** Some Malaysia Politicians Still At Primary School Level <http://minside-inside.blogspot.com/2007/10/some-malaysia-politicians-still-at.html>
by Minside
**** Rule Of Law Needs Balance Of Societal, Individual Interest: Jaya <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_168449.html>
by Straits Times
Prof Jajakumar said with Singapore has had emergency measures for detention without judicial trial due to its background of communist insurgency and racial.
**** A More Comfortable Way To Join The Mile High Club: Double Beds <http://www.gadling.com/2007/10/18/a%20more%20comfortable%20way%20to%20join%20the%20mile%20high%20club:%20double%20beds/>
by Jamie Rhein, Gadling
Yeah, right.
**** Raffles PK Raffles <http://www.zaobao.com/yl/yl071019_502.html>
by Wang Huidi, Lianhe Zaobao
**** Banned In The City Of Possibilities <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2007/10/18/test/>
by theonlinecitizen
Below is a list of events which were either banned or disallowed by the Singapore authorities in the last few years.
**** Keep 377A... Because Homosexuality Is Bad <http://mollymeek.livejournal.com/167752.html>
by Mollymeek
That is plain wrong.
**** If Foreigners Can, Why Can't Singaporeans? <http://wakeupsingapore.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/if-foreigners-can-why-cant-singaporeans/>
by Wake Up, Singapore!
**** Group Set Up Site Urging Singapore To Keep Gay Sex Ban <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/306534/1/.html>
by Ansley Ng, Today
The website seems to be a response to an ongoing public online campaign calling for Section 377A to be repealed.
**** Co-Ops To Get More Business Flexibility <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/217502.asp>
by Wong Mun Wai, Today
Cooperatives may soon get more freedom to function "like private-limited companies", if parliament passes the revisions to the Cooperatives Socieities Act next year.
The changes will give cooperatives, such as NTUC FairPrice, the flexibility to choose the types of buisnesses to enter and more leeway to tune themselves to market conditions.
**** Reserved For MP? How Can? We Pay Season Parking, He Doesn't. <http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/viewPost6164.aspx>
**** Repeal 377A <http://decayonnet.blogspot.com/2007/10/repeal-377a.html>
by Decay On Net
**** Stringent Checks On Adoptive Parents Vital <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_168367.html>
by Jeffrey Law Lee Beng, Straits Times
Bringing up a child is a long haul and can be a physical and emotional challenge. Would-be parents should thus treat adoption as a serious matter and, more importantly, be mentally prepared.
See Also:
Review Process Of Child Adoption <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_168371.html>, by Fu Hou Da, Straits Times. When developing policy, a fine balance should be struck to encourage more would-be parents to come forward and, at the same time, ensure that these parents are indeed interested and bale to provide for the child.
/Unfortunately, no amount of testing or questioning or interviewing or measurement can ensure that would-be parents will be good parents. The question is: will this process weed out enough true negative to justify for the number of false negative?/
**** Smart Meter Trials Bring Homes A Step Closer To Cheaper Power? <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/217516.asp>
by Lin Yanqin, Today
Before this Electricity Vending System can come to pass, a two-year pilot study by the Energy Market AUthority will be carried out to test out the nuts and bolts of a "smart" metering system.
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