[MyAppleMenu] Feb 27, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Feb 27 13:15:01 EST 2007

Mac news for Mac people


*** The Battle For The Heart Of The iPhone
Jonathan Richards, The Times

Tech firms know that getting their part sin one of the most desirable gadgets on the planet means kudos -- and guaranteed revenue.

*** As Apple 'Leopard' Launch Nears, VARs Spot Opportunities
Edward F. Moltzen, CRN

*** iPhone Packs A Mighty Pinch
Nick Miller, Sydney Morning Herald

It may seem beyond coincidence that Mr Jefferson Han and Apple came up with the pinching gesture, but in fact the idea predates both.

*** Apple TV Debut Delayed Until Mid-March

Apple will delay until mid-March its Apple TV device for playing computer-based video on television sets, a spokeswoman said on Monday.

*** Apple, Samsung, Sandisk Sued Over MP3
Martyn Williams, IDG News Service

Little-known Texas MP3 Technologies is taking on Apple, Samsung Electronics and Sandisk with a patent-infringement lawsuit.


*** Quantum Has No Qualms About iPhone Design
Quantum Research

Quantum has no knowledge of any infringement by Apple of Quantum's patents in regard to the iPhone or any other product other than those products alleged to be infringing in its 2005 lawsuit against Aple and Cypress Semiconductor, specifically the Powerbook trackpad, Mighty Mouse and iPod Nano scroll wheel.

*** Public Confidence, Thanks To iPod
Kristine Gill, Daily Kent Stater

For me, the most important thing my iPod has given me is the confidence to blow my nose.

*** MacBook Configuration Insanity
Derik DeLong, MacUser

Why put customers through waiting for another machine which ultimately forces Apple to add another computer to its refurb inventory?

*** Apple's International iTunes Controversy
Arik Hesseldahl, BusinessWeek

*** Impressions Of The New AirPort Extreme
Drew McLellan, All In The Head

Plus, you know, it's shiny.

*** The iPhone Says Hello
Philip Michaels, Macworld

The ad managed to generate buzz without assaulting people with a wealth of technical details.

*** Hey, Apple: Remember The Newton Before Releasing iPhone
David Haskin, Computerworld

Remember that two years after Newton was introduced, a smaller, cheaper PDA appeared -- the Palm Pilot -- which truly did rock the world.


*** Frenzic 1.0
Jeff Gamet, Mac Observer

If you enjoy puzzle and strategy games, odds are you'll like this game and keep coming back for more.

*** Round-Up: Mac Tax-Preparation Software
Chris Barylick, Macworld

TaxCut and TurboTax: Which is the better choice?


*** Nothing Is Worth That Much Protection
Heng-Cheong Leong

Deep down, as a developer, I honestly believe that no DRM schemes or protection schemes are worth doing. (Having said, that, I shall also note that the people responsible for paying me my cheque may disagree, and my family do need to eat, thougn.) It punishes honest customers while dishonest people can still get away with not paying.

But, this fiasco <http://www.macuser.com/software/a_whole_new_piracy_prevention.php?lsrc=murss> where a developer had to come out publicly to retreat from his earlier stand that his software will delete home directories when a pirated key has been detected, demonstrates clearly that DRM and protection schemes can even backfire on the developer.

Now, his reputation has been shattered, and he has do much much more hard work to gain a certain degree of trust back, if ever.

*** In The "Don't Try This At Home" Department...
Heng-Cheong Leong

A real-life proof <http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/2007/02/bullet_doesnt_s.html> that your MacBook Pro is truly bullet-proof.


*** Is Windows Getting More Expensive?
Ina Fried, CNET News.com

The full answer is more complicated. There are all sorts of factors that go into one's sense of whether the leading operating system "feels" more pricey or less expensive -- the cost of other PC components and what gets bundled into the operating system are just a couple of them.

*** VMware Attacks Microsoft License Changes
Matthew Broersma, Techworld.com

Virtualization leader VMware has published a white paper condemning what it calls Microsoft's moves to block competition in the virtualization market, the most public sign to date of the friction between the companies.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** The Platform Paradox

Six Apart is grappling with the inherent conflict in providing a platform and a service.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** America Tortures (Yawn)
Rosa Brooks, Los Angeles Times

In just a few years we've grown distrubingly comfortable with the fact that the U.S. practices torture.

*** Growing A Third Party
David S. Broder, Washington Post

Somewhere in America, there are 35,000 people looking at the preliminaries to the 2008 presidential race from a different perspective than that of millions of their fellow citizens.


*** Ciao, Cookbooks!
Jonathan Beecher Field, Salon

With food blogs multiplying like weeds and millions of recipes available with a simple keystroke, has the internet made the cookbook obsolete?

*** Beneath The Burqas
Paul Watson, Los Angeles Times

The world's largest Muslim country is ground zero for a fledgling literary movement whose topi is sex and whose practitioners are women.


*** November Symphony
Steve Kronen, Slate

Steve Kronen's laest collection is Splendor. He is a librarian in Winter Park, Fla.

Life in the city


*** Genting's IR Project Not Guaranteed Casino Licence: Home Affairs Ministry
Melvin Yong, Channel NewsAsia

Genting International and Star Cruises will be able to proceed with the development of the integrated resort at Sentosa. This is according to a statement from Singapore's Home Affairs Ministry on Tuesday. But whether or not the consortium will get a licence to operate a casino there is a separate issue altogether -- and is subject to suitability checks.

*** MP Hits Out At Reason Given By Indonesian Media For Sand Ban
Wong Siew Ying, Channel NewsAsia

*** Low Thia Khiang Welcomes Workfare But Questions Govt's Sincerity
Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia

He rejected tying the scheme to CPF contributions as this means some odd job workers may be left out of the scheme. This requirement showed a lack of sincerity on the government's part in helping low-income workers.

*** Shin Corp, Subject Of Thai-Singapore Spat, Swings To A Loss
Suttinee Yuvejwattana and Beth Jinks, Bloomberg

Shin Corp., the company at the center of a dispute between the governments of Thailand and Singapore, posted a loss in the fourth quarter as its television and consumer-finance units lost money.

*** RI Must Get Tough On Sand Thefts By Singapore: House
Ridwan Max Sijabat, Jakarta Post

The defense and foreign affairs commission at the House of Representatives questioned Monday the government's ability to stop sand quarying and theft in the Riau Islands. The commission also said the government should review its diplomatic ties with the city state unless the bilateral cooperation benefited the people of the two countries.

*** Report: Google To Open R&D Center In Singapore
Associated Press

Internet search company Google Inc. plans to open a research and development center in Singapore, its first in SOutheast Asia, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

*** Thailand Won't Rush Satellite Decision
Bangkok Post

The Thai government won't rush to decide whether to buy back the formerly Thai-owned telecom satellites from Singapore, pending the results of the public opinion survey now underway.

*** Chee Found Guilty For 'Attempting To Leave Singapore'
Singapore Democratic Party

*** HDB Replaces Walk-In Secltion Exercise With New Sales System
Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia

From April, it will introduce a balloting cum walk-in selection system called the 'Bi-monthly Sale of 4-room and Bigger Flats".


*** Why Should Singaporeans Have Kids?
Coffee And Cigarettes

How about we approach this topic from another angle: "Why Singaporeans should have kids". Why would we, or should we, have kids?

*** Duh. My Head Hurts.
Mr Wang Says So

What has the Singapore government ever done to "foster strong family ties" between you and you rmother? You and your father? How about your spouse, your children, your siblings...?

*** Air Steward Made Fun Of A Serious Situation
Sing Keng Loon, Straits Times

Instead of addressing my situation immediately, he preferred to create a joke out of my plight.

*** Open Skies But Some Doors Are Closed
Liang Dingzi, Today

If history were any indication of what to expect, it would be prudent not to be overly optimistic until some definite plans follow the announcement.

*** On 'Stupid' Students
Trisha Reloaded

"No one is stupid in everything."

*** Foreign Doctor Policy - SMA (Sort Of) Responds
Huang Shoou Chyuan, nofearSingapore

At stake are also the equally important issues of health inflation, supplier induced demand etc and the overall competititveness and efficiency of our healthcare services.

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