[MyAppleMenu] Dec 16, 2007
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Dec 16 13:15:00 EST 2007
**** Apple Blossoms As Windows Wilts <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/connected/main.jhtml?xml=/connected/2007/12/15/dlapple115.xml>
by Telegraph
Sociable geeks. Bad news for Bill Gates. The hi-tech world really is changing.
**** Person Of The Year: Steve Jobs <http://www.rcrnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071215/SUB/71214014/1015/allnews>
by Phil Carson, RCR Wireless News
That sucking sound you hear is the wireless industry on the mat, gasping for air.
**** 'Crazy Eddie' Deals Boost Mac Office Sales Nearly 250% In U.S. <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9053199&intsrc=news_ts_head>
by Eric Lai, Computerworld
Deep-discount 'Crazy Eddie' deals from Microsoft Corp. are helping lift U.S. retail sales of the aging Mac Office applications suite this Christmas season, according to a market research group. That strategy is overcoming potential customer procrastination due to the delayed arrival of the upgraded Office 2008 for the Mac. It's also a challenge to Apple Inc.'s revitalized desktop-suite package, iWork.
**** FireWire To Climb To 3.2Gbps <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/12/15/firewire.s3200/>
by MacNN
A future version of FireWire will quadruple the speed of today's fastest version, the IEEE 1394 Trade Association has revealed.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Static On The Dream Phone <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/15/opinion/15oreilly.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
by Tim O'Reilly, New York Times
Both the personal computer and the internet flourished in an environment of free-market competition. There's a lesson here for Verizon and other cellphone companie.
**** Bell Labs Is Gone. Academia Steps In. <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/16/business/16ping.html?ex=1355461200&en=b70137e2d8827a60&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by G. Pascal Zachary, New York Times
Pay me now, and pay me later.
That's the new mind-set at some leading research universities in dealing with business — and the essence of an emerging model for how corporations can tap big brains on campus without having to pay their salaries.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Poetry Stand <http://www.theamericanscholar.org/au07/poetry-goetsch.html>
by Douglas Goetsch, The American Scholar
How a precocious group of high school poets learned to provide verse on demand.
**** Reading The Bible Anew <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/13/AR2007121301503.html>
by Jerome M. Segal, Washington Post
Surely the Bible can teach and inspire. But has it lost the ability to startle? TO make us gasp?
**** My Take On Singapore Taxi Hike <http://fuzzielemon.blogspot.com/2007/12/my-take-on-singapore-taxi-hike.html>
by Nomadism
Their arugment is that because HK taxi charges /that/ price, hence it is reasonable for Singapore taxi to charge the same amount. WHat utter crap!
**** Crispy Roast Chicken To Die For <http://chubbyhubby.net/blog/?p=512>
by Chubby Hubby
Chef Chan's is the latest incarnation of one of Singapore's most well-known and respected Chinese (Cantonese) restaurant.
**** Singapore Seen As A Less-Threatening Source Of Sovereign Funds <http://www.euro2day.gr/articlesfna/51613743/>
by Thomson Financial
As concerns rise about the increasing clout of state-owned investment funds, Singapore capital is seen as potentially less threatening than other sources of government-linked funding, analysts say.
**** A Government-Controlled Media Is Superior To A Free Media? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2007/12/16/a-government-controlled-media-is-superior-to-a-free-media/>
by Benjamin Cheah, theonlinecitizen
**** Autocrat See, Autocrat Do <http://www.robertamsterdam.com/2007/12/the_last_time_we_heard.htm>
by Chee Soon Juan, Robert Amsterdam
Authoritarian capitalism was attempted with abysmal consequences in Indonesia. Its failings are beginning to show in present-day Singapore. In the long run, the rot creeps in ever so inconspicuously and eventually hurts the country more than it helps.
**** Luxury Rides Or Public Transport? <http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,150743,00.html?>
by Low Ching Ling, New Paper
/If one looks narrowly, of course taxi is a personal premium door-to-door service, just like the situation in many countries around the world. Of course, car ownership is much much cheaper in many other countries in the world — even in New York. If we intentionally push the price of car ownership and usage way up high, what sort of alternatives are available if taxi fare is also pushed way up high?/
/We have to remember, taxi service is considered a premium service in other parts of the world because car ownership is not a rich-man's plaything, but a day-to-day essential item in other parts of the world./
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