[MyAppleMenu] Dec 13, 2007
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Dec 13 13:15:01 EST 2007
**** Apple Should Not Release A Subnotebook <http://blogs.cnet.com/8301-13506_1-9833106-17.html>
by Don Reisinger, CNET News.com
In essence, a subnotebook is a neat little device to carry around and perform relatively simple tasks on. Does that sound like a Mac to you?
**** Is There Joy In Hating Apple's Leopard? <http://blogs.cnet.com/8301-13505_1-9833313-16.html>
by Matt Asay, CNET News.com
I don't get it. Maybe because my experience with Apple's new "Leopard" release of OS X has been flawless. No bugs, no crashes, no problems.
**** The Apple Fanboy Dream Comes True - And It's A Nightmare <http://asterikdotinfo.blogspot.com/2007/12/apple-fanboy-dream-comes-true-and-its.html>
by Mike Elgan, AsterikDotInfo
The Apple fanboy dream of industry dominance is finally coming true. And with that dominance, mainstream users, corporate buyers, hackers and lawyers all now want to take a bite out of Apple. At risk: membership in an elite society, superiority, security, and more.
**** Google The Next .Mac? <http://theappleblog.com/2007/12/12/google-the-next-mac/>
by Arvin Dang, The Apple Blog
**** Apple iPhone Winning Unlikely Corporate Fans <http://www.theage.com.au/news/businessinnovations/apple-iphone-winning-unlikely-corporate-fans/2007/12/12/1197135504055.html>
by Jim Finkle and Scott Hillis, The Age
It is popular enough that software makers such as SAP, Salesforce.com and scores of smaller developers are letting sales and finance team swork away from the office on their iPhones.
**** Interview - iTunes Canada's Peter Lowe Discusses TV Shows, Movies, And Delays <http://krisabel.ctv.ca/blog/_archives/2007/12/12/3406007.html>
by Kris Abel, CTV
**** Default Folder X 4.0 Adds Leopard Integration <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/12/12/default.folder.x.40/>
by MacNN
The latest release brings a new modern interface to complement Apple's recent changes to Mac OS X, and leverages Leopard's QuickLook technology to provide previews that users can zoom in Open dialogs alongside the ability to add Spotlight comments in Save dialogs.
**** WireTap Studio 1.0.1: Intuitive Audio-Capture Tool Delivers Non-Destructive Editing <http://www.macworld.com/2007/12/reviews/wiretapstudio/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
Very minor quirks aside, WireTap Studio 1.0.1 performs its job admirably.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** 'Tis The Season For Common Sense Copyright <http://www.news.com/Tis-the-season-for-common-sense-copyright/2010-1028_3-6222584.html?part=rss&tag=2547-1_3-0-20&subj=news>
by Maura Corbett, CNET News.com
**** Crossover Dreams: Turning Free Web Work Into Real Book Sales <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/13/books/13webbook.html?ref=books>
by Motoko Rich, New York Times
**** Adobe Open-Sourcing Data Access Technology <http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/12/12/adobe-remoting_1.html?source=rss&url=http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/12/12/adobe-remoting_1.html>
by Paul Krill, InfoWorld
Remoting, messaging, and Action Message Format protocol being opened up.
**** Computing On Paper <http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/19892/?a=f>
by Erica Naone, MIT Technology Review
Livescribe's smartpen turns a sheet of paper into a computer.
**** Bebo Unveils New Application Platform, Touts Facebook Compatibility <http://www.news.com/8301-13577_3-9832986-36.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
by Caroline McCarthy, CNET News.com
**** A Side Of WiFi <http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/12/12/a-side-of-wifi/>
by Frank Bruni, New York Times
A part of me wonders: just as those of us looking to restaurants for a chance to escape from the cues and distractions of the workday world already have to endure disruptive cell-phone ringing and conversations, will the glow of laptop screens and the percussion of typing become pervasive visual and aural backdrops for our meals?
**** Windows 7 To Get More Touchy-Feely <http://www.news.com/8301-13860_3-9833074-56.html>
by Ina Fried, CNET News.com
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Where's The Beef? <http://reason.com/news/show/123473.html>
by Greg Beato, Reason Magazine
Fast food makes such a savory scapegoat for our perpetual girth control failures that it's easy to forget we eat less than 20 percent of our meals at the GOlden Arches and its ilk. It's also easy to forget that before America fell in love with cheap, convenient, standardized junk food, it loved cheap, convenient, independently deep-fried junk food.
**** Free From Socialist Realism <http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,2226210,00.html>
by Daniel Kalder, Guardian
Until recently, Daniil Kharms' unsettling stories were best known to the Soviet secret police. Only now are they set to reach a wider public.
**** Not The Roman, But The Latin Empire <http://www.nysun.com/article/67890>
by Brendan Boyle, New York Sun
Under its brutally efficient authority, Latin went from being, in the fourth century before the common era, only one of several languages spoken on the Italian peninsula to being, in the fourth century of the comon era, the one language spoken throughout a region bounded by Britain in the West and Moldova in the East.
**** Bumper Payrise In Private Sector Pushes Up Government Salary Benchmark <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_186445.html>
by Jeremy Au Yong, Straits Times
Wages for top-earners in the private sector shot up by as much as 80 per cent last year, effectively driving up the government's salary benchmark.
**** Portion Of Ministers' Pay To Be Deducted For Pensions <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_186451.html>
by Lydia Lim, Straits Times
>From next year, the government will set aside 7 per cent of the salaries of ministers and top civil servants to fund their future pensions.
**** China Eastern Plays Down Talk Of Shareholders Rejecting SIA, Temasek Deal <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporebusinessnews/view/317227/1/.html>
by Roland Lim, Channel NewsAsia
**** Singapore's Separation Plan Defies Logic <http://web20.telecomtv.com/pages/?newsid=42351&id=e9381817-0593-417a-8639-c4c53e2a2a10&view=news>
by TelecomTV
Idiosyncratic, says Telstra. Over-thought and unworkable, opined the CEO of one Asia service provider. Quite stupid, said a technical expert with a major vendor in the FTTH field.
THey were all talking about Singapore's newly announced NGN policy which will offer up to S$750 million of government subsidies in return for a 100Mbps+ access nework that must be structurally separated between the passive infrastructure operator (the ducts and the fibre) and the active infrastructure operator (the electronic bits such as switching and transmission).
**** Top Public Sector Officers To Get 4% To 21% Pay Rise In January <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/317221/1/.html>
by Channel NewsAsia
TOp public sector staff will have a second round of salary adjustments on January 1 next year. The group includes administrative officers, as well as political, judicial and statutory appointment holders.
**** Telcos Woo Customers Ahead Of Big Shake-Up <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_186236.html>
by Alfred Siew, Straits Times
**** Why Press Freedom In Singapore Matters? <http://singaporesundry.blogspot.com/2007/12/why-press-freedom-in-singapore-matters.html>
by All And Sundry Singapore
**** Trouble And Strife: Shedding Light On Singapore <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/global/main.jhtml?xml=/global/2007/12/12/rosiemilne.xml>
by Rosie Milne, Telegraph
>From tiger hunts to amateur theatricals, Rosie Milne reads an Englishman's account of life in Singapore at the turn of the twentieth century.
**** In Taxi Saga, Consumers Pay And Pay <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/227232.asp>
by Liang Dingzi, Today
The consumers can do little to influence the saga's ending.
**** Would You Like Toilet Water With That? <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/227247.asp>
by Simon Ng Yap Peng, Today
**** Retiring Early Low On The List <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/227285.asp>
by Ng Jing Yng, Today
**** Tourists Have It Ez Now <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/227280.asp>
by Tan Hui Leng, Today
The Land Transport Authority and the Singapore Tourism Board yesterday launchd the Singapore Tourist Pass, which offers visitors unlimited rides on buses, MRTs and LRTs at $8 a day.
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