[MyAppleMenu] Aug 1, 2007
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Wed Aug 1 13:15:01 EDT 2007
**** Amid A Computer Crisis, A MacBook To The Rescue <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/ByteOfTheApple/blog/archives/2007/08/amid_a_computer.html?campaign_id=rss_blog_byteoftheapple>
by Arik Hesseldahl, BusinessWeek
I don't know exactly why the Mac can see the files, whereas Windows machines cannot, but who am I to question a data-recovery miracle hapening right before my eyes?
**** Deluxe PocMon <http://www.macworld.com/2007/07/reviews/pocmon/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld
At $20, Deluxe PocMon is a bit high-priced for a shareware game, but hardened classic arcade game fans will find more a little to like here—it's like Pac-Mac, but it's not an exact clone, and that's good.
**** Eminem Publsher Suing Apple When It Should Be Suing Universal Music <http://techdirt.com/articles/20070731/144136.shtml>
by Techdirt
**** Curing Your LaunchBar Addiction <http://db.tidbits.com/article/9094>
by Mat Neuburg, TidBITS
**** FirstEdge V3 Accounting Software Goes Universal <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/07/30/firstedge/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld
**** Happy 20Th PowerPoint! <http://blogs.msdn.com/macmojo/archive/2007/07/31/happy-20th-powerpoint.aspx>
by Mac Mojo
All of us on the PowerPoint team have been heads down working on the new version of PowerPoint and the PowerPoint Beta Converter so we totally missed this huge milestone.
**** Liveblogging The iPhone 1.0.1 Update <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/07/31/liveblogging-the-iphone-1-0-1-update/>
by Erica Sadun, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
**** Apple Updates iPhone, Safari 3 Beta And Security Update <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/07/31/iphoneupdate/index.php>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
iPhone 1.0.1 was released and is available through iTunes when the iPhone is connected. According to Apple, the iPhone update fixes two security issues in Safari, two in WebKit and one issue with WebCore.
**** Apple To Hold Mac-Focused Presentation Next Week <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/07/31/presentation/index.php>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
The presentation will take place on Tuesday August 7, 2007 at 10:00 am at Apple's Town Hall.
**** iPod Noise Pollution Irks Those Nearby <http://www.miamiherald.com/776/story/188406.html>
by Erin Carlson, Associated Press
Amped to its highest volume, the iPod is not nearly as invasive as the classic loud cell phone conversation. But it can have its moments.
**** The Ironic Rise Of The Mac Among Open Source Developers <http://news.com.com/8301-10784_3-9752463-7.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=NewsBlog>
by Matt Asay, CNET News.com
As a die-hard Mac addict and open-source advocate myself, I was thinking this morning about why the two increasingly coverge, despite all the ironies and conflicting approaches.
**** So Does AT&T's eMusic Work With iPhone? Of Course Not <http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1558,2164559,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532>
by Brian Heater, ExtremeTech
Naturally, when we heard the news about the eMusic/AT&T deal, the first thing that ran through our one-track minds was, "so, is it compatible with the iPhone?" The second thing that ran through our minds was, of couse, "heck no, this is Apple we're talking about."
**** Microsoft Releases Remote Desktop For Mac 2.0 Beta <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2007/07/31/microsoft-releases-remote-desktop-for-mac-2-0-beta>
by Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica
**** Six Months To 1 Billion <http://playlistmag.com/weblogs/ipodblog/2007/07/3billionsongs/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Rob Griffiths, Playlist
Tuesday's announcement makes it clear that the iTunes Store hasn't yet reached a point where the growth rate is slowing.
**** TimeCache 7.0.2 Released <http://www.macminute.com/2007/07/31/timecache/>
by MacMinute
**** Apple Posts Airport Update <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/07/31/apple-posts-airport-update/>
by Mat Lu, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
**** Apple Sinks On iPhone Cutback Talk <http://www.thestreet.com/s/apple-sinks-on-iphone-cutback-talk/newsanalysis/techtelecom/10371293.html?puc=googlefi>
by Scott Moritz, TheStreet.com
Apple shares took a 3% dip Tuesday amid speculation about a cut in production of the trendy iPod-inspired phone. The chatter that sent the stock down was that Apple was reducing its production of iPhones from "9 million units to 4.5 million units," according to a note from the stock trading desk at Miller Tabak & Co.
**** Daring Fireball Feed Goes Free <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/07/31/daring-fireball-feed-goes-free/>
by Mike Scharmm, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
**** Compost <http://www.macnn.com/reviews/review.php?id=339>
by Scott Gureck, MacNN
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Language Evolution's Slippery Tropes <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/01/books/01grim.html?ex=1343620800&en=36514fcb012afc0b&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by William Grimes, New York Times
Christine Kenneally's lucid survey of the expanding field of language evolution is dedicated to solving what she calls "the hardest problem in science today."
**** Fine Diner To Riffraff: Tipsy Tales Of 4 Star Benders <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/01/dining/01drun.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
by Frank Bruni, New York Times
At fancy restaurants, the inebriation comes at a higher price, but it looks much the same.
**** Jack Sim: Thinking And Talking About Toilets <http://www.thejakartapost.com/detailfeatures.asp?fileid=20070801.W02&irec=1>
by Richel Langit-Dursin, Jakarta Post
Meet Jack Sim. For the past 10 years, he has been talking about a subject that no one really wants to her about — toilets.
**** SBS, SMRT Seeking Bus, Train Fare Increases <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_144627.html>
by Straits Times
Public transport operators SBS Transit and SMRT Corp have applied for fare increases.
If approved by the Public Transport Council, bus and train fares will rise by up to 1.8 per cent - or around three cents - from October.
**** Singapore Bans Photo Exhibition On Gays, Lesbians Kissing <http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/08/01/asia/AS-GEN-Singapore-Kissing-Ban.php>
by Associated Press
Singapore's censors have banned an exhibition of photographs depicting gay men and women kissing, a gay rights activist said Wednesday, calling the move "absurd."
**** Diplomacy — A La MM Lee <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2007/08/01/diplomacy-%e2%80%93-a-la-mm-lee/>
by Choo Zheng Xi, theonlinecitizen
Imagine a senior western dignitary visiting dignitary visiting Singapore to lecture us on electoral and constitutional reform, claiming our legislators lack legitimacy because of the constitutional quirk that is our GRC system.
And after than he asks us to expedite sensitive defense negotiations.
**** Living Large In Asia <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20011275/site/newsweek/>
by George Wehrfritz and Snoia Kolesnikov-Jessop, Newsweek
Well-helled expatriates in Asia's financial capitals generally have life pretty easy. But this summer, those in Hong Kong and Singapore are starting to sweat. The problem? Sizzling real-estate markets that make even bankers blink, and international schools packed like the Tokyo subway at rush hour.
**** Other Ways Than Opt-Out Scheme? <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/203289.asp>
by Mohamad Rosle Ahmad, Today
**** Jobs In Booming Sectors Poised For Pay Hikes <http://www.asianewsnet.net/biz.php?aid=11339>
by Alvin Foo, Straits Times
Critical staff shortages in certain key professions in Singapore could lead to pay rises of up to 40 per cent in the next 12 months, a new survey has found.
**** Sixth Taxi Operator To Start Plying Soon <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_144341.html>
by Christopher Tan, Straits Times
Commuters will soon have another choice when it comes to hailing a taxi. And the rides may also be cheaper.
**** I See Dumb People <http://aidilomar.com/2007/08/01/i-see-dumb-people/>
by Sheep City
**** Public Transport Information Going In Circles Again: Part II <http://sgtransport.blogspot.com/2007/08/public-transport-information-going-in.html>
by Daniel Chin, Singapore's Land Transport
LTA promised that the electronic bus journey planner would be available on TransitLink website for testing by July 2007. Today is 1 Aug 2007. Has anyone seen it yet?
**** ERP Rates At Orchard, YMCA And Fort Canning Tunnel To Go Up <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/291479/1/.html>
by Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia
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