[MyAppleMenu] Apr 28, 2007
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Apr 28 13:15:01 EDT 2007
**** Home Means The Beginning; End Means The End <http://cafe.elharo.com/ui/home-means-the-beginning-end-means-the-end/>
by The Cafes
Mac native programs like BBEdit and Safari usually get this right. Misbehaving applications usually derive from Windows code bases.
**** End Of An Era <http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=2243028&blogID=258560618>
by James D. Stark
I no longer want to suffer for someone elses' poor system designs. The only viable alternative being Mac OS X, which is the only modern operating system that has any elegance to the design by my standards.
**** When It's Time For Purge, Do A Smart Purge <http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2003684503_ptmacc28.html?syndication=rss>
by Jeff Carlson, Seattle Times
There comes a time when you just don't need two unused laptops stacked on top of a Power Mac, sitting next to an old iMac that contains no hard drive.
**** Dear Steve Jobs <http://blogs.zdnet.com/web2explorer/?p=352>
by Alan Graham, ZDNet
While I know you think you know what's best for me (and I appreciate that), I have to say that when you recently told me that I am not interested in a subscription-based iTunes, because I would prefer to own my music, you totally missed the mark.
/Look at Apple's web hosting service in .Mac, and one will quickly realise Apple is not interested in an all-you-can-eat suck-all-my-bandwidth business model./
**** Unfortunate
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
Delicated to web nerds everywhere: an unfortunate placement of Yahoo! <http://www.flickr.com/photos/jkenning/464845773/in/set-72157600078099414> ad.
<p class="permlink">Permanent Link to This Post <http://www.myapplemenu.com/2007/04/28/id0020/>
**** Big-Box Retailers: Why We Need iTunes And Other Online Stores <http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/help-us-steve-jobs-you.re-our-only-hope/big+box-retailers-why-we-need-itunes-and-other-online-stores-256034.php>
by Gizmodo
All of this adds up to yet another reason why the Big Four and other labels need to drop DRM to spur music sales online — it's for their own good.
**** Hallmark: Success Is In The Cards <http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/hallmark/>
by Nancy Eaton, Apple
Throughout this evolution, Macs have provided the technological foundation for Hallmark's creative department.
**** Damien Villiere: Up, Up And Away <http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/villiere/>
by Bija Gutoff, Apple
For someone who's ever hopping between art forms, media and applications, the Mac uniquely suits. "With the Mac, there are no constraints to what I can design."
**** Apple Identifies And Fixes MacBook Battery Issue <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/04/27/battery/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
There is no safety issue with the batteries — the issue is limited to performance.
**** Illustrator CS3: A Few New Features Make A Huge DIfference <http://www.macworld.com/2007/04/reviews/illustratorcs3/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Ben Long, Macworld
The Live Color feature alone is worth the price of admission, and the interface improvements and better performance will make all users very happy.
**** The Fine Art Of Marital Compromise <http://boomama.net/?p=1011>
by BooMama
While we definitely missed his company, I could not deprive him of the opportunity to be at the Grand Opening of the Apple Store.
In sickness, in health. For better, for worse. And in the event of once-in-a-lifetime grand opening celebrations.
**** 4 Months Using Apple: Working With IT <http://permagnus.com/2007/04/27/4-months-using-apple-working-with-it/>
by Oska Syahbana, Permagnus.com
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Fun With The Dinosaurs <http://ricksegal.typepad.com/pmv/2007/04/fun_with_the_di.html>
by The Post Money Value
Dinosaurs, mmmmm, yummy, tastes like chicken.
**** Will Adobe And Microsoft Depend On Rich Internet Applications To Survive? <http://blog.digitalbackcountry.com/?p=782>
by Ryan Stewart, Rich Internet Application Mountaineer
As the web becomes more important as a delivery mechanism for software, where do these companies turn?
**** '$100 Laptop To Cost $175 <http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070426/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop>
by Brian Bergstein, Associated Press
The founder of the ambitious "$100 laptop" project, which plans to give inexpensive computers to schoolchildren in developing countries, revealed Thursday that the machine for now costs $175, and it will be able to run Windows in addition to its homegrown, open-source interface.
**** Six Basic Truths Of Free APIs <http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2007/04/six_rules_for_a.html>
by Nat Torkington, O'Reilly Radar
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** All Alone On Alcatraz - At Night <http://www.hamiltonspectator.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=hamilton/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1177734789543&call_pageid=1020420665036&col=1112188062620>
by John M. Glionna, Los Angeles Times
Perhaps worse than being in a prison with killers is sharing the island with no one but their ghosts.
**** Misery Lit... Read On <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/6563529.stm>
by Brendan O'Neill, BBC News
The bestseller lists are full of memoirs about miserable childhoods and anguished families. Waterstone's even has a "Painful Lives" shelf. Why are authors confessing their hurt so freely and do readers find morbid enjoyment in them?
**** Fields Of Memory <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/books/review/Brouwer.t.html?ex=1335499200&en=30a1906802529f0f&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Joel Brouwer, New York Times
A fun game for poetry nerds: read the first line or sentence of a favorite poet's first book, and image it as a summary of the writer's entire career. This works more ofthen you might think.
**** Touring The Spirit World <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/travel/29spirituality.html?ex=1335499200&en=046137927288c664&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Ethan Todras-Whitehill, New York Times
New Age-style sacred travel, or metaphysical touring, is a growing branch of tourism, particularly in countries like Egypt with strong ancient-civilization pedigress.
**** 15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has Or Will <http://www.avclub.com/content/node/60935/1>
by Scott Gordon, Josh Modell, Noel Murray, Sean O'Neal, Tasha Robinson, Kyle Ryan, A.V. Club
"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand."
**** Journalism's Greatest Generation <http://news.yahoo.com/s/ucrr/20070427/cm_ucrr/journalismsgreatestgeneration>
by Richard Reeves, Yahoo!
We lost our way, and now we have lost a man who helped us find a better way.
**** Goodbye, Baghdad <http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/04/28/riverbend/?source=rss>
by Riverbend, Salon
I'm finally leaving Iraq. But it's hard to decide which is more frightening: Car bombs and militias, or leaving everything you know and love.
**** The Lost Boys <http://books.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,2066898,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=10>
by Adam Gopnik, The Guardian
The fable-like story of a teenager who falls in love at first sight with a beautiful girl, only to spend the rest of his life searching for her. Le Grand Meaulnes is one of the msot admired novels in French literature.
**** RI Remains Tough On Singapore: Hassan <http://www.thejakartapost.com/detailgeneral.asp?fileid=20070428193857&irec=0>
by Jakarta Post
Foreign minister Hassan Wirayudha has defended the recently signed Indonesia-Singapore agreements on extradition and defense cooperation, which drew fierce criticism from some politicians and military analysts,s aying Indonesia will remain tough on its neighbor.
**** Kuan Yew In The Spotlight <http://thestar.com.my/columnists/story.asp?file=/columnists/2007/4/28/insightdownsouth/17565746&sec=Insight%20Down%20South>
by Seah Chiang Nee, The Star
Lee <Kuan Yew's> burst of activity has raised the question of whether it is a one-off thing or an indication of his dissatisfaction with the way the younger leaders are handling unpopular policies.
**** Lee Kuan Yew's Laughable Matter <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2007/04/lee-kuan-yews-laughable-matter.html>
by Mr Wang Says So
So when Lee Kuan Yew says that Singapore has "very strict rules to prevent money-laundering", what this means is that /today/, we have very strict rules to prevent money-laundering. We didn't have these rules in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 or 2001 - the critical years, from Indonesia's point of view.
**** Magazine Asks To Use British Counsel In Defamation Case <http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2007/04/28/2003358589>
by AFP
The monthly /Far Eastern Economic Review/ magazine has applied to the Singapore High Court for permission to use a British Queen's Counsel in a high-profile defamation case, its lawyer said yesterday.
The /Straits Times/ newspaper said yesterday that Singapore has 45 Senior Counsels, the local equivalent of the Queen's Counsel. However, none of those approached have been willing to represent the magazine.
**** Singapore To Built A Fifth Rail Line Costing S$12 Billion <http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news.php?id=259235>
by Jackson Sawatan, Bernama
Singapore, whose public transport system is marvelled as among the world's most efficient, is building a fifth rail line costing a whopping S$12 billion.
**** We Live In A City Full Of Materialism But Lacking In Soul <http://www.straitstimes.com/portal/site/STI/menuitem.c2aef3d65baca16abb31f610a06310a0/?vgnextoid=f832758920e39010VgnVCM1000000a35010aRCRD&vgnextfmt=vgnartid:ccdafc3418232110VgnVCM100000430a0a0aRCRD>
by Gilbert Goh Keow Wah, Straits Times
There is an empty shell that people hide in with their degress, work achievements and expensive purchases.
**** Indonesia And Singapore Sign Two Landmark Treaties <http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/04/27/asia/indo.php>
by Donald Greenlees, Internationa Herald Tribune
Indonesia and Singapore signed two landmark treaties on defense and extradition Friday that will give the city-state access to the space it needs to train its military and Jakarta the chance to bring some high-profile business fugitives to justice and recoup a fortune in bank funds embezzled during the economic crisis a decade ago.
**** Navy To Continue Patrols Around Batu Putih Island <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2007/4/27/nation/20070427171644&sec=nation>
by The Star
The navy will continue to patrol the waters around Batu Putih Island off Johor until a decision on the sovereignty claim issue between Malaysia and Singapore is made by the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
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